Regarding Those Matters of Me and My Little Sister

Chapter 86: Winter Vacation

Chapter 86: Winter Vacation

Time flew by and it was now winter.

Our midterms passed a while ago, and my results were okay, and it didnt matter much since most of our class werent that competitive about our scores, the only person who did well in our class was Lin Yin Yin.

This loli really was admirable, she had to work on writing manuscripts, but at the same time she didnt fall behind on her studies, and managed to prepare and do well in the midterms.

I asked her how she could do that, and she smiled smugly: I dont really need that much time to work on writing because I can type very fast, you just type very slowly.

I cant help but feel motivated and say out loud that I want to use a computer instead of writing by hand. She gave me a blank look: With your speed, you might as well write it out, and plus where are you even going to get a computer? Not the one at my house, because sooner or later, my father will catch us.

I thought about it, I already have written eight manuscripts, and earned a little more than 3,000 yuan, I should have enough for a computer, right?

But where would it go? And what about an Internet connection? And if I buy a computer, I wouldn't have money to spare for my sister.

Ill probably have to think about this later, right now Ive just started my career, and I shouldnt do too much at once.

I continued writing by hand, and day by day the final exams were approaching. The exams werent too hard, and I wasnt too scared because, even though I wouldnt be a top scorer, I would still do very well, and get good scores.

After that the holidays came, and I moved on from the matter, and now it was time to spend time with my sister.

However, Lin Yin Yin caught me before I could leave school, and she had a thick Pikachu sweater on, and I could see her breath due to the cold: "I still have to write even during the holidays, so come to the city to hang out with me when I finish."

I was stunned, said you get no vacation? She rolled her eyes: "Every day I don't really have work, but once a week I need to submit something."

I said I'm just going to be walking a lot during winter break, so I'll try my best. She blinked and asked me: "To where?"

I said I was going to walk around with my sister.

I said let's walk around and take my sister with us. She puffed her lips: "With you two?" I asked do you want to go? She was uncomfortable: "I don't care if I go, I'll go if you want me to."

I said that I didnt really want her to go, I wanted to get closer with my sister, because I wronged her in the past. Lin Yin Yins face turned black, and she gave me a cold stare and left: Remember to finish your manuscripts, I will not accept you slacking off!

I laughed and said we'll have a chance to go hang out later, but she didn't even care about what I had to say.

I still feel like I could be a little late in submitting my script. So I just plan on spending time with my sister, and resting up at home when Im not with her.

I didnt need to pack anything from my dorm so I used my book bag to get some clothes, homework and other things and left.

When I got to the door, Zhang Xiong came over and asked me: "Brother Chen, what is your plan for winter vacation?"

I opened my mouth and cursed: "I'll kill you if you dare to mention anything gang related." He was immediately stifled, and hesitant to leave: "It's not about... any kind of gang......"

This kid is still pestering me and Im annoyed to death. Even though Im on winter break, its very hard to relax around him. Why is he still bothering me?

I stopped worrying about him, and cleared my mind as I went to Takasu High School. Last week I had made an appointment with Li Xin to go home together, and I was so excited to go to her.

But when I arrived she was not at the milk tea shop, and I asked Sister Xia, and she said: She needs more time to pack up, ah, and she needs to say goodbye to her friends, ah.

That is true, and so I helped around a bit to pass time, and then ran to the landlords place.

Since its winter vacation now, and its been a while since I last saw her, I dont really know how Yang Han Lu is doing.

The landlord likes to hibernate like a bear in the winter, and he doesn't leave his room every once in a few days, so I didn't bother him.

No one was in the hallway, but there was some movement in her bedroom. I didnt mind it much and walked over, and saw the door wasnt closed so I pushed it lightly and opened it.

Then I was immediately stunned, inside there was a dressing mirror and reflected was Yang Han Lu, who was almost completely naked, and there she was trying on some clothes.

And immediately, I was a slave to the man's instincts, and I quickly scanned her a few times before removing my gaze and stepping back. Then at that moment, Yang Han Lu clasped her hands to her chest, frightened and disoriented, then let out a high-decibel scream, obliterating my eardrums.

I know it wasnt good to look, even if she acts so sloppy usually, she still was an innocent girl, and at a moment like this, any damn person would cry too.

I tried to run out quickly, but she yelled from her bedroom: Wait! Her voice was a bit shaky, and I thought about standing still, but decided against it, since I wanted her to calm down first.

I went and kicked on the landlords door. Yang Han Lu was probably going to put on clothing before she left her room, so I had time to escape.

The landlord opened the door for me sleepily and then muttered: "It's New Year's Eve and what do you want?"

I hurriedly squeezed in and closed the door: "I'm going back to the countryside soon, and I didn't just come to say goodbye to you." He tsked: "I really don't get why you can't say it but, you're here to see Yang Han Lu, right?"

I laughed dryly, and then I heard the sound of footsteps, and then Yang Han Lu came down. I hurriedly ran into the restroom to hide, then Yang Han Lu kicked on the door, the landlord smiled and opened the door, Yang Han Lu angrily said: "Where is Li Chen?"

The landlord, who didn't know anything, exposed that I was in the restroom. I cursed, Yang Han Lu then came over to the restroom, and then smiled gently: Out here, I wont do anything to you so as to not embarrass you, but I do hope that you take the initiative to come visit me in my room in five minutes. Otherwise

After she finished speaking, she walked away. My ass hurts, cant you just let me go home

I still had to apologize, so I bit the bullet and went upstairs again. The landlord smiled slyly from behind: "A quarrel? Then perhaps now I can court her?

I said get lost, stop joking like that, he said that he had enough money, and just wanted a woman.

This will be tough, so I laughed and went up to Yang Han Lu.

She was sitting in the hall, very relaxed and calm, and she just glanced at me from the corner of her eye.

I smiled and went over: "It's all a misunderstanding, Xiao-Lulu, I came to say goodbye to you, you see how nice I am, right?"

Her eyes were still slanted and she spoke indifferently: If you think youre so nice, then tell my sister about this. I was petrified, if I told Qin Lan my body and my soul would definitely not be intact.

I hurriedly defended myself: "I didn't see anything, right? I turned around immediately, I did not see anything at all."

She narrowed her eyes: "Is that so? Why do I feel that you deliberately looked a few more times?"

Fuck me, why is she so perceptive? But there was no way I was going to admit it. I shook my head firmly: "No no no, it was just a glance, believe me."

She stretched out her legs and kicked me, I thought she was angry, but unexpectedly she smiled coquettishly: "Men are like this when they get caught cheating, I won't blame you, but I also want to take a look at you, so you need to take your clothes off.

I spat out blood and said you need to stop, let's just pretend that nothing has happened ah. She raised her eyebrows, smirking: "You don't have to make such a fuss, but you at least have to tell me, is my body beautiful?"

Damn her power has greatly increased again, just her tone of voice makes my heart beat faster, holy shit, this guy is too powerful.

I hurriedly backed up and forcibly changed the subject: "I'm going home, ah, I came to see how you are, your father is doing okay, right?"

She also went along with my topic: "He is fine, but recently doesn't visit often, and since it's the New Years, he was afraid of being found by his wife. But he said he would definitely take me out for a few days during New Years."

She jumped up and down, and those flirtatious of her colors finally dissipated. I was also relieved, but also a little uneasy, Mr. Yang ultimately has an opportunity to make a fortune, but once his wife found out, then a big issue will arise, then Yang Han Lu I'm afraid also have to be involved in it.

Unfortunately, there is nothing I can do about it, so I can only hope that nothing will happen.

After chatting with her for a while I was going to say goodbye and leave, but before leaving she grabbed me again: "I won't see you for a month, will you miss me?"

It can't be helped, I said I will miss her, she looked embarrassed then said: "Then I'll give you a small gift, if you miss me, take it out and look at it."

I was puzzled, she told me to wait, then she went into the bedroom and closed the door. The expression on her face seemed bad, ah, I guess she's going to do something bad to mess with me, right? After all, I looked at her while she was changing, she must want to mess with me a little.

I just waited with a bitter smile, she soon came out with a small bag and handed it to me: "Take it, you will be very happy, but you can only open it when you get home, oh, you can open it together with your sister."

I was secretly puzzled, and I felt even more worried about whatever was in here. I'm not going to listen to her, I intend to look as soon as I go out, but Yang Han Lu stared at me closely, but also very serious: "You listen to me since I'm your friend, this is not underwear, I'm wearing my underwear right now so you can trust me, or do you want me show you?"

As she said that she started fumbling with her pants, I quickly stopped her, saying I believe you. She spoke again solemnly, her face a little aggravated: "It really is a gift, open it with your sister, I'm not a bad person like that anymore ......"

I couldn't help but believe her, girls are always so delicate that people are powerless to refuse them, so I said I would open it at home. She nodded joyfully and sent me away in a docile manner.

Translator Notes: Thats all for today, a nice, well somewhat calm one today, but I gotta say i dont really trust her. I rather feel guilty about not believing in her rather than being, most likely killed by my sister anyways ill see you all next time bye byeeeeee

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