Regarding Those Matters of Me and My Little Sister

Chapter 13: Yielding

Chapter 13: Yielding

I was in a good mood, and the gloom of the past few days was lifted. I ran back to the dormitory with joy and Zhang Xiong was already waiting for me.

I picked up my rice bowl to eat, and he asked if I had done as he'd asked. I nodded: "She likes books, so you should buy some, and she said to avoid the famous 4 books, and to choose ones that are little less known, you might get lucky, it's not good to choose the ones she has already read." (TN: The famous 4 books are probably referring to Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Journey to the West, Water Margin and Dream of the Red Chamber. And its popularity is kind of like Englishs Shakespeares work.)

Zhang Xiong was delighted: "Is this not easy? If I buy a lot of books, there's bound to be one she hasn't read."

He is actually thinking about this, I said sure, whatever. He immediately ran out, and soon ran back, surprisingly carrying a large bag, which is full of all kinds of famous books, there are five or six books.

I said you are really rich, he was proud, throwing the bag to the bed: "This afternoon give this to her, yes, tell her you want to give her something, if she likes it then say I gave it to her, she does not like it you will take the blame for me."

The corners of my mouth twitch, well, for the money it's time to carry the black pot. I continue to eat, Zhang Xiong, this child, was taking those famous books out, and suddenly he pulled out a thin magazine too. (TN: Caring black pot, is a proverb of carrying and taking the blame from others. So MCs saying hes going to take a bullet for Zhang.)

I took a glance and almost spat, the cover is a skimpy woman, the contents of which you do not have to imagine to understand.

I said what do you want? He rolled his eyes: " I bought it by chance to see, and not to give her. I'll give it to you when I finish with it, hehehe."

I am speechless, and do not care about it. Later I almost fell asleep, he was still reading, and he also covered his lower body with the covers, a little obsessed with the ah.

He is really shameless, but at this point a roommate ran in and interrupted his preoccupations: "The teacher came to check the room, put away the underwear."

A few people were in no hurry to make their beds, while Zhang Xiong was shocked: "Holy shit, so soon?"

I was lying on the bed laughing, he hid his hands and feet, a false alarm.

I took a nap, but nothing happened, I got up when the bell rang in the afternoon, the guys still dawdled and refused to get up.

I was the first to go out, Zhang Xiong yawned and rolled over: "Take the books, remember, ah, if she does not like it do NOT mention me."

I scowled, grabbed the bag and went back to class.

The afternoon was dreary everywhere, and not many people had come to the classroom yet. But Lin Yin Yin had already come, so I rushed over to give her the books, she raised her eyebrows: "So fast, and you bought so many, really thoughtful."

I said let's see if you like it.

She took a quick glance and then put it away: "Extracurricular books are not allowed in the classroom, I'll read it at home, I should like it."

That's fine, I'll tell her it's from Zhang Xiong when she's sure she's satisfied. I went back to my seat to read the book, the afternoon was the same, but Zhang Xiong was very fussy.

It was hard to get rid of him after school, so I went to the cafeteria to have a meal and then ran out.

I want to wait for Qin Lan, she will probably come.

As expected, as soon as I went out, I saw her. She still looked sad and miserable, with a sad face.

I calmly walked over to her and she spoke directly: "I apologized to Li Xin, give me back my phone."

An apology and you want the phone? If you are powerful again in the future, wouldn't you just punish me?

I said I still have to check on you often, and I'll return it to you only when I'm sure you won't do it again.

She gritted her teeth in anger, but didn't resist. She seemed tired as hell, and her eyes were red.

I didn't ask many questions, she gave me a fierce glare and walked away with her head up.

I shrugged my shoulders, you deserve it. Then I noticed something was wrong with her. Usually when she's around here she calls a motorcycle, but now unexpectedly she walks along a small street, I don't know where she's going.

I noticed this phenomenon, and naturally was wondering, she is not a student here, but also she's lingering, why?

I frowned, if she does not go I can not feel at ease, I always feel that she is plotting.

I followed her from afar, this woman was lost while looking for Takasu Middle School, but she was lost, right?

I became more and more confused, and then she walked in a line for a while, the direction was indeed to Takasu Middle School.

I considered whether to continue to follow, after all, I still have to go to the evening class.

I was hesitant, she suddenly went into the next alley and disappeared. My heart jumped, she is plotting something!

I hurriedly chased after her and carefully looked into the alley, but saw her squatting inside and convulsing against the wall. (TN: Oh man I really cant help but feel a little bad for her)

I thought she had a seizure, a closer look only to find that she was crying, her voice suppressed, with some of her cries leaking out.

To hide here and cry? This girl has completely fallen apart? The situation is a bit odd ah, the bitch I loathe is crying.

Schadenfreude, I have done it many times, and these two days I have been vengeful towards her, the fire in my heart is gradually shrinking, now looking at her crying is still really...... (TN: Schadenfreude obviously isnt Chinese, but it's the pleasure derived by someone from another person's misfortune.)

A moment of contemplation, I silently retreated, cry, anyway, it was deserved, and matters eventually settle themselves, I do not intend to care about her.

I went away, after walking for half a minute, on my right, the front of a motorcycle came, sitting on top of it were three punks, two of them also had cigarettes in their mouths, saying loudly what to go to the Internet cafe.

I am particularly alert of the young students, I frowned and moved a few steps to the side. A person discovered what I did, directly spat towards me, and then laughed and went away.

I cursed in my heart fuck you, dirty motherfucker!

I still have some fear of young students, but after the experience of Qin Lan, if there are young people who are humiliating my sister, I will certainly fight them head on rather than ask others for help.

And after a few curses of stupidity I continued walking, however, this time I heard a shout from behind, which was very familiar.

I turned my head in my heart to see who called. It came from the alley and it's only 20 to 30 meters away, three bastards of the motorcycle and half were outside the entrance to the alley.

The three idiots even drove a motorcycle into the alley? I immediately understood, the cry was from Qin Lan.

She was crying for help, doesnt that mean she changed? I moved my feet, frowned and hesitated for a moment before running over.

Once there, I heard a gangster laughing and cursing: "You're paralyzed, why is there a girl squatting here, I almost hit it."

Another punk laughed lecherously, "Little sister, why are you crying? Is there something wrong?"

Then Qin Lan said in a cold voice: "Nothing."

She was going to leave, but was stopped by the three punks. She then shook with anger: "You want to die? Do you know who I am?"

She hadn't changed her temper, what is her problem?

The three punks were enraged by her: "You're a bold bitch, do you know who we are?"

Then Qin Lan cursed, as if she had been pushed and shoved. I hesitated, should I save her?

The answer is no, I can not save her and get into trouble. I turned to walk away, Qin Lan let out a big scream of pain, and then the sound stopped abruptly, as if she was being choked.

I looked back again and found that the motorcycle went inside of the alley, and Qin Lan was gone.

Did she get taken on the motorcycle? She's in trouble, she'll be humiliated by the punks.

I paused, conflicted for a while whether to go or not, should I save her or not? And how to save her?

The sound of the motorcycle is far away, it has probably reached the end of the alley.

I clenched my teeth, forget it, I want to be a good person. But I will not do it for her with those gangsters, it is not worth it, she is not my sister.

I thought for a while, gathered enough courage to pursue them, and saw the motorcycle parked at the end of the corner.

I ran over and heard three punks laughing lewdly, this is a good place to be hidden and was spacious.

Qin Lan's voice was muffled, I got closer and heard the sound of clothes tearing.

My last few conflictions dissipated, if I do not save her she may be raped, then it would be too miserable. (TN: THANK YOU!!!!)

I ran over, suppressing the panic in my heart and speaking loudly: "Dad, Lan Lan is here, someone has kidnapped her!"

Since there was a corner, they could not see me. But when I suddenly said so, pretending to call, they were obviously startled.

I didn't care, I ran, and they rushed out without taking a few steps: "Fuck!"

I looked at them with a tilted head and pretended to call: "Dad, it's in the alley next to Jiahao Xuan, come over here!"

They were shocked and panicked, and cursed me several times. I ignored them and ran away as fast as I could.

The next step was to leave it to fate and see if they would run.

I waited outside for a while, and didn't see them come out. But I heard the sound of a motorcycle.

I waited a while longer before re-entering and they were gone.

I quickly went around the corner to check, Qin Lan was cowering by the wall crying, her clothes have been torn in half, underwear are exposed.

I also saw her dark red bruises on her body, its easy to see that it looks like a belt, still blood red. (TN: Totally forgot how dark this book gets, sorry everyone)

She also did not look at me, shrinking there crying. This vicious bitch could also have a pitiful moment, which really made me feel weird.

I didn't know what to say, so I stood for a while and asked, "Is everything okay?"

She didn't even say a word, and her tears kept falling to the ground. Her clothes were torn and tattered, and she probably couldn't walk. I stood for another half a second, how did things get to this point? What makes me want to help her?

However, to help one is to help all, I patiently asked again are you okay. Qin Lan finally opened her mouth, her voice hoarse and unusually apathetic: "The phone, return me."

I really ...... forget about it, she probably has learned, I better not torture her again, after all she's suffered what her victims have.

I took a light breath: "I'm going to get the phone to you, but you have to promise me that in the future, no more bullying Li Xin, but also stay out of trouble, or I will do the same thing again, then I will not think about what you did, as long as I'm not dead I will not be gone!"

She pursed her lips and did not say anything, I coldly grunted and walked away. The place where the phone is hidden is over at the school, I ran back, panting, to get the phone, which was already a bit dirty, after all, many days had passed and the battery had run out.

I ran back to give the phone back to Qin Lan, she took it, and smashed it against the wall.

Once or twice she smashed it, she smashed three times, five times, simply with the same frenzy. But after smashing and smashing it she began to cry, crying her soul out

I retreated with worry, and she finally smashed the phone to pieces.

I said farewell, we should be okay now. She turned her head and looked at me, her eyes were red and swollen, and her expression was very complicated.

I ignored it. She then spoke softly: "Give me some money."

I thought I heard wrong, she said again, "Give me some money for a ride, I already have no money."

No wonder she was walking, I thought she was up to something, but it turned out she was out of money.

The great lady has fallen to this level, poor her.

And looking at her, there is no more hostility, she probably has fully changed.

I reluctantly pulled out money, I only had a little money given to me by Zhang Xiong, I was very reluctant, I was counting the money, when unexpectedly she snatched it all: "I will pay you back, ah, you're really stingy."

My heart ached. After giving the money and as I was going to continue walking, she called me again: "Find me a piece of clothing, how can I walk like this?"

I was annoyed, I said I'm fucking kind enough to you, you still treat me as a slave? She froze, her head gently lowered: "Help ...... find me a dress, okay? I can't walk like this."

She said this with a mumbly voice, ah ah ah, while shaking. I was convinced, but did not go to a shop, I ran to the back of the residential area and picked up some old clothes for her.

She was disgusted, I said do you want to wear nothing or that? She had to wear it.

I cursed myself for being a good person, I was really fucking stupid. The more I thought about it, the angrier I was, sullen and annoyed to go back to school, Qin Lan was also looking for a bike to go to, I did not even bother to look at her.

I quickly went back to school, it was already past six o'clock. I kept running back to the classroom again, just in time for the evening reading.

But before my butt could sit still, the student in front of me passed a note over: "Li Chen, take back your book, I didn't expect you to be this kind of person, we are no longer friends."

I looked up at the front row, and Lin Yin Yin was staring back at me with cold eyes, and I could feel her anger and rage.

What was going on here? I was dumbfounded, and my tablemate Zhang Xiong muttered at this time, " Damn, I don't know which one of my children stole my yellow book, where the hell did I hide it?"

I remembered the magazine he read at noon as well as the teacher's sudden inspection, a moment of bitter face, it hit me, there's no way......

Translator Notes: Okay, I dont know if its just me, but I cant help but feel really bad for Qin Lan. hope she gets her stuff together, but well find out next time, see you alllllll!!!

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