Regarding Those Matters of Me and My Little Sister

Chapter 11: The Disobedient Qin Lan

Chapter 11: The Disobedient Qin Lan

I really did not mean to look at Lin Yin Yin's underwear, now that she noticed I was also depressed, admitting fault was impossible, so I had to play dumb.

So I foolishly swept the floor, the people working at blackboard and on newspapers were also thoroughly done. Several people smiled, and I couldn't help but smile a little. Lin Yin Yin clapped her hands and said well done, now our class has the most beautiful blackboard.

The girls were so happy that Lin Yin Yin waved her small hand and said to go out for a big meal, her treat. I said I would go back to the dormitory, but they all said we should go together, and even the art committee, who had a lot of prejudice against me, let me go together. I was very excited to go to the dinner.

I looked at Lin Yin Yin, she did not know what to think, in any case, it was strange, but she also agreed, but also took a look at me, as if I should act carefully.

We went to eat a big meal together to celebrate, during the meal they were talking and laughing, I could not interrupt, so I had to hide my face and eat vigorously, and I dropped my spoon on the floor.

I went to pick it up, half my head under the table, and saw Lin Yin Yin's thighs.

She sits across from me, very tiny, her thighs are very slender compared to her body proportions, I also just accidentally glanced at it, but I did not expect her to quickly clench her thighs, but she used her hands to cover her pants.

The corners of my mouth twitch, it's over. I picked up the spoon and looked up at her, she was staring at me with annoyance and suspicion.

She must have thought I was peeking at something again, what an injustice. I sullenly ate and drank ignoring her, and her whole focus was locked on me, afraid that I would be picking up for a spoon again.

Finally everyone had enough to eat and drink and dispersed. Lin Yin Yin also intends to go home. I naturally went back to the dormitory, but Lin Yin Yin's face darkened and she asked me to see her off.

I was surprised, what did she want? I didn't refuse, she was still having trouble walking, and when I saw that she was tired, I said I would carry you.

She immediately stopped and looked back at the class officers who had left, then coldly and fiercely glared at me: "You son of a bitch, are ...... you clearly know what you want!"

My heart stuttered, busy shaking my head and said I do not understand what you mean. She was so angry she was on fire: "Don't pretend, yesterday I just had a good impression of you, today you are like this, really can't believe it."

I was speechless, she is a smart person, I could not fool her, I simply admitted it straightforwardly: "I did not mean to, picking up chalk I just raised my head, picking up the spoon I did not even look at your legs on purpose."

"You still have the face to talk back? Did you have to keep staring after raising your head? You must have had bad intentions when picking up the spoon, why are you like this?"

She was so aggressive that I couldn't stand up to her. It's true that I was wrong, but the way she handled it made me sick, why did she look like she was teaching me, would a girl normally do that when she was angry?

I sullenly apologize, Lin Yin Yin a hum: "You should reflect on it, I still feel good about you, do not do such nasty things again."

This- come on...... I was confused by what she said, what type of girl is she in the end ah.

I apologized again and said it's okay I'll go first, I won't peep in the future. But my attitude makes her very dissatisfied, she coldly grunted: "You simply do not understand your error, if you do this again I will not spare you."

I said okay, okay, she glared at me hard, lifted her foot and walked away. I was glad to be educated by her, I always feel very uncomfortable ah.

Luckily, she let me go, so I planned to go back to the dormitory to take a break. But out of the corner of my eye, I saw a girl staring at me there.

I was shocked, my eyes glazed over, my brow furrowed, it was Qin Lan. (TN: () Oh no)

She stared at me unapologetically, then slowly walked into the alley. I gave her three days to think about it, and now she's coming to me? Had she given in?

I had to be careful, she went into the alley, clearly trying to lure me in, maybe she had set up an ambush in the alley?

I surveyed around the corner and found nothing unusual, it seemed she was the only one.

I thought for a moment and then ran towards the street, directly around the other side of the alley into the alley.

Qin Lan went into the head of the alley, I went into the end of the alley, very carefully and cautiously.

This is a good place for an ambush, as there is no one inside, but noise from the street is coming in.

I walked in gingerly like a cat, but a moment later I saw the entrance to the alley, Qin Lan was standing against the wall there, to my surprise she was holding a fruit knife and some rope.

I was really amazed, she is trying to do the same thing to me?

But she was also too stupid, just one person in ambush there, and in broad daylight, it would be easy to be seen.

I really want to laugh, but also my heart grew colder, goodness, Qin Lan really will not be obedient.

I retreated again without a sound, she has a knife, I dare not pass easily, and let her try to ambush me.

I ran out and darted to the store to buy a weapon, directly bought a watermelon knife, see how the fuck you die!

With a watermelon knife in hand, I am not afraid of anything, and then into the alley, and then sneak close to the entrance of the alley.

Qin Lan was obviously very nervous, waiting at the entrance of the alley with a tense body, I did not come immediately so she did not check around often.

When I got to about five meters behind her, I got slower and slower. This time she finally couldn't hold back and took a few steps forward to survey the outside.

The result is naturally not to be able to see me, I seized the opportunity to take a lunge, a watermelon knife slapped on her arm. (TN: Dang, hes going for the kill)

A loud snap, she was so scared that the fruit knife and rope all fell to the ground. I quickly retrieved them, and then grabbed her by the hair dragged towards the alley.

She then reacted, screaming, and a burst of curses and swearing, mouth venomous as hell.

My watermelon knife was shaking and I threatened her, she did not dare to move, and her hair was grabbed by me in very painful grasp, she could only go in with me.

I let her go and kicked her to the ground when I got inside. The new phone in her pants pocket fell out, and I couldn't help but smile coldly: "Do you also want to take nude photos of me?"

She gritted her teeth and didn't say a word, I slashed at the phone, Qin Lan shrank in fear, she failed to fight back to kill.

But I'm surprised, if you want to kill back, how come she didn't call some friends to come? Going by yourself and trying to kill me like a dumbass?

I had experience from last time, I was much more stable this time and almost laughed: "I've never seen someone as stupid as you, what? Where's your friend?"

I hit her with such reckless abandon that she grabbed the floor with her fingers, "Give me back my phone or you'll be damned."

Bullshit! I responded coldly, "How are you thinking about that? Do you want to call the police?"

I already guessed that she would not call the police, otherwise she would not have come to ambush me, and I wanted her to give in completely.

As a result, she didn't give a shit, lowered her head and grabbed the ground fiercely, and dared not resist. What the fuck is she playing at? The dead pig is not afraid of boiling water? (TN: The whole dead pigs part basically means, the dead do not fear anything.)

Since I'm not afraid of boiling water I'll give her a scalding, I quickly and cleanly slapped her with my hands, with the mindset of revenge and hatred brought the knife to her neck.

She still did not dare to resist, painfully tilting her head to avoid the knife. This time I found a slap mark on her side of the face, especially large, which seemed to be relatively new, hidden and not clear.

I froze, although I had her face, but my hand was not so big, and I did not draw such a deep slap mark.

Her slap marks are like a giant's hateful slap, and it is assumed that her mouth was drawing blood at the time.

But I didn't look into it, she deserved it and got what she deserved. I then taunted her: "It seems I'm not the only one who cleaned you up, does it hurt?"

I was afraid to tap her face, she immediately understood what I was talking about, and suddenly went crazy: "I'll say it one last time, give me back my phone, or I'll fight you!"

You can fight, I am afraid of you?

I smiled, she was cornered by me, but even threw her hand to slap me, but I dodged quickly.

Damn, I was angry, I threw the knife and pushed her to the ground: "You are very upset, aren't you? Now do you know what regret is? How you bullied Li Xin in the beginning? How did you humiliated me? You're fucking angry? You bitch, a junior high schooler is such a bitch, shame on your mother!"

I was mercilessly abusive, and hit her again and again, she was no match for me, and scuffled with me for a moment before she shrank back, blocking her head.

The more I thought about it, the more I hated her, and reached out to strip her pants: "You like to force people to drink urine, I also have an interest, I like to pull your hair. I love to pull your hair, you stupid bitch!" (TN: MC?!??!? Hello???? This is weird.)

Qin Lan was shocked, I plucked her hair twice before, she had lost a lot of hair there, and now I was going to do it again, she kicked me like crazy, but I held her down, I did not hesitate to rip off her pants.

Then I froze, my eyes were drawn to the wound on her leg. It was not a normal injury, it was dense, almost all red, swollen and bruised, both thighs were miserable.

Although I hate her, but suddenly seeing this injury also I feel too bad, how could she fight like this?

I was surprised when Qin Lan crawled backward, and she pulled up her pants that was hanging from her feet.

Then she stood up and ran, still cursing: "You wait to die, I will kill you sooner or later!"

I did not chase her, this bitch will not yield, but she is very unusual, to be beaten so badly, and she came to kill back without help, this bitch has a mental problem?

I went home carefully, couldn't figure out what happened, I didn't want to.

That night, our weekend was officially over, and all students had to go back to class for evening study.

I also went back to the classroom, and hurriedly tried to make up homework. My tablemate Zhang Xiong began to study in the beginning of class, high school freshmen basically did not settle down, and we are a bad high school, there are a few serious groups who study?

So when the classroom was in chaos, Zhang Xiong poked me: "Just write bullshit on your homework, help me write a love letter, I want to give the class president."

I said you write it yourself, he was upset: "I can't even understand my own words, so you write it, and then help me give it to the class president, after all, you are the vice president, and should be more familiar with her."

You really have a good fucking plan, let me do everything, just so you can date her?

I didn't even bother to give him a second thought when he pulled twenty dollars out of his pocket: "Here's the reward, and you don't have to pay me back the money you owe me." (TN: 3 USD is what was given.)

I was immediately impressed, after all, I lost my living expenses this month, twenty dollars is a lot of money for me.

I hesitated for a moment and agreed, and spent a study session helping him write it up. He crossed his legs with a tug: "Hurry up and give it to her, I'll watch her reaction."

I didn't think much of it and went to the front to look for Lin YinYin. Lin Yin Yin was concentrating on a book, seemingly reading a well-known book.

It was still very awkward for me to hand over a love letter, and her tablemate was there, and the person next to her was looking at me.

I had to knock on Lin YinYin's desk: "Class president, come out for a moment."

She didn't understand and didn't give a kind glance, and I saw her pull up her collar a bit.

I was really speechless, I walked out, and she still followed me out. I then handed her the love letter: "Zhang Xiong gave it to you, you read it yourself."

A trace of doubt flashed in her eyes, but she is very competent, and took it and read it, read it twice and then stopped: "This is your handwriting, always doing such boring things why? Tell him I'll tell the teacher if he does this again."

Her response was so flat that she seemed to receive a lot of love letters. I didn't care, I wasn't the one chasing her anyway.

I said, "Forget it, you can go back to your book. I lifted my feet and left, but Lin Yin Yin was not too happy when she stopped me: "Qin Lan's father took care of her, so she won't bully you anytime soon." (TN: Uck, I cant lie, but I feel a little bad for Qin)

Only then did I remember that Lin YinYin had said she would help me tell the truth. But that didn't make sense. I said that just today Qin Lan came to me, and she wasn't afraid of being beaten by her father.

Lin YinYin was a little surprised: "How is it possible? She was beaten badly, right, her parents divorced, and I happened to tattle, her father completely took it out on her, not only beat her up, but also scolded those punks, Qin Lan still dare to find someone to beat you?"

I caught on and couldn't help but smile: "Qin Lan's parents divorced, ah, great."

Lin Yin Yin rolled her eyes: "With a divorce she is more free, my father said Qin Lan parents do not want her, in the end she may be allowed to live on her own, and they'll give her money to support her, then she can do what she wants, you should not be too happy too early."

This is quite a serious problem, I frowned, Lin Yin Yin also did not want to say anything, but she just preferred to add a sentence at the end: "When I was a child, Qin Lan and I were still good friends, I did not expect that now we have become enemies, I don't even want to see her, how bad she is."

Translator Notes: Hmm I kind of feel bad for Qin, I cant lie, a part of me wishes maybe the bully is the heroine? But the whole book is about the sister! And Im slowly forgetting about her tho. maybe more on the sister next chapter, and well find out next time!!!

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