Regarding Those Matters of Me and My Little Sister

Chapter 74: Domestic Abuse

Chapter 74: Domestic Abuse

For the next two days I was busy working on my article, and Lin Yin Yin had nothing to do at home, so she spent the day teaching me how to write and helped with editing it.

As for the teacher's warning about our 'relationship', we forgot about it.

Three days later I finished my second article finally, and Lin Yin Yin was even more excited than I was, and she ran back to the editor as soon as school was out in the afternoon.

Then I was finally able to relax, and then I thought about these past few events. I need to fix anything I havent resolved yet.

Then, I thought about Yang Han Lu, I still have things to do with her, but in a way, I have already dealt with them, but now Qin Lan wants me to take care of her, so in essence, I still have something to do.

Today was a bit quiet, I thought if I should try and find her? If she is about to die, I should help her a little.

I made up my mind and went to the landlord's house to try and find Yang Han Lu, but she ended up not being here. The landlord also mysteriously whispered to me: "That Yang Han Lu ah, these days I do not know what happened her, she always came back very late at night, she also seemed to have skipped classes during the day, yesterday I also saw her vomiting downstairs, I think she was drunk, hey, nowadays girls really do not know how to love themselves, what if they were...... how unfortunate."

The landlord's words made me concerned. Yang Han Lu wasn't normal these days? It sounds like she's depressed. But she clearly was victorious, she had her revenge on Qin Lan ah, no matter how empty she was, she wouldn't be like this all of a sudden, right?

I thought for a moment and went directly to her room, also, I have the key to it.

The room was freezing, and there was the stench of alcohol, and there were even bottles of wine on the floor.

And then I looked in her bedroom, which was littered with clothes and bedsheets, and it looked like a pig's bed, there was the stench of alcohol again.

I also went to see the bathroom, heaps of unwashed clothes were all piled up like they were left there for days.

I am sure this wasn't normal, Yang Han Lu did not hurt Qin Lan, but rather she hurt herself, why would she collapse like this ah? I can't guess what's going through her mind.

I waited at her home, and did not even go to the evening classes, I wanted to see how she was doing, so I could report back to Qin Lan.

However, it turned out that she was not back, even at 10 o'clock. Ten o'clock was already very late, there weren't many pedestrians on the streets, and in the smaller neighborhoods, there were many gangsters and punks so being out at dark was dangerous.

The landlord also came up to check on me, then shook his head: It seems that she isnt coming back until midnight, I really dont know any man like that, she really needs to love herself more.

I said looking for who? The landlord said casually: "She said she was looking for a boyfriend, and she was drunk too and smiling a bunch and asked me to find someone for her, but I don't know anyone. I guess people of her nature must be looking for those jerks, girls think jerks are cool and look down on honest people like me."

My heart jumped, I somehow remembered Zhang Xiong talking about a beautiful girl at the ice rink, dammit he said girl, but not Yang Han Lu ah.

But the more I thought about it, then I started connecting the dots, and finally my intuition told me that it was her!

I swore, there were all kinds of delinquents over there, although most do not have the guts to do anything dangerous to the girls, but Yang Han Lu's self-destructiveness might lead her into teasing others, and if it escalated harshly, something bad would happen.

I'm a little anxious, no matter what she did, she didnt deserve the worst like that. I ran out immediately, I had to go and see, and she was Qin Lan's younger sister.

The skating rink wasn't that far away, but damn it still shocked me when I heard the heavy metal music from a distance, this place is not peaceful.

That time I came during the day, there were a lot of students, basically a lot of delinquent students now, nothing like before but still very noticeable, especially when I took a look inside, I could already see all the trouble-makers.

I frowned as I walked towards the narrow entrance, where blaring lights of various colors flashed around and the sound was deafening.

I went in and couldn't see anyone's face at all, and there were too many people, a shabby skating rink, the whole thing was like a nightclub dance floor.

There was the skating rink skating, people smoking, joking around, and drinking, and there were jumbles of people.

I walked along the edge of the circle that was made by the crowd, looking around to find Yang Han Lu, but from time to time was pushed around a little, the light flickering made it pretty hard to see, trying to find someone right now was hard.

So I simply asked someone to ask where she was.

This little redhead shouted while spitting on my face a little: "Yang Han Lu? The 5'5 feet lady, who was a slut?"

I also had to yell back: "Yes, I guess, where is she?"

The redhead turned their head and looked around, then pointed to the right: "Just now, over there, with the large group of people."

I said thanks and went towards the crowd, my eardrums are hurting, Im going to need some hearing aids afterwards.

I managed to squeeze by with difficulty, and there were even more people here, like they were planning to stay the night or something, and to the right the stench of alcohol was very apparent, the workers here really suck.

I managed to squeeze in to take a look and saw a lot of girls, but none of them were Yang Han Lu. I asked a mongoloid, the mongoloid pointed straight ahead: "There."

I squeezed to where he pointed, and there seemed to be a place to rest because there were chairs. Many people around there laughing, I went over to take a closer look, and finally saw Yang Han Lu, she was surrounded by people in the middle, surrounded by cigarettes and alcohol, a number of punks next to her offering her drinks, and she did not refuse them, every move she made was filled with temptation.

Right now it'd be difficult for me to get to her, mainly because she might not even want to come with me, and secondly, those punks might give me a hard time.

I even found that there were a few bastards who were visibly excited, probably wanting to take her home. (TN: Ew that's nasty dont describe that, ew.)

She really was pitiful, she was drunk and let people mooch off her, and if she went overboard, something terrible might have happened.

I sighed slightly, then squeezed my way in, and once I was inside a few of the punks said: "Fuck you who are you ah, leave."

I shrugged: "Looking for my Xiao-yi." They were stunned, and I opened my mouth to call out to her: "Yang Han Lu, come home with me." (TN: Means sister-in-law in this context, just thought the sentence would flow better like this.)

Yang Han Lu, drunk, looked back at me briefly, then giggled, "Jie-fu ...... you do care about me." (TN: Brother-in-law, same reason as before.)

She spoke without thinking, but I felt she was not entirely drunk, her eyes were calm, but she just acted drunk.

She can't be acting like she's drunk, right? Why is she like this? Acting like she's drunk for fun?

I hurriedly pulled her: "Let's go."

She broke away from my hand, smiling flirtatiously into the bone: "We can't, I haven't had enough."

The surrounding punks were all drooling, and Yang Han Lu licked her lips at me, and poured her drink into her chest: "Come play with me."

The mob went crazy with joy, and someone went and reached out to touch Yang Han Lu's chest: "I'll play with ya."

Yang Han Lu's eyes flickered for a moment, but she did not move. I reached out to the guy's hand: "Stop playing, we need to leave."

The guy was furious, and everyone else was upset at me, all cursing at me, and some pushing me and telling me to get out. Yang Han Lu laughed as if she was watching a drama.

I cursed secretly, did this woman do it on purpose?

But I can't leave her behind. She poured more wine into her chest. She really does not know when to stop. And those bastards keep eating it up.

I pulled her again and dragged her out: "We are going."

She swayed drunkenly and didn't struggle this time. But the punks refused, pulling her back, and someone kicked me, and I shouted: "Fuck you, do you want to die!"

The group of punks laughed loudly: "Ouch, you're such a cool, powerful white night... so dreamy!"

If I had my knife, I wouldve hacked my way out of here, but I dont have one on me right now, plus there are a lot of them here, and if I did something dumb, terrible things could happen.

I said today I do not have time to deal with all of you, you need to get out my way. There were a few punks who were intimidated, but most of them were still simple-minded guys who immediately wanted to tussle.

But then there was a lively punk who suddenly shouted: "It's that kid, who stabbed that Guo guy!"

It was daytime when I stabbed Guo, and most of them were probably still hanging out here. It caught me off guard that someone recognized me, and then many of them were surprised, and a few of the punks next to me were on guard, but most still refused to get out of the way.

I then smiled and reached into my pocket. And this scared a lot of people, I smiled: "You arent afraid of getting a little hurt are you?"

Then the room became a little bit quieter, and everyone stopped bickering, and they were all afraid, ah, they really thought I was going to stab someone, but I didn't even bring a knife.

And I didn't want to stay long, otherwise an idiot would call my bluff. I put one hand in my pocket and let the other pull Yang Han Lu away.

Yang Hanlu was still swaying from left to right like a drunkard, and I pulled her away with all my strength, and the faces of those gangsters were gloomy, and some looked like they were brewing courage to stop me.

After barely even moving, there was suddenly a commotion in front of us, and I saw a few grown men approaching us.

I was shocked, did this bitch really call the triad to deal with me? (TN: Triad is the chinese mafia.)

Yang Han Lu also reacted, she quickly shook off my hand, and I let her go.

I did not know what she wanted to do, but then a few men saw Yang Han Lu, and quickly came over and scolded her: "Xiao Lu, what are you doing here!"

They werent wearing suits, but ordinary clothes, and were grown men.

Yang Hanlu responded: "Nothing, leave."

As soon as she said that, a young woman appeared with a cold face and went over and slapped Yang Han Lu: "Are you crazy?"

I've seen this young woman before, it's Qin Lan's mother. She actually came.

Everyone was stunned, the sudden appearance of the men, and a beautiful young woman hitting someone, was really strange.

Those few big men seemed to be relatives or neighbors of Yang Han Lu's family, they looked quite tired, I guess they were looking for Yang Han Lu for a while.

Her mother was also mad, first a slap, then a kick in Yang Han Lu's stomach.

Yang Han Lu fell to the ground, the young woman still did not calm down and kicked her more: "What did I teach you? If you don't study well and come to places like this, I'll kill you!"

The young woman kept kicking. Yang Han Lu curled up into a ball, and shielded her face with her arms, silent. (TN: Oh my god.)

The punks were all silent, and were completely stunned. I frowned, this mother actually came here to beat her daughter.

The few larger men didn't look down, and just pulled the young woman away: "Forget it, let's go back first."

One of the men held Yang Han Lu, and Yang Han Lu didn't resist, like she was dead.

I took two steps forward, but I have no right to stop something like this, that woman might still scold me too. (TN: nooo you wimp)

I followed them out, and many of the jerks followed to see what was going on. Yang Han Lu was being carried, and her hair was drooped over her face, I do not know if I was hallucinating, but I saw tears constantly falling towards the ground.

Translator Notes: Good lord I thought all the dark stuff was done already man she really does have a difficult life anyways sorry for being late again, and hopefully MC mans up and stops that woman!! Or instead saves her somehow one day thats all for today everyone, see you all next time, bye bye!!

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