Redeeming The Golden Ticket To Life

Chapter 17: Mother And Son

Chapter 17: Mother And Son

[POV Bai Chang]

After sending Hu Qiang the links and information, I looked through the traffic camera feed as that little bundle of joy of Bai Chang's life was taken away from school by her father in law under tight security.

It seemed strange as that 'adrenaline rush' finally settled down.

(Is this how mothers around the world feel?)

While there is this belief that I would meet him soon and then it would be real or may be different. I am a mother while I do not even know how to become one. I felt a moment of frailty while logging out of the feeds but there are other things to take care too.

I went into the system and with the aid of 'Jiffy' I am plugged into various military and government's private servers and data portals; there is no distinction, be it research, arms, policies or nuclear data. I searched and combed through them to find that 'needle in the haystack'. Here the needle is the motive to put down Bai Chang.

(What exactly was she aware that her life became a ticking bomb for a few figures of authority?

This is now a race against time. I find it I live; I don't find it I die, as simple as that and I want to live. As 'Siming' the 'God of Fate' won't be generous the third time. I don't want to test the practical significance of the theory 'third time's the charm'.

What happens if I get demoted to hell?

I strongly believe, when you are alive you are already in heaven there is no other special abode called heaven.)


[POV Hu Qiang]

[Knock.. Knock..]

"Come in"


"Hello Cyrus, let's get down to work first."

I passed him the information and cyber details as provided by Bai Chang.

"Cyrus, look through these potential places and virtual maps here as provided and gather data as fast as you can and sidle through the system, try not to leave any obvious virtual footprints behind, get it done in 10 minutes."

"Okay. It is easy all the codes and bypass signals are provided by Bai Chang. It is like taking a walk in our own backyard now."

(While Cyrus was on it I called the Commissioner of Police and simultaneously alerted the Narcotics Department towards the location provided by her. It is an opium den; illegally functioning here in the capital city, it is not possible that no one is aware of it rather there is a mutual give and take going around.

Thus breaking down this place would have no major effect but the proper message would be sent to the respective receiver. I am surprised at the dexterity of the plan as proposed by Bai Chang; it is trimmed with no unnecessary moves at all which forces the other side to make another move while not giving any leeway from our side.

I arrange the specific props and people as is directed by her.

Let's wait and see how others deal with it?)

"Boss" Cyrus called out, "it's done".


Now we wait and watch the show.


[POV Feling]

As I clocked in for my night-shift I saw a file on the table. I took a seat and looked through the contents. Looking at the response from Bai Chang, I am not sure what to make of it now?

The attack around the school and delivering the message to her only resulted in Hu Qiang taking preemptive measures and bashing down one of the black market opium den owned by few official authorities. Making it clear that he knows the intention behind these people and he is looking forward to the next move.

What puzzles me here is Bai Chang's reaction; there is no reaction at all. This is where it gets interesting as either she is truly amnesic and not aware of anything at all so people around her are keeping her in dark or she is truly bidding her time.

Interesting, it seems the next move should be a face-to-face contact with her when she least expects it, it would clear a lot of the facts.

I guess it's time to visit the mainland.


[POV Hu Qiang]

I called the main residency.

After a few rings, it got connected.

"Hello, Hu Residency, who is there?"

"Father it's me, Qiang"

"What's the matter?"

"Could you come together with Wang Wei and mother to the Villa at Residency Area?"

"Are we finally meeting Bai Chang?"

"I didn't plan for it but now it is necessary."

"Is it related to today's incident at school?"

"Yes, will let you know the details later at home." I disconnected the call.

I thought through what I am really going to do next?

I left work early and rushed to the Villa, as I arrived my family arrived too.

We first went inside our home, as everyone settles down in the living a room I looked towards Wang Wei and said "today evening we are going to meet your mother. You almost got kidnapped today and someone is trying to use you again to exploit your mother. It's good that this time she took prudent steps but still to make the situation clear we would go to meet her so that there are no uncertain health conditions to her due to trauma."

My father and mother became sombre as they listened to it.

"Are we going to meet too?"

"Yes, it's best to get this meet and greet event done together as there would be fewer surprises or unwanted anticipation factor added to her psychological stress."

"Okay, how much can we interact with her?" my mother inquired.

"Bare minimum as her trust levels are too low until and unless she accepts us it is hard to get near her."

"What is your progress then?" time my father asked scrutinizing me.

"I am on probation as a boyfriend, for now," I answered slightly red-faced, "she has become too cautious to open a heart to others. It is best not to push her or you would get pushed away from her."

"I will prepare something to eat for her."

"Mom it is better to not make anything that you think she liked previously as her approach to everything is new she barely goes by the old stuff."

"I understand" she replied then turned to Wang Wei and said, "get ready you are finally going to meet your mother."

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