Redeeming The Golden Ticket To Life

Chapter 22: Beautiful Sunshine

Chapter 22: Beautiful Sunshine

[POV Bai Chang]

It is bright.

Lights are flooding my eyes.

I rubbed my eyes and flutter them slowly while opening them.

Sunlight is flooding the room while I see Xiao Wei sleeping beside me in peace.

That cute little angel face is too adorable.

As I got down from the bed and move I feel a tug, looking down I see Xiao Wei is holding onto my hands in his sleep. My heart melts. I gently free my hands from his and pat him on his head as demonstrated by Hu Qiang.

Have to say the man is well round off. He knows how to handle a child.

(I swear that at that particular movement last night I felt so embarrassed that I wished I could dig a hole and shove my head in it to avoid all embarrassments.

Imagine looking at the leader of all agents from a progressive civilization of Star Time System getting all stumped in front of a man, when the topic of discussion is child care. Ahh-hh Hell!!)

No..No-no... not going that way, it is way too early (or is it late) in the morning to be weighed down by such heavy topics.

Let us start fresh.

As I freshened up and entered my bedroom, I am greeted by wide open shining brown orbs of eyes. My poor heart melts.

It is so unfair, the child when he grows up, he will be such a heartthrob to the poor maiden hearts

I can already see a lot of peach blossoms blooming in the future. That would be such a headache.

(My imagination is really way too colourful for a child to know... Reign in yourself Bai Chang as I muttered to myself.)

"Morning, Xiao Wei. Had a good sleep?"

"Yes Mamma"

I move towards the bed and my arms automatically open up to receive him. He runs into my arms and hugs me tight.

"Xiao Wei, how about I call you little munchkin from now on?"

"Okay Mamma"

"Good boy, now go on get yourself freshened up. I will meet you in the kitchen, let's hunt for breakfast."

We both giggled and he left for the washroom.

I have to say that he is really independent for his present age. I don't know how Hu Qiang raised him to be so obedient and adorable.

I sighed

As I arrived in front of the dining table I am welcomed with freshly cut fruits and juices sitting on the table while on the right corner Hu Qiang is going through files.

"No work on the dining table," I said bossily.

(I don't know why I did that...

I felt like flirting with him, I guess)

He immediately closes the file, not even taking a second look and move them to the coffee table in the room.

"Yes, my lady as you order, your humble servant would follow" he replied playfully.

I giggled it really is fun seeing him play along, he continued with this role.

He walked towards me and held the chair out for me. I take my seat as the head of the house.

I started to chomp down these fruit slices.

(Don't get me wrong but I am too hungry to flirt with this man. Big rats are doing the samba, in my stomach.)

Xiao Wei joined us at the table and we have our breakfast or rather brunch you may say.

After this, I moved to my study room.

Sometime late Hu Qiang followed with him Xiao Wei entered as well.

Xiao Wei runs towards me and jumps on my lap.

"Mamma, may I stay in your study and read from your library."

(He looks as adorable as a chocolate cupcake.)

"Sure munchkin read whatever you like and if there is any doubt come to me I will explain it to you."

He gives me a sweet kiss on my cheeks and left my arms starts looking around my library.

While I turned towards Hu Qiang.

He sensed my questioning gaze on him.

He coughed lightly and replied, "May I borrow your study to finish my work".

"Why don't you go to the office to finish with those?"

"I am taking a break from work these are only the rest of the most immediate or urgent files. Everything else will be handled by Ming Li. It is about time that he should start working for his salary."

"Okay then feel free to work here" I replied and moved towards the main table.

Hu Qiang occupied the couch while the only armchair in the room was taken away by Xiao Wei, who is carrying a heavy book, I looked towards the title, it is a book on Introductory Medical Science.

While I have been still snooping around various government research projects and other stuff from around the world. There is silence in this study room but it is not stifling rather it is very soothing and harmonious... feeling of family.

It used to be a foreign term to me back in my old life at Star Time System.

I feel like life blessed me this time as I am no longer alone and have a good family by my side.

I will be a part of this family at some point in the future but not now.

I guess I still need this transition period to smooth down a few storms of Bai Chang's past.

Something tells me it is not very simple but rather a complicated web. The thing is I need to find out the nature of this web and the spider behind it. The sooner it is the better it is for all the people involved in this web.

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