Regarding Those Matters of Me and My Little Sister

Chapter 67: A Letter

Chapter 67: A Letter

It's not too late now. If I rush back to school quickly, I'd still make it before night.

In fact, I knew I would be scolded by the teacher, and it didn't matter whether I rushed back or not, but my sister wanted me to rush back, and she said before that she wanted me to get into university.

I'll just hurry back, this is after all a true man's promise, I needed to focus on studying.

I was surprised when I got near the school and saw several motorcycles from a distance. I immediately knew these were gangsters.

The problem with Guo was not over yet, and I have to be more cautious, I am not afraid of them, but they are carrying knives, who the hell knows if they're crazy enough to stab me.

I slowly approached them carefully observing them, they really were Guos gang, and surprisingly he was also there, sitting on his motorcycle.

Obviously during the day they knew I would not get caught, but since its dark they thought they could catch me while I went out for a snack.

I sneered, it looks like stabbing him last time did not teach him anything. But now I cant go to school, because its too dark and quiet, theyd certainly catch me if I showed up.

Do I really have to fight right now? It's a bit risky. I deliberated for half a second, and then smiled grimly, it's okay, I just need to scare them off.

Again I ran to buy another knife, this time, a watermelon knife, Guo recognized me, and looked surprised. I took out the half-meter long watermelon knife, the sheath was also taken off, the glistening watermelon knife has the power to scare people to death.

Without hesitation, I charged at them, but if the school gate isnt open I'll be in trouble, so I have to chase them off.

Without thinking, I raised my watermelon knife high in the air, and my hair was all over the place because of the autumn breeze. Then I yelled at them and rushed forward.

The gang of idiots turned their heads to look, all stunned: "Holy shit!"

I ran as fast as I could, and Guo was the first to recognize me: "Fuck you, it's the douchebag!"

After he shouted that, they all began to recognize me, one after the other, and I was now only five meters away from them, and I saw them pull out their knives with pale faces, and one even started his motorcycle and tried to run.

I'm going to die of laughter, how are you all so cowardly?

Before I knew it, I had gotten to them, and Guo was worthy of being the leader, he pulled out his knife, but saw this, and hit his knife out of his hand, and it fell to the ground.

You thought my half-meter long watermelon knife could not deal with your ten centimeter fruit knife?

The watermelon knife glittered brightly, and reflected the light from the street lamp. Several people were screaming and cursing and retreating, and the motorcycles fell over.

They really thought that I wanted to cut them so badly. Guo also wimped out and ran away.

I shouted: "Get lost!"

A few people still held their knives, but did not dare to approach, I sneered and walked away, they looked at each other, but did not try to chase me.

When I walked to the school gate Guo cursed out: "Fuck, get him! He pussied out, he's not gonna stab us!"

A few of them reacted and tried to chase after me. But I already could see the doorman, he opened the door and shouted: "Marked!"

Then he also saw the few punks with knives rushing over, and immediately stopped scolding me, and I went in, he hurriedly locked the door, sweating: "What's going on?"

I said don't panic, it's just a bunch of idiots. He hurriedly hid the janitor's room, planning to call the principal if something happened.

I took the opportunity to run away. Those gangsters didn't dare to force their way into the school, so they stayed outside for a while before leaving.

Im in a really good mood, I can see through the, gangsters, they like to pretend theyre cool, but as soon as they sense a little bit of danger, they run away, all scared and everything!

I took the watermelon knife to the classroom, after all, I could not afford to lose it, I have wasted a lot of money buying these, I took it back and hid it in my desk.

Evening classes were still happening, and I brought the knife to class, Zhang Xiong looked at me, frightened and swapped chairs, I quickly went over to hide the knife in my desk, so as not to cause a commotion.

Zhang Xiong's face became white, and he was petrified: "Li Chen ...... you ...... you please don't... ah."

I said don't worry, you still have a little human decency, I will not do anything to you. He then breathed a sigh of relief and smiled fawningly: "Then you- this knife ......"

I grunted: "Just had a fight with Guo and the others."

His face became even whiter, and he didn't dare to say a word afterwards.

As usual, I was scolded by the homeroom teacher, then the class started, and I went back to sleep.

The next day was Friday, and Lin Yin Yin came early and made a point of talking to me: "I'm going to find that vixen after school this afternoon!"

I said okay, and she puffed up and went back to her seat. Zhang Xiong has become more and more respectful to me. He also ran out at noon, and only came back sweating during break period.

I'm not sure what he went to do, but he said to me: "Li Chen, you're really too strong, Brother Guo, they are too scared to try and hurt you, I heard it from them, Brother Guo does not dare to mess with you anymore."

Ah? I was stunned, I can't believe they would leave me alone because they were afraid of me.

I said where did you hear that? Zhang Xiong wiped his sweat: "I went to the skating rink, ah, last night you and they fought again, I went to see what happened, and they said they were all too afraid of you, and didn't want to mess with you again."

This is strange, no way, ah. Last night they were so aggressive, and then today they don't want to mess with me?

I couldn't comprehend this, and I couldn't understand it even after thinking about it all day. I didn't even pay attention to the class, but whatever.

School was soon over and the weekend was upon us. Lin Yin Yin immediately came to me, I thought she came over to take me to see Ah Li, but she sullenly said: "My father just called and said he went out with the vixen, we can only wait."

I said we'll try tomorrow, but she grunted: "No, I want to go today! We'll wait, I'll call my dad every ten minutes to make sure he doesn't go out with that vixen!"

Well then we'll just wait. We waited, just waited. We waited and waited, there were still a lot of people in the classroom, and then at the door there was someone looking for me.

Many boys looked over, I raised an eyebrow, Yang Han Lu?

It's really her, she actually found my school. Needless to say, she must be up to something. I couldn't help but think about Guo and his gang giving up on messing with me, could it be because of her?

I did not move, pretending not to see her, but she looked inside the class, and the eyes of the class were all fixed on her.

I try to act like Im not there, since I dont want to talk to her, but she still managed to find me.

And, she walked directly towards me smiling: "Li Chen, this weekend, lets go on a date~."

This comment made many people drop their glasses, and I got goosebumps, her tone is too cold.

Lin Yin Yin also looked at me in shock, and some anger gradually emerged in her eyes.

I quietly spoke to her: "Let's go out and talk!" Yang Hanlu giggled and went out with me.

When I got outside I was not so polite and said in a cold voice: "What."

She complained: "You're soooo negative, youre so mean to someone who helped you take care of those punks, I cant believe you.

I said just shut up and tell me what you want. She probably knew that I wouldnt deal with whatever shes playing, and she just smiled more intensely and her voice became lower and lower: I dont want anything. I just told Qin Lan about you.

I was shocked, Yang Han Lu was very excited: "I'm so smart, she likes you so much, if she knew you were in danger she'd surely be sad, and she would surely certainly beg me to save you ah, ha ha, and she really did, she begged me all night."

I knew that Yang Han Lu wouldn't actually help Qin Lan, but I did not expect her to be this terrible. She must have said some extra stuff to worry Qin Lan more.

I wanted to punch her in the face. She began to feign resignation again: "I did not do anything to her ah, I just told her that I will help you, and I will help you for a lifetime, and love you forever and so on. It's no problem, right?"

I didn't say a word, she was really sick, I took a deep breath: "You come with me to the bathroom."

She smiled: "You want to hit me? Was there anything wrong with what I said? I am helping you, I will always help you, I am also helping my sister, you do not know how much she worries about you, huh, if you want, you can break up with her, then she wouldn't worry about you in the future."

I glared at her: "What's wrong with your brain? Leave!"

Her face changed, and then she left casually: "Then I'll get out of here, bye."

I was so angry that I slammed the railing, she must have had a way to contact Qin Lan and then talk crap, now Qin Lan must be feeling terrible, she is forced to stay home, what if she believes that I have fallen in love with Yang Han Lu?

I got more and more anxious, and suddenly Lin Yin Yin came out to pinch me with an angry face: "Good going, you bastard!"

I really didn't feel like fooling around with her anymore, so I asked her if I could contact Qin Lan. She was puzzled: "Last time I contacted her once, you saw the result, I can't help it."

Damn, I really don't know where Qin Lan is now, she must have been humiliated by Yang Han Lu last night, shit!

As I worried about this, the arts commissioner suddenly took some letters and came over to me: "You have some letters, look for yourself."

The school often gives letters to students that they received from others, but I only ever received some from Li Xin. But now Li Xin most likely was not going to send letters to me anymore.

I didn't pay attention to it, but I didn't expect the arts commissioner to glance at me: "You don't want your letter?"

I was stunned, and took a look, what if Li Xin had an urgent matter for me?

I took the letter, and when I saw the signature, my eyes opened wide, uncontrollable joy came up, it was Qin Lan, sent from the next city!

Translator Notes: Wooooooo Qin Lan makes her return!!! Anyways we get Yang Han Lu being frustrating in this chapter and we see her scheme, but that's all for today, Ill see you all later!!

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