Regarding Those Matters of Me and My Little Sister

Chapter 58: Trapped

Chapter 58: Trapped

I didn't expect the red wine would make us drunk, but Lin Yin Yin and I were both dumb enough to drink several mouthfuls, and then we felt the warmth spreading, and then our faces turned red, and then we drank a few more mouthfuls and got drunk.

I was a little hazy, and only slightly drunk, and I knew that we had to stop, so I hurriedly put the wine down: "I'm going to leave, don't drink anymore."

When I spoke, my tongue was a little out of control, and then I looked at Lin Yin Yin, she was completely drunk, and if I hadn't caught her bottle of wine it would have fallen to the ground.

Then she cackled, I was so scared that I covered her mouth, "Don't laugh so loud, your father will hear you."

She burped, and her face was as red as if it were bleeding. I quickly went to pick her up. Normally I would have been able to hold her, but right now I was unbalanced, and the wine messed with me, I felt like the ceiling was falling, and then I fell to the ground, Lin Yin Yin was laying on my chest and kept hiccupping.

I thought to myself, this is not good, her father will definitely hear us. I was so scared that I covered Lin Yin Yin's mouth again, but her father never came up, was he asleep?

I was so confused and I really wanted to sleep. I didn't want to get back up, so I just laid down on the floor and tried to sleep. Lin Yin Yin lied on my chest, she was very small, and didn't weigh anything. I stroke her hair: "Go, Sleep ......"

She raised her head, a burp hit my face: "Haha ...... Li Chen."

Not good, not good, she is going to be mad while drunk? Deep inside I knew I could not deal with this, so I hurriedly covered her mouth again: "Be quiet."

She was no longer noisy, I was relieved, I was also a little tipsy and was trying to close my eyes to sleep. However, I was surprised by the sudden warmth on my fingers, and she actually bit my fingers and whined: "So sweet, so sweet, lollipops are so delicious ......"

I blinked, fuck, I can not get drunk ah, otherwise I don't know how safe Yin Lin Lin would be. The more she drinks, the more energetic she gets, and there is no way she can sleep.

I pulled my hair hard and forced myself to be sober. Fortunately, I am a man, I can still resist.

I was thinking about getting some water to give her to drink, I think I saw a glass of water on her table before.

I laid her on the floor with difficulty, and propped myself to get up and went to the table.

As expected, she was studying and drinking water, and the cup of water was here.

I took it, I was a little unsteady, but at least I didn't let the water spill.

And then I turned around and went back to Lin Yin Yin ...... huh? Where is... Lin Yin Yin?

I just got water, and she disappeared. I was really scared, the light of the lamp was very weak, and I couldn't see her.

I hurriedly left the water on the floor to look under the bed, but there was nothing under the bed either. But then I heard a noise in the closet, I rushed over, walking a little too loudly.

The closet door was open, and it was dark here, so I couldn't see very well.

But Lin Yin Yin must be inside, I reached in and managed to touch her, but it seems like I didn't touch her head, but I touched her chest, a flat river.

I began to be a little confused, and squeezed a few before sobering up, shit, this wine and I sobered now of all times, my neck shrunk and I pulled my hands back.

It's over, it's over... It's over, because Lin Yin Yin came out and didn't even know that I touched her breast.

I just saw that she seemed to be punching around while drunk. I don't know if it was because I was tipsy, but I thought that she was moving weirdly, and she was shouting: "Hiya!"

I was not thinking clearly ah, the next moment she crashed into me: "Hiyah!"

Hiyah, my ass!

I couldn't stand up at all, and she just knocked me backwards. And then there was a crystal clear light, my mouth agape, my jaw dropped.

This little loli was wearing little pink panties on her head, her arms were folded into an x, and she had a righteous face: "I will destroy you!"

If I hadn't been drunk I would have spat everywhere. Luckily I am now in the same boat as her and can slightly understand her behavior.

I said stop messing around and hurry to bed. Lin Yin Yin continued to charge at me, her footsteps were wobbly. I wanted to dodge but was afraid she would fall, so I did not dodge and let her hit me.

This time I was prepared, my feet were planted firmly, and she buried her head in my chest, squirming wildly: "Die scum!"

I must be really drunk, why do you have to wear underwear on your head ah? Where did you learn that?

I held her tightly, she was too wild now, and her father would definitely hear her if she continued to toss and turn.

I rolled onto the bed with her in my arms, hoping that she would lie down and not get up. She did crawl a bit, and rolled around twice and looked at me and blinked: "Li Chen?"

I thought she was awake, but she giggled like she was dreaming: "Li Chen, you're so handsome."

Seriously? You're kidding me, right? I was very happy in my drunken state when Lin Yin Yin grabbed my ear again: "Handsome, wanna date?"

Holy shit!

Is this really Lin Yin Yin? Yes, it's really her.

I saw her tear her clothes off, but luckily she was too drunk to know how to take them off. I guess the alcohol was wearing off, and I was a little scared of this continuing, so I grabbed her hand: "Dear, let's go sleep."

She looked at me again, then unexpectedly went for my lips: "Muamua......"

I was busy dodging her, and she refused to sleep, ah, I can not let this continue, I must think of a way for her to vent her energy. I think hard, the result of her hand under the pillow fumbling, surprisingly fishing out her cell phone: "Heehee, I just love taking selfies, stopdont try to me."

Her little tongue was probably paralyzed, and she was slurring, but I could understand her clearly, and I'm not sure why her mind was so jumpy? What's with the sudden selfie? Is this a genetic gift of girls?

I didn't even have time to think about it, click click click click a few times, a blinding light, she took a lot of pictures.

At least she's letting off some steam. It took her a while to stop, but she dropped the phone again and laid on all fours on top of me, muttering a few words, and then seemed to quiet down.

I deliberately looked at her face, her eyes were closed ah, has she fallen asleep?

I breathed a long sigh of relief, I can't stand this anymore, as soon as I relaxed, I stopped thinking and just pulled the quilt over the two of us, and closed my eyes and went to sleep.

We slept until sunrise. I had to be grateful for one thing, that is, Lin Yin Yin's father left early in the morning, and did not come to call her, so I was able to escape with my life, otherwise I would have died.

But I'm not having a good time either, I just woke up with a little headache, blurry vision, and then felt a wet patch on my chest and a strange smell, like the smell of saliva.

I slowly looked down and saw that Lin Yin Yin was lying on top of me with her head tilted, her mouth slightly open and a pool of saliva flowing directly onto my chest.

I was completely sober now, not because of her saliva, her saliva didn't make me sick, what I cared about was the current position we were in, not good, not good, very bad.

I tried to remember everything from last night, and my forehead was sweating, I actually fucking "slept" with Lin Yin Yin!

Even though I didn't do anything, this is enough to hurt me. How can we still look at each other afterwards? How would Lin Yin Yin feel?

I didn't dare to stay any longer, so I carefully moved her to the side and gingerly got out of bed.

I remembered to go to the closet and find my shoes, then sneaked away.

I was still very careful because I didn't know if Lin Yin Yin's father was at home at this time. Luckily, nothing happened all along. When I left the villa I was relieved, and once I was safe I ran out like a wild dog, I found a motorcyclist and ran to the landlord's house.

I smelled bad and didn't wash up, so I had to ask the landlord for help.

He is usually at home, and he was there now. When I came and went straight to his bathroom to take a shower, he yelled, "You're wasting my water, you have to pay for it."

Pay you, my ass!

I ignored him and took my shower while he was walking around. I said what are you doing? Don't spy on me. The landlord gave a dry laugh and suddenly lowered his voice: "Little brother, last night I couldn't resist the temptation and stole the underwear of Yan Han Lu."

I almost twisted my dick: "Ah? You stole her panties?" The landlord seemed to be in a state of shock: "I was just being silly, she was too tempting, I stole them for my own use. But she seemed to know, and smiled at me when she left this morning."

I said, that's good, isn't it? She was smiling, so what are you afraid of? The landlord shook his head repeatedly: "You dont know anything, it was not a normal smile, she smiled so frighteningly, as if she despised me, but also seemed to pity me, how do you think there is such a girl? She's crazy."

Realistically, it is true that such women are rare, but I guess Yang Han Lu does not give a damn about him. I just say what's stolen is stolen, what else could be done? Don't steal in the future, then.

The landlord laughed twice: "I'm afraid she retaliated against me ah, she was really like a viper...... don't you know her? Go to help me spy on her, by the way, help me give her back her panties."

Fuck you, I'm not doing it. I said you love what you do, so don't drag me into it.

He complained: "Then at least help spy on her, I'm really afraid she will retaliate against me."

I said if I encountered her, I'll poke around, and I won't go there on purpose. He thanked me, and then gratefully smiled: "You are so filthy, and you don't have any spare clothes, I'll lend you a set."

I said your clothes don't fit me, he was depressed: "I'm short, but I'm fat, so my clothes are quite big and long."

He then went to get a pair, but also, kindly, left me the underwear. Damn bastard!

In the end I just wore his dress pants and planned to change them back at school. As for my dirty clothes, I left them here to be washed.

The landlord, for some reason, was particularly enthusiastic and didn't mind the trouble. I think he was hoping that I would help him find out what Yan Han Lu was going to do.

I also thought I would help him out, after all, I was always bothering him. I said, I'll try to find out for you, so that she doesn't retaliate against you.

The landlord sent me downstairs enthusiastically before he went up.

I look at the time, it's almost 10 o'clock, but the school dormitory is not open, and Yan Han Lu was probably in class, and Li Xin was not in the milk tea store, I do not know what to do.

I thought about going to Sister Xia to kill some time, and then Id go back to school at noon.

I went to the milk tea store, and it was only Sister Xia. I joked with her, and she took me to the inner room.

This room was small, not much to do, but as soon as I saw Sister Xia's wicked smile I knew something was off.

"Xinxin sometimes changes clothes here, oh, once her pants were soaked by some milk tea, and she got naked here."

The corners of my mouth twitched and I said ah, okay, I didn't want to know that. She laughed loudly, leaving me speechless.

I couldn't do anything, and continued to be teased by her, at noon I asked where is Li Xin? Sister Xia rolled her eyes: "She will come in an hour at noon, there's no need to eat before she comes, ah."

I thought about it, so I continued to wait. However, before she came, Yang Han Lu came.

I raised an eyebrow, she also raised an eyebrow when she saw me, seemingly quite surprised, then a smile crept onto her face: "Yo, brother Li Chen, why are you here?"

I was amazed, she had never been here before, and for some reason she was here. There's no way she actually liked the milk tea here, she must have had a reason, most likely because of Li Xin.

My face remained unchanged and I said what a coincidence. She sat down gracefully and smiled good-naturedly right next to me with her chin propped up: "Brother Li Chen, I missed you so much."

This was too explicit, I was a little unhappy, and Sister Xia was surprised, and then glared at me fiercely.

I had the intention of explaining myself, but now I didn't want to look even more guilty, so I just warned her coldly: "That's enough from you."

She puffed out her mouth in aggravation: "I just went back to my apartment and the landlord said you came by, so I came out to look for you on purpose, you're so heartless!"

I frowned again, the landlord is really nosy. I said you hurry up and get what you want and leave, I still have things to do.

At this time I saw Li Xin come, I couldn't help but smile, Yan Han Lu looked behind us, the corners of her mouth slightly arched: "I also have business, brother Li Chen, I'm missing a pair of my beloved underwear."

I was stunned, what are you trying to do? I suspiciously look at her, her face is now red: "So.. if you wanted...... take, really annoying, just tell me directly..."

I was taken aback, and beside Sister Xia was glaring at me. I was a little anxious, also angry: "What nonsense are you talking about!"

Li Xin came into the store, and was shy and happy to see me. Yan Han Lu covered her face and laughed shyly: "You still do not admit it, look at your own pocket."

As soon as I reached into the pocket of my dress, I felt a soft one fabric. I was also confused, foolishly pulling it out, and it turned out to be folded panties!

The landlord's clothes were fat and big, and the pockets were big, so I didn't really feel anything in the pockets.

This time I was completely confused, Yang Han Lu charmingly laughed. Sister Xia coldly snorted, Li Xin seemed to not know what was going on, but her mouth pursed up, Sister Xia quickly pulled her over: "Humph, ignore this bastard!"

Damn it, the landlord trapped me!

I can't think too much about it now, I'm desperate and sweating, I can't let Li Xin misunderstand me. I threw the underwear to Yan Han Lu, then got up and went to Li Xin's side.

Sister Xia directly scolded me: "You bastard, are you actually worthy of Xinxin? Three-minded bitch!"

I was really desperate, I opened my mouth to explain to Li Xin, Li Xin suddenly gently held my hand, bowed her head and bit her lips and spoke: "Don't panic... calm down ...... I will listen ......"

Translator Notes: Dang shes annoying ahem anyways, here we go we might have a harder time from now on ugh. Thankfully Li Xin is benevolent and already met Han Lu before so she knows of her actual nature, well until next time, byee

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