Records of Rebirth

Chapter 312 - Damage Control

[Where is Delphine?] Artemis asked as soon as she came outside. He was waiting alone, as Aurelia had  gone ahead with the others. 

[I sent her away.] Ophelia replied, her eyes panning to Aurelia. [She won't be bothering her again.]

[You did the right thing.] Artemis noted. [Her behaviour was getting on my nerves.] 

Ophelia continued towards Aurelia, her eyes taking in the quiet forest around them, and the changes she saw. There was too much of a crowd around her. The dark fae, those suspicious Veladrys and the chattering nestlings that abandoned their duties to follow her around. 

It was a wonder Aurelia did not get irritated by them.

However, it was the abundance of pink leafed trees that agitated Ophelia the most. 

At the end of the dead zone, the surrounding forest was deathly quiet, the result of the Veladrys and their nasty habit of infecting every creature that trespassed with their kiss. As expected, the number of pink trees increased daily while the surrounding monsters dwindled. And a while ago, something unexpected happened. 

A new Veladrys spawned on their side of the forest. 

She was a tiny creature, a child sized elf with flowers for clothes and trailing pink hair, whose only thought was to eat and chase the curious nestlings around. 

However, this upset Ophelia more than anything because she knew what it meant.

Her manifestation away from the Nymph's domain meant there was no chance of her leaving their cave. This was her home forever, unless they found a way to kill her. 

Ophelia sighed in despair. 

Just how long did they have until more Veladrys manifested? 

Looking at the number of pink girls surrounding Aurelia - it didn't seem like she was going to stop them. 

And even Typhon disagreed with her. 

He thought it was a good thing they were migrating, a way to increase their numbers and solidify their alliance by holding the Nymph accountable. 

But while she understood the Nymph had joined their Pit, Ophelia still wondered if she could be trusted. They even argued over it. 

She often thought the moments Aurelia spent with her alone were taking things too far. Their alliance only seemed to benefit the Nymph, considering how strong she had become.

It was bad enough that she asked Aurelia to visit her estranged daughter who lived far away. To some degree, she and her spawn had become more threatening than useful.

Ophelia felt a sudden rush of power as they crossed the charred ground of the dead zone. Perhaps she should do something about it before their alliance grew too dangerous?

[Ophelia.] Artemis whispered. [Aren't you going to do something?]

Ophelia was startled to see they were already there.

Aurelia was staring at her expectantly, as were the gathered nestlings. Typhon was also there alongside Otreia and Oteiza, but he was confronted by several reptiles who surrounded him, growling ferociously in an effort to protect Aquila who was trembling on the ground like an idiot.

[What was the question?] Ophelia muttered. It seemed she had missed something.

[Those…monsters. Aren't you going to stop them?] Artemis anxiously said.


To him it must seem like Typhon was in danger, considering how threatening the reptiles had become. Their agile bodies were similar to raptors, their teeth and claws viscous enough to penetrate tough scales even though they were yet to evolve. 

It wasn't too long ago that they wounded Typhon, their fast development showing they were already stronger and more ferocious than other monsters of a similar age. They would have made valuable additions to the [Pit] if they were not under Morgana's control. 

Like her, they also did not forget their enemies and had registered Typhon as such.

Still, Ophelia knew they were no match for Aurelia. She would stop them the moment they moved to attack him, only her method would just be a lot more final and far messier than if she did it herself. 

So, Ophelia moved to subdue them, commanding the creatures with her voice, until they were sleeping soundlessly on the ground. It was the least she could do to preserve their lives. 

The atmosphere immediately became calm again. The Veladrys no longer quivered behind Aurelia and the nestlings were chattering away again.

[You took your sweet time.] Typhon muttered before greeting Aurelia with a bow. [Sovereign.]

Something flickered across Aurelia's eyes and Ophelia immediately glared at him. She didn't understand why he insisted on calling her that when he could say her name. 

It was one thing to be respectful, but he was far too polite and stiff in their interactions - especially since Aurelia didn't like it.

[Why are you making Aquila cry?] She asked, even though she knew exactly why. [Aren't you being too mean?] 

Typhon ignored her petty jab to focus on Aurelia. [I found these two acting suspiciously.] He glanced at Oteiza and Otreia who immediately lowered their heads. 

[And this one…] He turned to Aquila, who cowered in fright, immediately tearing up. [Was impersonating her former Captain.]

He then hissed at her menacingly. [Did you really think no one would find out?] 

It was true, their plan was full of holes. 

Perhaps if they knew the Atlas existed they would have done better, but alas they were unlucky. 

Nevertheless, while Ophelia was secretly on Morgana's side, she would never have used Aquila for this - she was simply too fragile. With Aurelia and so many nestlings watching, she could barely contain her anxiety, already breaking down in tears. 

[Why are you covering for Morgana when you should be inside?] Typhon asked. 

His question was hardly threatening but Aquila was so frazzled, she could barely speak a word without crying.

[I-I d-don't know. I really d-don't know!] She sobbed.

Typhon sighed in frustration.

[Tell us what she told you.] Ophelia offered, but Aquila only shrank away in fear, causing the rest of the nestlings who didn't know any better to burst into laughter. 

[Such incompetence.] Artemis frowned at her trembling. [She's only incriminating herself.] 

It was true, if only Aquila realised this.

But just when Ophelia thought she was going to be killed, Aurelia, who had been silent all this time, ordered everyone to leave. The Veladrys, the spectating nestlings, even the dark fae, leaving only Typhon, herself, and Arsinoe's team. 

It was then that Ophelia realised her mistake.

Knowing Morgana's terrible personality, she should have realised Aquila's discomfort was the reason she was chosen. It wasn't about any perceived guilt or blame, she simply wanted to put her in a terrible situation because it was the perfect way to silence her.

Aquila wasn't going to speak with so many present if being the sole focus of their anger was enough to make her lose all rational thought!

The nestlings cried out in protest, annoyed at having to miss such a spectacle, but eventually they headed inside, including a reluctant Artemis. 

With everyone gone, Aquila finally gained the confidence to speak.

[I didn't know what Morgana had planned. She asked me to complete her duties for her and made those reptiles follow me. I really didn't think she would leave.] She pleaded. [I didn't want to hide anything, I was just scared.] 

[Morgana won't do anything to endanger the Pit.] Aquila insisted when she was met with silence. [She's been very good lately - I believe she has changed! She let me come hunting with her several times, and she didn't let those reptiles hurt me even when I was injured. She wouldn't do that if she hadn't changed.] 

Ophelia listened, but she was too busy marvelling at how much Aurelia understood them all.

But Typhon did not look convinced at all. 

[You should worry more about yourself than her.] He calmly stated.

And yet, it didn't seem like Aquila was lying, she trembled in fear realising her response was unsatisfactory, insisting that Morgana would come back like it was her only lifeline. 

Either she was so convinced in this belief, or she was too dumb to realise Morgana had only been kind to get the reptiles used to her presence. 

It truly seemed like she told her nothing. 

[Stop panicking.] Ophelia told Aquila who whimpered silently. [No one is going to hurt you.]

They were not getting anywhere like this.

It wasn't about where Morgana had gone, because they could easily find her. It was the timing of her leaving and her vengeful state of being.

Why did she leave those reptiles behind when they would have been of great help to her?

And why now, when everything was so calm?

There had to be more to her escape attempt because Morgana was not one to plan foolishly.

These were all questions the foolish Aquila had no answers to, exactly as Morgana intended, and Ophelia began to feel quite foolish. 

It was becoming clear that Morgana didn't need her protection. Ophelia even wondered if she planned on returning to the Pit.

If the answer was no, then her creatures posed a greater threat being alive.

She glanced at Aurelia who was watching the crying Aquila. It said a lot that she was still alive after her insolence, it was obvious that Aurelia felt some sympathy for her, but it was best they took some precautions in case things went wrong.

|[What was the last thing she discussed with you?]| Aurelia asked.

Aquila, who had been sobbing, immediately stopped. 

[Morgana has always wanted to be the strongest.] She replied. 

Ophelia noticed her voice was odd. It was crystal clear, without a single cry or stutter, although it was quite hoarse.

[Morgana wanted to kill those reptiles the moment they hatched.] Aquila emotionlessly said. [But Typhon prevented her from doing so. Then after she saw you, she realised her resolve was…too small.]

Was she under some trance?

Ophelia glanced at Typhon, whose chilling eyes were also fixed on Aurelia. 

It seemed he had noticed it too.

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