Regarding Those Matters of Me and My Little Sister

Chapter 35: Forced to Die

Chapter 35: Forced to Die

There was no sound in the house, my parents seemed to have gone to their room to discuss things, and my room was equally dead silent, except for the occasional uncontrollable sobs from Li Xin.

She was really like an abandoned child, sitting there curled up, just like that night three years ago.

My heart was clogged and my body was in pain. But I didn't know what to say to Li Xin, I didn't know how to comfort her, so I looked at her like this, encouraging her with my eyes, but she didn't look at me, sobbing on her own.

I think she has suffered enough, school is her only safe place, I also believe that she will be successful in the future, perhaps become a white-collar worker, or perhaps a teacher, or even a graduate with a PhD or something, her grades are very good, she will do it.

I will never let her be forced to work part-time, ruining her life.

Now that she has to work part-time will ruin her life, I firmly do not allow it. Exhaling softly, my breath broke the dead silence, and Li Xin actually shook a little, she seemed to be frightened by my voice.

Then she started to move away from me, got up and went over to the bed. My heart was bitter, did she still resent me?

The next moment she squatted down again and began to rummage through the cupboard where she used to hide her things. I was stunned to see her pulling out a Band-Aid from long ago.

The band-aids were already dirty and had dust on the surface. But I guess it can still be used, and it was the only thing I could use.

My heart was hot and my nose was sore. When she was a little girl, she secretly hid the medicine she needed, and I threw away her Band-Aids.

She approached me with a band-aid, and I was suddenly a little frightened, my body tensed up. I don't know if I'm afraid, why am I afraid?

Li Xin squatted down, she never looked at me, and I did not dare to look at her, turning my head to look at the floor, and not long before I felt something on my face, she put the band-aid on the wound on my face.

Then it was the neck and arm, and the last ten or so band-aids left were all used up. This child's usage seemed comical, but tears flowed out of my eyes without resistance, then my body trembled with a jerk, and I suddenly wanted to hug her tightly.

But instead she moved away again and sat at the opposite side, her head buried in her knee, seemingly asleep.

I looked at her from this side, my throat felt like it was blocked by something, what should I say?

As a result, nothing was said, and I gradually drifted off, the pain in my body and the bitterness in my heart made it impossible for me to stay awake any longer.

I fell asleep at some point and had a nightmare that Li Xin was taken away and was drowned in the chaos of PRD. (TN: Pearl River Delta.)

I woke up with a jolt and a cold sweat all over. There was some early morning light cast in by the window, and it was already morning coming.

I was the only one in the house, and I was lying in bed.

Where is Li Xin? I was scared to death, where did she go? I immediately jumped out of bed, tearing my wounds and tears of pain came out, but I did not care, I ran out like crazy.

There was no one in the house, my parents may have gone to the city to work, in any case, they are not at home.

I searched around and found nothing, I was really scared, did my parents secretly take Li Xin away in the night?

This idea is a bit unrealistic, but I was still panicked and rushed to Da Qiang's house.

Luckily, I saw that Da Qiang's parents were home, which means that Li Xin has not been taken away, so where did she go?

She did not dare to go back to school without permission, so she must not be over there, I ran around the town, and then ran past the old doctor's clinic and was shouted at by him.

I said what's wrong? He asked me in return, "Aren't you injured? Why are you still running so hard?"

I was stunned, and said how do you know? The old doctor coughed twice and also sighed: "Your sister just came to me to buy bruises pills, saying that you were injured. She had no money, and hey, I gave her some medicine."

My nose was sore for a moment, and I felt like I was going to cry the next moment. The old doctor told me not to run, lest I get hurt.

But I couldn't care less and ran home in a flash. Li Xin really came back, she was also looking for me, and did not know where I went.

I was very happy inside, and had an urge to go over and hug her, she was so scared that her face went white, and then she stopped and tried to shove me.

I let her go, she threw the bruising pills to me and went back to the house, her brow still sorrowful and forlorn.

I took a deep breath, took two pills, and then went to Da Qiang's house.

Now that my parents are not at home, I have to hurry up and solve this matter.

Da Qiang's parents were at home watching TV and talking leisurely.

I knocked on the door and entered, they were surprised. I spoke bluntly, "Uncle and aunt, please don't take my sister to work."

My tone was hard and I didn't know how to say it politely at all, so I just said it dryly. They looked at each other, and then smiled bitterly: "You have to talk to your parents about this, we can't ask them not to take Li Xin."

I said, "Just don't take Li Xin, my parents won't be able to do anything about it.

Daqiang's father still shook his head: "Li Chen, when I asked if your parents wanted to work, they couldn't go because of you. Now that you are in high school, they will definitely go to work, but they only came to me when I happened to set up a factory. Even if I don't accept them and your sister, they will still take your sister to find work, there are factories everywhere in the Pearl River Delta, and the wages are not much different."

I was terrified, how could this happen? In other words, even if Da Qiang's parents don't hire Li Xin, will my parents still force her to work?

I was at a loss, what to do? What can I do?

Feeling helpless, how can I resist my parents?

I was very depressed and scared to leave, the key problem is not Da Qiang's parents, but my parents.

I walked aimlessly around town for a while, and then bought a knife, perhaps this was the only way, if they persisted, the only thing I could do was to die.

Nothing happened all day, and my parents would not return until evening. I stayed in the house with Li Xin and said nothing.

My parents came back when it was dark, and they came back early today. I drank a large glass of water, took a deep breath, and then took the knife and went to meet them in the hall.

They were exhausted and covered in grime. I would have never wanted it to be this way, but there was nothing else I could do.

Again, I was sore, but I continued. I took out my pocket knife and put it on my wrist. I've always heard of slitting my wrists to kill myself, and today I'll try.

I just appeared in front of them. My extremely tired parents instantly stared, and my mother and father were all startled and shouted, "Li Chen, what are you doing!"

My throat quivered, my voice was shaking: "I am unfilial, I only beg you not to take Li Xin, if not I will kill myself."

I tried to speak as calmly as possible, but my father simply ignored me and rushed forward: "You're fucking crazy!"

I stepped back and cut my wrist a little with the knife: "Don't come any closer!"

Blood immediately came out, I really did not think I had so much courage to really cut myself. But I did not cut the arteries, however, once the blood came out, my parents were terrified, my father immediately did not dare to come over again.

They also knew that cutting your wrist would kill you, so they didn't dare to move. I also thought I had cut my wrist, and my heart burst with fear, but the blood stopped flowing after a while, so I slowed down and compelled them, "Do you understand?"

My father's face was blue, and my mother was in tears: "Li Chen, we really can't afford Li Xin, you will need a lot of money in the future, we will be good to her if we take her to work."

My face was cold: "Then don't raise me, I'll go to work instead!"

My father scolded me again, my mother cried miserably, and then she suddenly ran for the kitchen.

I did not know what she wanted, she came out a short time later, surprisingly she took a kitchen knife, and put it on her neck: "Li Chen, in the future you will understand, we are doing it for your own good, you force us to do this, so I also force you, if you do not put down the knife I will kill myself to show you!

I was mad that she was actually threatening to die, I didn't think the bullshit things on TV would happen in our family, but it did, right before my eyes.

I felt instantly deflated, my mother broke out with a toughness she had never shown before, she cried, "The wages outside are very high, we will leave some pocket money for Li Xin, but she just can't study anymore, she will live better than now. We need money for you to go to college, but also to treat your grandparents, there is no other way. Put down the knife, or I'll really die for you!"

Why is this happening? Why are you so cruel? Tears fell out of my eyes, and my feelings were wrapped around my neck like a knot, leaving me breathless.

My father immediately rushed over to me, and I couldn't find the strength to stop him, so he grabbed the knife and slammed me to the ground: "You unfilial son!"

I no longer spoke, and turned my head and saw that Li Xin was standing at the door of the room at some point, shivering as she watched the family drama, and then spoke in a dead voice: "I will go."

Translator Notes: NOOONMOdconszmk oh god i have no idea where this is going someone help please. I dont know where this will go I hope Qin Lan or Yin Lin Lin helps them or something aaaaaa ill see you next time I guess hopefully it gets better

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