Redeeming The Golden Ticket To Life

Chapter 6: To-Do List

Chapter 6: To-Do List

To-Do List

Surf the dark web

To set up an upgraded security grid on the Villa

Get some small jobs on the web to buy better specs for the computer system unit

Break the firewall of Hu Corporations

Make a good amount of money out of him

And the last one is her secret she would do it herself, satisfied with the list she called it a night.


'Next morning after regular Physiotherapy, I was resting. Today Dr Lee did not come, I missed his handsome face but Dr Yun made up more than enough with her beauty and wits. It's always good to chat with intelligent people since it develops your IQ.'

"Brother Li Jie, do we have a basement and an outhouse on the property?"

"Young lady, we do."

"Great! Let's go check out the place."

'First, we went to the outhouse. It's big enough, it comprises of two floors the ground floor was all open while the first floor was sectioned, just perfect for me to set up my workshop. Next to the basement, it was a hard-core panic room model with thick walls; cleverly ventilated and ample space. I have some plans for this place but not immediate.'

"Good this place is up to the mark in near future I'll set up my workshop here," I told Li Jie.

"Young lady, what would you like to be arranged?"

"Nothing special, currently high-speed internet and high spec computer units would do."

"Okay, I will arrange for it. Where to set up the unit? "

"Set it up on third-floor study room in the main building please."

'Li Jie made a scrumptious lunch and it filled my heart with joy. By evening I had a well-functioning system unit. I first opened Amazon and placed a bulk order of books ranging from Medical, Computer Science, AI to energy fuel and textile minerals and anything and everything that could be found so that people won't be surprised when I do stuff in future and I have a cover ready for me. If people feel surprised by my achievements I will simply reply-- I'm a born genius.'

Last evening I received an email, it was from Li Jie comprising the list of candidates to be interviewed for the Steward and Nutritionist post with their CVs. I looked through them. We would need to interview them to get to know the real person.

I went to the study and surf the internet, the night passed away.


Today was a rest day, no Physiotherapy. I did a light exercise to warm my body; after breakfast, it was time to interview the candidates, there were four candidates for each post so we need to interview eight people in total.

The venue was my ground floor study room.

Li Jie called the first person.

A middle-aged man with fidgeting hands sat across us and Li Jie asked him questions. When asked about his previous occupation his heart skipped a beat, his nose slightly red his eyes flitted around for a moment but he contained it.

I spoke up "Thank you for your time, will get back to you soon."

I had a laptop around me; I showed his pasts' extra-curricular details to Brother Li Jie. He understood the man was not clean.

Next entered someone but he was too nervous so I didn't take an interest to him.

Next came a person who is wearing casual outfits instead of prim and proper suits; there was a sense of steadfastness which is contradictory to his outlook, it piqued my interest, I initiated the interview -


"Zhang Wei"

"The previous occupation"

"Special Op"

"Anything classified, I should worry about"


"Why this job?"

"It's easy and I need some relaxing moments"

While speaking I observed him; he wasn't telling a lie his muscles look trained from special exercises, his temperament natural and calm, his breathing even.

"Are you aware of your job description?"

"Yes, I am"

"Are you comfortable with it?"


"Will get back to you soon"

"Thank you, have a good day." Then he took his leave.

"Brother Li Jie, he is hired, do let him know, as for the nutritionist you choose one you see fit and keep him or her on probation. I am tired I would retire to my room." Seeing me tired he didn't delay and I went upstairs. I went straight for my study and there I looked through the records kept on the table.

Zhang Wei is from 'special co-ops' unit branch 6. Served in the military for seven years and all were intensive battle ground operations most of the missions he works on, he operated from 'Ground Zero'. His last mission is heavily classified even under military records.

He is an interesting person not too shabby, tall, well-muscled, square face, broad nose, thin lips and standard military hairstyle; the most noteworthy aspect of his asset are his eyes. They were calmtoo calm, like the unnerving calm before the storm. These types of people make interesting subordinates to have by ones' side.

'Let me see if I can win him over to my side'.

After dinner I went to the study; I have already surfed the internet and dark web for the last few days. I took three low-key but good pay generating jobs and re-routed the money to buy components to make my supercomputer system. Satisfied, I look through the books I ordered first medical books-- the night passed by reading books. I fell asleep on the couch.


The morning I freshened up and continued with my routine. A week passed by, during this time my body acclimatized with the environment and the metabolism rate increased steadily. Good progress, I skimmed through most of the technical books that I ordered, today I am waiting for the components to be delivered.

Additionally, Zhang Wei would join his work today. He would be staying with us from here onwards.

"Young lady, are you expecting something?" Li Jie inquired after watching look towards the door for the nth time.

"Yes, I am waiting for special delivery. It might get stopped by the main entrance gate of the community."

"May I know what the content is?"

"Mostly technical components to build any functioning system"

"Okay Young lady, you rest I will check with the main gate security"

"Thanks, brother"

Li Jie left and returned after 2 hours. He came back; accompanying him was Zhang Wei and some other men carrying boxes after boxes of the parcel. They placed it gently on the floor.

"Welcome, Zhang Wei"

"Good Afternoon, lady"

"Please call me Bai Chang, as Brother Li Jie already calls me 'Young Lady', there are no other options here."

Zhang Wei smiled I swear, it was not a bright smile but the corner of his lips hooked up.

Both of them helped me get these boxes on the third floor and I retired for the day.


Next few days I spent most of my time in the study room, making my supercomputer I only showed up for my Physiotherapy sessions.

It took some time but I finally got my prototype running.

It took another week to perfect the supercomputer after a month of hard work, I finally made it.

Now it's 'Game On..'

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