Regarding Those Matters of Me and My Little Sister

Chapter 50: My Love Story with Qin Lan

Chapter 50: My Love Story with Qin Lan

This evening, the dance at the square was very lively, I went to the square when it had been occupied by the ladies.

This view was very spectacular, beside the road, while hundreds of women were dancing there, and the music was very impressive.

And the square dance was really magical, I watched it for a while and thought it was pretty enrapturing, and felt like I wanted to dance too.

I stopped, and glanced at the crowd to find the lady that saved me.

I didn't pay too much attention last time, and it was most likely just luck. I found a lady who looked a little familiar, probably the one who saved me last time.

I rushed over to her, she did not recognize me, I explained that I was the student who was beaten up by the gang on Friday.

She instantly remembered, and then smiled: "What? Have you come to say thank you?"

I couldn't help but sweat and hurriedly improvised: "Yes, thank you ...... By the way, is Yang Han Lu here?"

She gave a little laugh: "Why would someone's little girl come here? Her mother is here instead."

I was delighted, and asked where her mother was? She then looked around, and then pointed to a woman not far away: "That's her, she just came over after playing mahjong."

I looked over and was amazed, a young woman with good demeanor, who doesnt look a day over forty, with wavy hair and fair skin.

She doesnt look that old, so why is she dancing here?

Still, a young beautiful girl was still very good-looking while dancing here. I admired them in my heart. When I took a closer look, I was surprised. She looked like Qin Lan!

I am almost sure that she is Qin Lan's mother. Now I'm a little nervous, although she looks beautiful, but she is a cheater, Qin Lan spoke very viciously about her, I guess she was a minx.

I pondered, is Yang Han Lu also her daughter? Does Qin Lan have a younger sister or older sister at home?

This is not right, Yang Hanlu's surname is Yang, and Qin Lan was definitely not born from the same father. I immediately remembered that they were illegitimate children. Could it be that Yang Hanlu is an illegitimate daughter? Qin Lan said that both her parents had love children.

So when you think about it, it makes sense, Yang Han Lu is Qin Lan's mother's illegitimate daughter, but why did she help me? She shouldn't know who I am.

Qin Lan must have done something! I went up to say hello, the young woman really did not look happy, and was very impatient: "Who are you?"

I smiled dryly: "I'm a friend of Yang Han Lu." She looked a little bit confused, and then she was unhappy: " Han Lu is friends with you?"

She sounded like Yang Hanlu shouldn't be friends with me. I immediately felt her disapproval, this woman really had these looks for nothing, and it looks like she is the type of person who dislikes the poor and loves the rich.

I did not move, just nodded. She became impatient: "Han Lu is at home, what do you want her for?"

She seemed to be afraid that I would sully her daughter, and I couldn't stand her tone of voice.

I continued to speak with a stiff voice: "She did me a favor, I want to say thank you."

This woman waved her hand: " Okay, okay, I will tell her, go away."

I did not know people like this existed, she is really rich and careless, and very callous.

I cant stand this anymore, I just turned around and left, you're so damn kind!

Ive come to realize, Im quite bored.

I went to the milk tea store, and I was no longer bored, I got to see my sister.

I was afraid that Li Xin had taken time off again, but this time I saw her helping out in the store, and she didn't leave this time.

As soon as I came, Li Xin lowered her head, looking away on purpose, I was also uncomfortable, Sister Xia asked me to help again, I naturally refused, this is not good, I can't really stand this awkwardness with Li Xin again.

What should I do now?

I still had money from selling underwear, so I wanted to buy clothes. I bought some earlier for Li Xin but I didnt get her enough.

I went to pick two sets this time, full of joy. Then I thought of something, her two panties were gone, does she have enough?

I had the nerve to buy three more pairs of panties, which I put underneath the clothes and ran to give them to her, because she was my sister, and it was only natural to help her buy what she lacked.

I went to give her this, she was surprised and happy, blushing. Seeing her reaction I was relieved that she was willing to accept what I had sent.

I then took a deep breath and started to play it cool, with my nose turned up: "No big deal, I just want you to dress up nice."

Li Xin lowered her head even more, pinching the corner of her coat and not knowing what to say. I tried being handsome and was embarrassed, shit ah, I should have said this through the letter, saying out in person with confidence felt weird.

Sister Xia was about to break her belly from laughing next to us. In order to save face, I said decisively: "Just tell me what you need, I can buy it for you.

After I said this, Sister Xia went to take out the clothes: "Come one, it's not even expensive, you have your tail up too high... eh?"

I was stunned, Sister Xia's hand rose, and the panties fell outward.

Li Xin blinked as if her eyelashes were spazzing, and then she squatted down, avoiding everyone's gaze.

My face instantly became hot, and there were many guests watching. Damn, the underwear I bought for Li Xin was seen by others!

I turned around and left, I dont know what to do, this Xia guy is killing me.

I went to run away, and Li Xin surprisingly did not stand up, probably afraid to face the gaze of others. Sister Xia snickered next to me, that laugh is really damn annoying!

Giving something to Li Xin should mean nothing, but since that was exposed, it became a problem, this is too embarrassing.

I walked sullenly for a while, and then was surprised by speeders passing by.

If I hadn't seen the hooligans again I would have forgotten that they were still hunting for me. Now I suddenly saw them and I rushed to find a place to hide.

But they didn't seem to notice me and went into another alley farther away.

I really hate these hooligans, but there's nothing I can do if they want to deal with me. This time they look like theyre alone, I wonder, should I take revenge on them or something.

I went to buy a knife, I don't know where I lost the last knife. I bought a knife and went to that alley, before approaching I heard some voices, they seem to be discussing the matter of beating me.

Could they be in a meeting? I cautiously approached, and peered at them, and what startled me was that there were more than a dozen punks inside the alley, smoking and talking, most of them are women.

I raised my ears to eavesdrop, and I heard a female hooligan say to me: "That bastard is not easy to clean up, there is a woman who wants to protect him, and she sent two thousand yuan, saying that if you don't want money, we should go to war." (TN: About 290 USD)

She said it in a domineering way, like she was commanding in a war. In fact, it must be normal. Yang Han Lu gave them money and told them to stop.

I became more curious, why is Yang Hanlu helping me so much?

Another male hooligan frowned and said, "Why don't we talk to the gent and say that we broke Li Chen's leg just to make him happy."

A group of people said yes, it seems that they do not want to offend either side.

I narrowed my eyes and smiled coldly, and went to wait for them to disperse. They quickly dispersed, and I kept a close eye on a female hooligan who had previously mentioned the two thousand yuan, and then followed her.

This woman is very arrogant, wandering around alone, and scolding someone when she sees someone looking at her, she is really a model of a hooligan.

I saw the opportunity to go up a slap on her ass, she suddenly jumped up, and her boobs were shaking. (TN: MC what)

I actually wanted to kick her, but I'm in a good mood now, so I wont kick her, otherwise shed lose her front teeth.

I groped her and ran away, and she chased after me and threatened me. I don't look back and say you are a slut, I bet you like that I touched you! You couldnt be more than happy!

She was so angry that her nose was distorted, and she kept chasing me into the alley. I'm at ease, and turned around, with a knife in my hand, she stopped quickly, scared to death.

I reached out and grabbed her by the collar: "Recognize me, right? Who is helping me?"

Her lips were white, her eyes were staring at my watermelon knife. I chopped her face with the back of the knife: "Tell me!"

She nearly pissed herself and spoke up: "A woman is helping you, I don't know her, she doesn't look like a gangster, but she's rich, and her maid drove her to the bar to give us money, so we don't dare mess with her."

That's it? It seems that asking her is useless. I just smiled: "Well, don't mess with me again, ah?"

She nodded her head repeatedly, I pushed her away directly, and told her to leave.

She left without a fight, and I waved my watermelon knife and wondered, does Yang Han Lu not want to see me? She just secretly wanted to help me? (TN: Sounds a lot like a certain someone hmmm)

She certainly did not do it willingly.

Thinking too much is useless. Now that those gangsters have stopped, I am relieved, and I am not afraid of being beaten suddenly in the future.

I went back to the milk tea store, Li Xin was still working, when I came her hands were trembling. I was also embarrassed to death, and froze, the panties I bought were actually seen by so many people.

I sat for a while, and did not say anything, and finally pretended not to care and left.

I went straight back to the classroom, Lin Yin Yin did not come. It seems she is still tapping on the keyboard and sending the email. I had time to catch up on my homework, and when I was halfway done, Lin Yin Yin came.

I said, how are you so fast? She said, I'm a fast typer, a hundred and fifty words a minute.

I said impressive, she laughed even more: "Your manuscript has been read."

I was amazed, this is too fast, right? When she saw my face, she got even more smug: "The editor is very close to me, so of course she took the initiative to review the manuscript."

I was surprised and nervous, looking at her with my fingers squeezed. She deliberately stopped talking and sat down next to me with a sigh: "Ahh, I'm so tired."

I hurriedly squeezed her shoulders: "Class president, still tired?" She nodded in satisfaction and raised her legs: "My feet are sore."

I squeezed her bare feet, but she was embarrassed, she retracted her feet and said, "Ahem, this is bad news. (TN: okay that just happened and we are for some reason, going to forget about this.)

My heart was clouded, I really did not pass. I sighed, Lin Yin Yin smiled again: "Although it did not pass, but she said you are worthy of improving, this story is very authentic, just revise it a little and it might be accepted."

I was overjoyed, and Lin Yin Yin encouraged me, "She said your story is quite good, it feels genuine, and the feelings in it are very sincere, but the writing is a bit poor, so you need to sharpen it more."

I nodded again and again, and Lin Yin Yin asked, "How did you come up with this story? It's quite rare to make a female rogue a love interest."

I choked and looked away. Lin Yin Yin looked at me suspiciously, and was baffled: "Is this actually real?"

I said it was fictitious, and me and Qin Lan have not fallen in love.

She pursed her lips and had a strange look: "That rascal is Qin Lan right?"

She made me embarrassed. After all, it was a fictional article, and I did make up most of the parts.

I said never mind, I'll continue to rewrite. Lin Yin Yin bit her lips and slapped the table with her small hand: "I'm going to tell Qin Lan to look, and we'll see how she deals with you!"

I was stunned, then suppressed my surprise and asked, "You can contact her?"

Lin Yin Yin clasped her arms defiantly, "Of course I can! Although I don't want to."

Translator Notes: Boom! An update woo! Anyways MC was a little weird this chapter but MC was also just as weird when he first met Qin Lan, thats all for today, Ill see you next time byeee also chapter 50!!! WOOO took a while but we did it!!!

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