Redeeming The Golden Ticket To Life

Chapter 85: Punish {gore content}

Chapter 85: Punish {gore content}

[The chapter will be a little on the darker side with torture involved; read at your own risk]

[POV Feling]

Secret Room Army Base Camp-

"What do you mean, that we have a leak from our side?" the General thundered.

I keep my silence in front of this man.

"Explain," he ordered.

"Sir, the motive might become political, from my side I have proof of corruption against the target but I can't be clear of the political involvement," I answered.

"Then what do you want?" this time the Colonel asked while the General was fuming at the side.

"Simple, lets order shuanggui against our target, we will get our required information after some disciplinary actions," I suggested.

"On what basis?" the Colonel asked, clearly he looked flustered to even tackle a senior officer as the target for classified information leakage.

The room was pin-drop silent, while all the members present were a little lost in their own thoughts. At last, after some time the General spoke up, "Do what you feel necessary, I saw your report as well as proofs that you presented. You have my permission to go ahead." 

"Yes Sir" I saluted and left.

As trading of classified information is a serious crime against the nation, more so if you get caught red-handed for it, I can apply for shuanggui disciplinary system against my target.

The Central Commission on Discipline Inspection (CCDI) has been a central player in the campaign, particularly through its abusive shuanggui disciplinary system.

The shuanggui system, which functions beyond the reach of Nation's criminal justice system, gives the CCDI the authority to summon any of the Communist Party's 88 million members to account for allegedly ill-gotten gains at a "designated location at a designated time." Those summoned are deprived of liberty for days, weeks, or months, during which time they are repeatedly interrogated and often tortured. Typically, shuanggui detention ends when the official confesses to corruption or other alleged disciplinary violations; some are then transferred to the regular criminal justice system for prosecution.

The shuanggui system not only facilitates serious human rights abuses, but it also depends on them. The threat of being subjected to shuanggui strikes fear in Party members regardless of their position. A wide range of officials across industries and provinces from normally untouchable former Politburo-level officials down to minor local authorities, from national sports team coaches to famous media figures have been subjected to the system.

Shuanggui detainees face interrogation about corruption or other violations of Party rules. The system relies on indefinite and at times prolonged solitary confinement; individuals were taken into custody typically have no contact with the outside world, including family members and lawyers, and are watched around the clock by teams of officials who function as guards. Detainees have none of the procedural rights protected under international human rights law or even those that criminal suspects are entitled to under national law, such as access to lawyers or appearance before a judge.

In many cases, shuanggui detention begins with an enforced disappearance, with detainees' families having no idea where their loved one is or why he or she is being held. Shuanggui detainees (also referred to as "CDI detainees") are not held in police stations or other official detention facilities, but often in hostels and training facilities for Party cadres.

Shuanggui thus provides authorities with a platform to coerce confessions from suspects that are then used in court. Because Nation's criminal justice system, from procurators to judges, is dominated by the CCP, there are few effective checks on the improper use of this evidence to convict and sentence individuals caught up in the system.

The use of shuanggui allows judges to skirt even the minimal protections due to the criminal suspects in Nation. Judges typically refuse to examine any documentary evidence, including paperwork and any video recordings of shuanggui interrogations; nor is this material available to the shuanggui detainees or their legal representatives.

Even though nation's law requires that evidence obtained through torture be excluded during criminal investigations, we are not aware of any case in which a court acquitted a suspect or overturned a conviction due to misconduct by investigators that occurred during shuanggui. CDI officers are only subject to oversight within the Party.

Human Rights Watch found only two cases in which low-level interrogators and guards were jailed after torturing and killing shuanggui detainees. CDI officers otherwise appear to be able to act unlawfully with impunity.

The fact is will he survive what I have prepared for him?

'Serves him right, for trying to screw me over instead,' I thought to myself.


Some unknown location-


"Aargh aaargh arrgh!"

As I enter the room I am welcomed with the pleasant sound of my target in pain.

"Well hello, there Lt. General. How is our hospitality? Did we miss something, or did wrong, please let us know," I jested.

The man in front of me was naked as he is forced into a crouching position; feet placed one behind the other. Only the front half of the back foot touches the ground and therefore carries nearly the whole bodyweight.

The man simply groaned in reply. His skin shows welt mark all over his body.

He is semi-conscious, I don't like it.

Almost every prisoner in the People's Republic had to or still has to suffer being beaten and kicked. This by far, the most common form of abuse is especially easy to spot once the prisoner has been released from prison as the victims exhibit widespread bruises and injuries on their bodies. Numerous victims of torture have reported that the beatings and other torture methods stopped a few weeks before they were due to be released from the camps or penitentiaries in order not to leave behind any external signs of the abuse. Inflammations and even greater pain can be the consequence of further abuse.

The victim must often over a number of days and sometimes whilst tied up remain in a certain position. This form of torture is often used in combination with the deprivation of food, water or sleep.

"Hello, Lt. General"

"Why am I here?" he yowled in pain.

"You still not aware of your crime?" I mocked him.

I pick up a taser from the corner table and tase him at a lower setting.


"argh, aargh, aaargh, arrgh, arrrgh!"

I pull up a piece of paper from my back pocket, while the man in front of me growled and gasped in pain.

"Come here, let me show you your crime," I dragged the man by his hair and pulled him under a bright lamp, "now read this aloud!"

His hands shook wildly after being released from his punishment posture. He grabbed the papers, then squinted his eyes from the bright light, trying to adjust his vision.

"I-I ma-made deals, deals with Cobra Gang and sold them five hundred units of military weapons and..." his eyes went wide the further he read.


"Keep reading, who asked you to stop?"

I tased him on his inner thighs and then on his p*nis.

"Aargh, aargh, aaargh, arrgh, arrrgh.!"

"Please forgive me, f-for-forgive me, argh, aargh, aaargh, arrgh, arrrgh.!"

He howled in pain. 

"Save me S-Save m-me!" he begged while he withered in pain on the cold prison floor.

"Should have thought about the consequences, before you dealt with them"

The former strong man, the illustrious Lt. General was now rolling on the floor, looking all grim and pained.

Suddenly it started smelling musty in the prison.

I looked towards the man on the ground, he was still begging for mercy while he had pi**ed on himself.

'Disgusting' I scowled as I looked at the mess of a man he is and left the room.

"Salute" a sergeant greeted.

"At ease, put him in Corsage and force-feed him once a day. Keep me updated with the latest development of the prisoner.

"Yes sir" the sergeant turned his heel and walked inside to execute the orders.

The "Corsage" consists of a piece of canvas with sleeves. The sleeves are longer than the arms and have strings attached to them. With these strings the victim's arms are crossed and tied up behind the back, then forcefully pulled back over the head. This violent upward-pulling motion causes the shoulders to dislocate and the arms and elbows to break. In some cases, the victim, who is experiencing great pain, is then hanged upside-down from a tree.

While again and again, prisoners go on hunger strike as a means of protest against the conditions of their detention or against the lack of legal foundation of their detention. Those prisoners are usually punished with forced feeding. The main aim of the forced feeding ordered by the police is not however to feed the victim. The objective is to break the will and the resistance of the victim.


Somewhere unknown-

"You think he will confess?" The General asked.

"Yes Sir, he would give his statement within a week," I answered.

"What are the charges against him?"

"Sir, he is charged for top-secret military data leakage i.e. 'Project 33' along with selling military weapons to a potential enemy of the nation and partaking in trades of sensitive commodities with politicians and criminals alike as well as mishandling of government funds allocated for specific military purpose." I accounted.

There was pin-drop silence in the room.

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