Regarding Those Matters of Me and My Little Sister

Chapter 48: Dinner With My Sister

Chapter 48: Dinner With My Sister

I really did not expect there would be residents that would save me, and it looks like quite a few people came to my rescue, was it the good people of the neighborhood?

But why are they here, how can there be so many ladies nearby? And I looked around, but all I saw was the older ladies, there were about a dozen, all rosy-cheeked and full of energy, looking like they belonged to a square dance. (TN: A square dance in China is kind of a traditional dance where, usually, a bunch of older ladies dance as a form of exercise, and by older I mean, typically 50 to maybe 65 years old.)

This situation is a bit bizarre ah, those punks also confused, they froze for a bit. The ladies squeezed in: "You kids, why are you bullying people? Where are your parents!"

What's with the tone of the head instructor? The gangsters looked at each other, and then a female hooligan had the guts to curse, "Who are you, you bitch?"

As a result, an older woman slapped her across the face with a clap: "You need to learn some manners!"

The group was in shock, and there was chaos, but no one dared to say anything, they all looked on dumbfounded. The ladies didn't even care, and two of them came in to help me, taking pity on me: "Hey, poor kid."

I really could not stand up, and had to use them as support to stand, the group of punks were very riotous, but did not dare to intervene, after all, a dozen of ladies appearing is very strange, and these ladies are very domineering.

Until I left, the gangsters were still looking at each other and talking in low voices. The ladies seem to be satisfied, laughing and planning to go to a square dance.

I stopped one of them: "Auntie, why are you here?"

They were surprised: "You don't know? Your friend asked us to stop by and help you out."

Friends? What the hell? This group of aunties met up to go to the square and came by to help me? Which one of my friends?

Could it be Lin Yin Yin? I said, "Is it Yin Yin, a girl who is 5'5"? They all shook their heads and said it was Yang Hanlu.

Yang Hanlu? I'm completely dumbfounded, I don't have many friends, who else would be so powerful besides Lin Yin Yin? Qin Lan had left, who is this Yang Hanlu?

I said why is she helping me? The older woman was even more puzzled than me: "Aren't you friends? The mother of Han Lu often plays mahjong with us, you know her mother right?"

I was completely blinded, saying that I didn't know anything, and they couldn't explain anything, so I was in a hurry to go to the square dance to clear my mind.

They left, and I moved my legs and went to the clinic. It was really weird. What is this mysterious girl planning? There is a strange girl helping me secretly, and all of a sudden a lot of older ladies come to help me, she must be very powerful.

I couldn't figure it out, and I remembered that I still was waiting for a letter from my sister that I hadn't taken, so I rushed to the clinic for medical attention.

The injury is not serious, and the serious wounds were covered by my clothes and pants, so nobody should be able to see it.

I touched my nose again, the blood had already stopped, it still hurts but it's not a problem.

To be sure, I went inside a store to look at a mirror to make sure I didn't look hurt before I went to see Sister Xia.

This time I could not jump around happily, and I slowly walked over, although Sister Xia felt I was a little different, but she did not pay close enough attention and did not find out.

Li Xin had left a letter, I took it and went out to read it. Then my heart skipped a beat, she only wrote one line.

"This weekend there is a holiday, do you want to go home?"

I moved my throat, there's already a holiday? That means a month has passed. Li Xin usually does not want to go home, and now she asked me if I want to go home, what does this mean?

Maybe its to cheapen our living expenses, but our parents are working now, and Im not short of money. Then what does she want to do?

Does she want to go home? And with me?

I felt strange, my heart beat a little faster, and even the anger of being beaten was gone. Now I only think about this, should I go home?

The main thing is that I can't figure out Li Xin's thoughts, but the more I think about it, the more moved I am, and her implication is definitely that she wants to go home with me, and then we can cook and eat and get along together, alone.

I rubbed my chest and let out a long breath, it's okay, it's okay, it's a holiday, the two siblings are naturally coming home together, it's totally normal, ah I can't fucking lie, I'm terrified.

I reply with: Lets go back!

Then I left for half an hour to come back to see if she left a letter, my heart thumping: Oh, then you should go back early ah, if youre too late theyll be no car.

Gah! You big bully, I directly spat blood, what does this mean? You tease me ah.

But she wouldn't tease me, and she's not that kind of person. I went back and forth a few times, read both letters, and then had a flash of brilliance, could it be that she wanted to ask me to go out? But I said I planned on going back home

There's a good chance that Li Xin wouldnt be able to say it directly Im sweating now

I hurriedly went back to Sister Xia, tapping her: "Sister Xia, did Li Xin say what she wanted to do on the weekend?"

Sister Xia was stunned, stroking her chin and pondered: "You must ask the question for a reason, hmm...... at the end of the month, yesterday I paid her salary, I asked her to go to a nice meal, when she pondered for a long time, maybe she wants to go to a restaurant."

My heart was moved, did Li Xin want to invite me to eat out? I don't know why, but I laughed, my sister must've been worried.

I wrote back in a hurry: Actually, I don't want to go back. Do you have any plans for the weekend?

Then I ran away again, and when I came back to read the letter, Li Xin finally said what she wanted: I would like to take you out if you do not mind waiting for me in front of the school, okay?

I almost imagined Li Xin's face blushing, not in a different way, it's just our relationship is too odd, she must be embarrassed to invite me.

I was overjoyed, is this a sign of us improving our brother-sister relationship?

I don't want to think about anything, and what a mess, ah Yang Han Lu ah, think about it later, right now Li Xin invited me to dinner, I must go.

I went to the interior of Sister Xia's bathroom to wash my face, and looked in the mirror and patted the dust on me, and set off in a hurry.

Sister Xia looked at me with surprise: "What? A date?" I said no, just a meal. Sister Xia tsked twice: " Aiyooo, I'm really envious of you two, elder sister here is jealous."

She also winks, deliberately acting strange. I rolled my eyes and went to wait for Li Xin in front of the school with joy.

What should I do later? The two of us eating together, how do I eat to look refined? If I eat fish, should I spit out the fish spines? If I drink soup how can I not slurp it loudly?

The more I thought about it, the more I was scared, afraid to make a fool of myself in front of her.

I turned around to look at the river, calm down, we used to eat together at home, but... I actually ate like a dog... ahh, now I can't really be afraid

Staring at the flow of the river slowly calming down, I do not know how long it took, a quiet and soft voice came from behind: "Li ...... Chen ...... I'm here."

There was a stutter, but I could tell it was my sister's voice. I giggled and turned around, unconsciously scratching my head: "Haha, you're here, ah, Li ...... Xin."

She was embarrassed to call me brother, and I was embarrassed to call her sister. And as soon as I turned around she lowered her head, grabbed the corner of her coat to look elsewhere, and surprisingly did not know what to say.

I had to fight off the embarrassment, so I pretended to be calm: "You're getting paid, ah, so let's treat ourselves, let's go."

She nodded quickly, and my mind turned sharply: "The two of us can go eat some rice noodles, or let's go have some barbecue, it's getting dark and many places are selling it."

I was reluctant to spend her money, and I felt that eating on the street was more casual for us. She shook her head, looking very determined.

My heart was touched, did she want to treat me to a big meal? I secretly thought that when I finished my article, I must also treat her to a big meal.

I said then you can lead the way, I'll eat anything. She led the way, my throat twitched again, and I began to think about how to eat dinner later to be elegant ......

After thinking about it, Li Xin stopped. I was stunned and found that she was walking to a group of girls who smiled and said, "Li Xin, didn't you say he's your brother, why did you take so long while looking anxious."

I was dumbfounded, Li Xin actually haphazardly grabbed one sister's coat corner and spoke: "Li ...... Chen, this is my classmate."

Shit, I spat out some blood, what about us, being alone? I was so nervous, but impressed by this It turned out that a bunch of people were invited, shit!

I can hardly stand this blow, those girls look at me strangely, I smile dryly: "Hahaha ...... your classmate aha, hmm, then.. lets.. go, hahah."

Those girls are doubtful, lowering their voices to speak: "He's okay, right?"

Li Xin was afraid to look at me, she must've realized what I misunderstood, just a while ago I said us two, but now there's more people.

They wanted to cry but had no tears, but the girls were so happy that they chatted and laughed with Li Xin and went to dinner. I wanted to die, and soon they arrived at the milk tea shop, Li Xin ran to call Sister Xia.

Sister Xia froze and then looked at me, and then covered her stomach and bursted out laughing.

My face was hot, Sister Xia laughed for half a day, and then she led the way, a bunch of girls with a man, had attracted pedestrian's glances.

I was embarrassed and couldn't lift my head, I walked for a while and suddenly felt a soft palm, I looked up slightly, but Li Xin was next to me, her palm was touching mine.

I saw her face flushed, but she didn't freeze, and I then hurriedly spread my palm, she wrote quickly: Sorry, tomorrow I will eat with you only, OK?

She wrote a little messily and anxiously, after all, we were on the street, and there were so many girls in front of her.

I was moved again, and then in the palm of her hand I wrote: Okay, next time I invite you.

She smiled sideways at me, her eyes were bright and her teeth were bright, her nose was full of cherries, that white cloud-like smile made me dazed, and after she had seen me, she had already gone to Sister Xia's side, and she was teasing Li Xin who had red cheeks.

Translator Notes: awwhhh theyre so cute uh anyways MC and Li Xin finally go out on a date, but MC turns out to be the third wheel but next time Li Xin says itll be the two of them only woo! Ill see you all then where, hopefully, we see their solo date.

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