Redeeming The Golden Ticket To Life

Chapter 10: Hu Family

Chapter 10: Hu Family

[POV Hu Qiang]

Tring... Tring

My phone rang. The number belongs to my mother; I answered it fully expecting bad news,

"Hello mother"

"It's code red here, come immediately" there was the noise of something broken and a lot of people in the background and then the connection was lost.

'Well I guess I am in trouble it seems.'

I left all other work and rushed to my parents' place, it is two hours' drive away from Economic Park. I rushed home.

I reached my parents' place; it is a traditional country Villa with more grounds to farming your vegetables and rare animals. I rushed and inside I was welcomed by a scene of utter destruction. It felt like a tornado passed by or an earthquake took place, everything in the house that could be damaged or broken was damaged and broken. I look to an old lady standing by the staircase; she is the old maid serving our family,

"Ayi, what happened?"

"Young Master, Little Master threw a tantrum and locked himself in his room."

'Well, it seems what I was afraid of still happened.'

I went upstairs to my son's room. I met my mother and father both standing outside the doors, they were both wearing simple home dresses, age have left marks on them but looking at them you see the sense of authority still deeply ingrained in them. You can make out they are still influential people. Approaching them cautiously,

"Hello mother, father" I greeted them.

"What have you done this time, Xiao Wei went all out?" my mother asked.

"I don't know who rat me out" of I muttered under my breath.

"What did you say?" my mother asked sharply.

'We can't blame them their grandson is more precious than their son, after all, said and done. "Nothing, first let me get him out then will talk."

I knocked on the door - no response.

"Come out, the father needs to know the problem to solve it, come out of your room. In this house we talk like gentlemen, I would wait for 10 minutes on the dinner table if you are not out by that time you might as well stay in that room forever" and I walked towards the dinner table at first floor.

(Don't get me wrong Wang Wei is a sensible child. He is very calm most of the times but every Dragon has their reverse scales and his, is his mother, Bai Chang.)

I waited for five minutes and there he was a little man in his white shirt and black shorts walking down the stairs, he had his mother's eyes and nose while facial features are from me. I guess you can say he got the best of our genes. He came down steadily with his small steps and sat down on a chair opposite mine.

'Well, it is a face-off then it seems.' I smirked inside, while outside I watched him calmly.

His grandparents followed taking a seat by their grandson a blatant show of the party they support even before a debate is initiated.

"State your problem". I said quietly.

"Mother has regained consciousness, you never told" my son accused me.

'I knew it, my son would go berserk only for one person in this world and the privilege goes to his mother, Bai Chang and more so after that accident. It seems he still holds himself responsible after all this time.'

My parents were caught by surprise as I haven't told them about her recovery. I saw expectations in their eyes. In this house the person who holds the highest position, greater than me and even their darling grandson is Bai Chang, she is 'The Pearl' of our family.

"Yes, she regained consciousness two months back. Who told you about this?"

"I saw her in your office today; I planted a sensory camera in your mobile as you never allowed me to meet her in the hospital for security reasons. So I could only adopt this road."

I was taken by surprise, do not get fooled by his child-like appearance this 4-year-old child could hack into any system he wished something he inherited and perfected on from both his parents. "Why today?" I still asked.

"Because she's walking and talking"

I admit defeat, to look into his pleading eyes begging to see his mother but still afraid to ask for it. I rub my hands over my face and try to compose myself.

"She woke up two months back, Yun Lee also informed that she is suffering from amnesia temporary or permanent we can't confirm yet. Currently, we cannot put any emotional stress on her. She is not aware of me or you; she is staying in the Villa unit 1 in Residency Area under tight perimeter security. Today she came to work to thank me for the money I spent on her medical care and came to return the debt. While she is being followed by foreign intelligence as we speak."

'My parents took a deep breath, they were getting serious and when this couple gets serious it's time for chaos in the city but what amuse me was my son joining their ranks ready to battle with the world.'

"Is she alright any other health complications?" my mother asked.

"She is going through a Physiotherapy session regularly," I replied.

"Who is taking care of her then?" this time my father enquired.

"I let Li Jie go to her and she accepted him by her side, apparently she remembers a few faces if not the relations. She also employed a Steward and nutritionist. Today was the first time she got out of the residence."

"And they still followed her. What do they want?" my father growled.

Its obvious Bai Chang was in the accident because of this foreign intelligence following her which almost destroyed our family.

(Do not misunderstand even though Bai Chang was autistic she is loved and cared by my parents at first it was because of some family history between both our families that is mine and Bai Chang but later it turned to the genuine feelings, she conquered my parents with the innocence and purity of a simple child, to them Bai Chang was a child they pampered and showered with endless love sometimes even I became jealous of her for receiving so much attention from my parents.)

I realise I haven't told them the big news yet so I dropped the bomb, "Hold on everyone before you get all excited, let me inform you she is no longer autistic. She is too sharp and doesn't trust people easily; to her right now everyone is an enemy you and I included."

All three of them were shell shocked by the news they appeared as withered eggplant. At least I am not alone to feel the disappointment.

While we were talking, the house was sufficiently cleaned. The family had a quiet dinner, everyone, thinking of plans best suited to introduce themselves to Bai Chang without making her run for the hills.

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