Regarding Those Matters of Me and My Little Sister

Chapter 8: Water Bottle

Chapter 8: Water Bottle

I took my revenge, I was very happy, but also quite afraid, if I was caught and it came out, I broke into the Takasu High School and humiliated Qin Lan, this incident was known by the school and I'm sure to suffer.

As for Qin Lan and the others, I'm not afraid anymore, I'm fucking determined, they pushed my sister to be so miserable, I'll fight them to the death, I'll fight them to the death until I die!

I ran away in a flash with Lin Yin Yin in my arms, I was nervous and satisfied, that dead bitch deserved it!

Lin YinYin is very small, her weight is no different from that of an elementary school student, so I had no trouble carrying her. But she snapped out of her daze and then tried to struggled away, she was not happy with me holding her.

I had to find a hidden place to put her down, she jumped to her feet and her feet hurt.

I said what are you afraid of, I won't take advantage of you. She was three times puzzled and seven times annoyed: "What have you done? Why were you running?"

I leaned toward the wall and surveyed the big road outside, my breath a mess.

"Nothing, it's just revenge, plucked ...... beat up Qin Lan."

I said and unconsciously flex my fingers, as if there is still hair not wiped clean ah. Lin Yin Yin is aware that I came to take revenge, but she obviously did not expect me to take revenge so easily, and she was curious to look at my hand again.

I laughed dryly and wiped my hand on my clothes and put it in my pocket. The curious girl's expression could not be concealed, I knew she would definitely want to ask questions, I changed the subject: "Qin Lan peed in my sister's water bottle, I have to go warn my sister."

This loli is rather foolish, as soon as I changed the subject she immediately got hooked: "You want to go into the school to find her? You just made a mess and you dare to go in?"

Do I dare? Men are willing to go out and have the courage to do anything. I said I had to go in, maybe my sister is using that water bottle right now.

She was quite disgusted with Qin Lan and nodded in agreement: "I wanted to take you in, but you didn't even listen to me, you went over the wall."

I almost sprayed, said you can go in? Why the hell didn't you say so? She glared at me angrily, I dared not argue with her and smiled pleasantly.

Lin Yin Yin grunted reluctantly and told me to go with her. I then followed, she went straight to the entrance of the school, a little uneasy: "I do not know what kind of things you've been up to, if you get caught do NOT mention me."

I said I know, hurry up. She grunted again, limping towards the school entrance.

Although I already risked a lot, I am still a little nervous, I am afraid that the school will catch me, the school may know what just happened.

But there was nothing unusual along the way, and the students were quiet. I watched as Lin Yin Yin went to talk to the guard, who was surprisingly kind and pleasant and he seemed to know her.

Soon Lin Yin Yin turned around and called me, I hurried over, the guard smiled and looked at me, but didn't stop.

I asked her how she did it. She smiled smugly, "This is all about connections, I used to know everyone here."

I'm speechless at her bratty look, but it's cute. Of course such words I will not say, I came in and I was eager to go to Li Xin. (TN: oooo finally theyre going to formally meet!!! (^ o ^))

She also hastily, led me to the second year of the school building, but also spoke to me: "Your sister is in the second year, but I do not know in which class, her grades are quite good, she should be in the higher classes, classes one, two, or three, you have to find which one yourself."

I had to find it myself, it was the weekend, and I didn't know if Li Xin was in the classroom studying.

I saw Lin Yin Yin move with difficulty, I said I'll find her myself, you take your time to move, she directly waved her hand, not even caring about me.

I went upstairs and looked in classes one by one, about a dozen classes, the more I looked, the further I went up, and when I got to the highest level, class one, two and, three were found.

The higher classes have really good students, there are now a lot of people studying on their own. I spent a lot of time looking around and finally settled on class three.

There were about twenty people studying in the third class, and the classroom was quiet and peaceful. I didn't move to look around, my eyes stared and found a girl sitting in the front position of the innermost row.

The clean school uniform, fresh side face, and focused demeanor. I recognized her as my sister. (TN: Uff, Im having a bad feeling for some reason ( ` ) hopefully its nothing)

To be honest, I have hardly looked at her properly in the past three years, at home I didn't dare to look at her at all, even in the milk tea store last time I just took a glimpse, now I saw her side-profile, and suddenly my heart sank, my sister ah.

I was busy backing up a bit, afraid she would find me. There were a few students talking in the hallway, and I stood inconspicuously among them.

I looked at her carefully through the window, and she was at the other side of the classroom window, the breeze lightly ruffling her ponytail.

It was so easy to get a rubber band to tie her hair, and the messy bangs were waving between her eyebrows.

I watched her smile and felt a strange sense of satisfaction in my heart.

Then Li Xin put down the pen, I immediately sobered up, turned around on the railing to look down. She certainly did not recognize my back, even if she saw it, it does not matter.

I turned back to peek at her and found her bending down to get her water bottle. At that time in high school, many students brought their own water bottles to the dining hall to get fresh water. My sister had one, a very small one, with her name on it.

Now all my attention is focused on her water bottle, I don't know if that water bottle is the one Qin Lan peed in, the appearance is dry and opaque to be seen.

I pursed my lips, Li Xin took the lid off and intended to pour water, she did not seem to confirm whether there was an odor.

My heart tightened and I slapped the railing violently. This railing made a loud noise, the students in the corridor all looked over, the students in the classroom also frowned trying to look for the noise.

I shamelessly didn't pay attention, and they didn't dare to mention me, I peeked at Li Xin, she was also looking outside in confusion, the water in the water bottle, although poured into the water cup, but for the time being did not drink.

I looked at a girl next to me and said: "Classmate, do me a favor, go tell Li Xin not to drink the water." (TN: Nevermind ( ) MC wimps out)

The girl froze, and I anxiously said it again. She was surprisingly a little afraid of me, thinking I threatened her. But she went dutifully into the room.

Li Xin had already picked up the glass of water, the girl was busy going over to whisper to her, Li Xin was surprised and put down the glass, and then seemed to understand and frowned.

I was relieved to find that the girl was actually pointing at me, I was terrified, and ran away with my head down. (TN: DARNNNNNNN (`) HE DIDNTTTTT)

It was over, my sister was no fool, she must have figured what was happening.

To avoid her chasing me out, I ran downstairs without stopping, only to find Lin Yin Yin climbing the stairs with a sigh, and I almost ran into her.

She got angry: "What are you running for again?" I said it's okay, let's go. She was gritting her teeth like a child who worked hard but wasn't rewarded, but didn't know what to say to express her displeasure.

I didn't have time to be inquisitive and went downstairs. She just sulked and turned around, limping again.

When I got to the bottom I said I'll carry you, she refused outright and didn't even bother to talk to me.

I still have to please her, after all, Qin Lan's matter is not resolved, I need someone to help me.

I told her I'd carry you when I got out of school, you're welcome. She rolled her eyes and took small steps to move. I thought about things and ignored her.

She walked slowly, but she looked around nostalgically, then looked back and suddenly spoke: "Li Xin is looking at us in the corridor."

My heart jumped, my head began to turn around, but then I stopped hard, somehow slumped down, and quickened my pace.

Lin Yin Yin was surprised and curious: "What are you doing? Hiding from her?" I said stop it, let's go. She was still confused and waved her hand at Li Xin to say hello.

I did not dare to turn around, Lin Yin in confusion: "She is quite happy ah, even smiled at me, what the hell are you doing?" (TN: Oh oh oh oh oh????)

I did not respond, and walked out quickly, Lin Yin Yin scooted for a while before catching up, complaining incessantly. (TN: Awwww)

I don't know when my palms were sweating, but I calmly thought about it and cursed myself for what I was doing. Why do I not have the courage to see her?

With that in mind, I walked back, pumped myself up, and looked down the hallway. However, the hallway no longer has the figure of my sister.

An inexplicable sense of loss came over me, and I didn't know what I was thinking. Lin Yin Yin was confused: "You ...... what the hell are you up to?"

I shook my head, I don't want to do anything, let's go.

I'll go, this time remembering Lin Yin Yin's injury, she is also exhausted, it's time to go home.

I told her to go back and get well. She is anxious to stay away from me, but this loli is tremendously nice ah, she took trouble on her own: "You beat up Qin Lan, what now?"

She, who was mentioning a pot that doesn't boil, I pushed myself to seek help: "If no one helps me I can only fight to the death, to see who dies first!" (TN: The thing about the pot isnt a mistranslation, its an old story about a tea shop not serving properly boiled tea, but anyway it means touching a sore spot)

I am quite desperate, Lin Yin Yin frowned in distress: "My father is Qin Lan's father's boss, they have a very good relationship, her father is very strict with her, she is afraid of me because I will tattle, her father used to beat her so much that the flesh split open, she was scared to death, but I was always tattling it wasn't good ah, and I am simply an outsider, her father would not look after her, even after a beating, so I will continue to tattletale. However, the company will continue to do whatever it wants."

I understood that Qin Lan was afraid of Lin Yin Yin because of her father's relationship. But I'm an outsider, I don't have a powerful father, so it's hard to ask Lin Yin Yin to save me every time.

I sighed in my heart, really miserable.

Lin Yin Yin also pondered for a while, said she would go back and talk to Qin Lan's father, so that she can be a little more disciplined.

I thanked her. She didn't care and was going to leave. We said goodbye and she headed for the tricycle parked on the side of the road.

I walked towards the milk tea store, but after two steps she called me again, I looked at her suspiciously, she clasped her hands and forced herself to play the grown-up: "What the hell is that hair on your hand? Why is it there every time?"

I choked, you're really indefatigable. This is impossible to say, I again perfunctorily said that it is hair. She then scratched her hair, suspicious and amazed.

I waved my hand and rushed to walk, and she got angry again, muttering two sentences and went back on the tricycle.

I went to the milk tea store, there was no traffic, the gentle woman was still cleaning, I pondered for a moment, went across the store to pick a delicate water bottle and ran into the milk tea store.

The woman was quite surprised, I did not say much, and handed the water bottle to her: "Help me pass it to Li Xin."

This woman talks a lot, naturally, to be clear. I sighed: "Don't ask, I have a crush on her, right? Give her a gift."

She took it with a strange smile, I lifted my foot to go, she took a look at the time to open up: "Li Xin is going to work, there are about ten of her arrival, why do not you first drink a cup of milk tea?"

My heart skipped a beat, the first reaction was to run, but the second reaction was to wait. Why should I run? I want to meet my sister, I want to talk to my sister, I want to tell her a lot of things. (TN: Oh oh oho ohoho)

Just now I did not look back at her, and now I feel vaguely regretful. This moment the second reaction made me a little man-like, I actually agreed and sat down right down next to her.

The gentle woman covered her mouth with a smile, very excited look. I swallowed, my thighs could not stop shaking.

Shaking for a few minutes I pressed again, you trembling shit, ah you're shaking. Nervous, uneasy, scared, excited, waiting, and I began to shake again.

I drank a sip of milk tea and did not drink, the gentle woman told me not to be nervous, drinking a few more cups is okay, she will not charge me money.

This is also a good person ah. I drank a sip to the end, my legs shaking more. Gentle woman looks at the time again: "There are about three minutes left, and now Cai Yu should be waiting for her to come out." (TN:Im guessing Cais the yellow man?)

I was stunned by these words, and then realized that the yellow-haired man was waiting for her. Somehow the courage dissipated quickly, as ten minutes gradually passed, my brain also became a haphazard, and thinking about the intimate relationship between the yellow-haired man and her ......

My thighs are not shaking, wimpy, withdrawn, and when I saw her, what could I do? I don't even have the guts to say anything, how will she treat me? The three years of "cold war" after, what else can I say?

I got up and ran outside, the gentle woman called me anxiously, and I ignored, rushed out to run across the street, away from the sound of motorcycles coming from behind. (TN:NOOOOOOOO)

I looked back in the distance, yellow-haired with Li Xin came.

I breathed a long sigh of relief and took a deep breath, looked up at the yellowing sunset, squinting to avoid the soft light, it's getting dark, let's go back to school.

Translator Notes: Darn this MC.. he just wont interact with her ( ><)o guess we gotta wait until next time.

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