Regarding Those Matters of Me and My Little Sister

Chapter 94: A While Back

Chapter 94: A While Back

Now I wasnt afraid of anything. When I first started getting into fights, my feet and hands would get a little stiff because Id get nervous, but now I can dish those out like theyre no problem, and with a kick the idiot and I were on the ground.

However, he wasnt dumb, and sensed danger while laying on the ground and stood up fiercely: Fuck you, Ill kill you!

This was a good time to reveal my ace card. I stuck my hand behind my back and said: Dont you want to know whats behind here?

Zhang Xiong was stunned, but quickly commanded: "Help me fight!" The ten or so people were scared, many wanted to run away. The man with the crooked mouth immediately lost his momentum, and ruined our one on one fight.

Taking this as an opportunity, I held my knife out against his throat: "Didn't you want just the two of us alone?"

Everyone was surprised, the crooked-mouthed man was even more abashed: "You ......"

I reached out and grabbed his fat face and pinched it hard and grabbed it hard: "Pinching my girl's face was fun, wasn't it?"

He turned pale, his goons were fighting, but losing horribly, they were all already beaten and crying miserably, and that gave the two of us alone time.

I am done with hitting him and his friends also seem to be done. And now its time to teach him a lesson, I patted his face: "In the future, dont ever look at any pretty lady, unless you know them previously, okay?

He didn't say anything, I slapped him: "Do you understand?"

He trembled with fear and said he understands. Okay then, nice, I put away my knife and left, and let Zhang Xiong clean up the mess.

In the skating rink, everyone was looking at me, whispering, very scared.

I didn't give a shit and went straight home. Since I avenged my sister, I have to work on my articles, for my tuition, and my sister's living expenses or whatever else we need.

I went to go home, but Zhang Xiong caught up to me, he was panting, but very excited: "Brother Chen, you are too dense, you should let yourself be known!"

I said don't bullshit me, I'm not joining your gang, get that through your head.

Zhang Xiong still praised me: "Many people have seen you, you have appeared three times, each time you'd kick their ass, and now everyone says you are the son of a big triad boss."

Bah! I shooed him away, he ran and started off again: " Seize the opportunity to unify the world!"

I huffed, this guy is crazy, I should stay away from him for my own health. I just went home to work on my article, Li Xin has not yet returned, and I felt at ease working like this.

Time flies by when you're really focused, and when I finished my article, it was close to evening.

I had released another article, although it was only 5,000 words. I read it back and forth a few times and was very satisfied. I am also an impatient person and immediately wanted to go to Lin Yin Yin's, and I wouldn't go during the day, because I feel like her father would be there, but it looked like that her father was not always at home at night.

I waited for a while longer, and Li Xin finally came back. She was a little tired and her lips were dry, but she was very happy, and once she came back, she took out sixty yuan to show me, and she was happy.

I also rejoiced, rushed to get her some water, and then I said I have to go to make money, and had to leave.

She blinked: "Your story?"

Last time at home I told my parents and so she knew about it. I said yes, I'm going to submit it .

She then encouraged me: " Good luck, I'll wait for you to come back for dinner, and I'll do the cooking."

Alright, it wouldn't take much time to go to Lin Yin Yin. I took my manuscript with me and went to Lin Yin Yin's house.

It was already dark and cold in the winter, so I went closer to find her. As usual, I looked to see if there was anyone at her house, but nothing was moving, as if no one was living there.

I wondered, did Lin Yin Yin go out?

I went to her window to throw a few stones, but got no response, I was about to give up, but the window suddenly opened, Lin Yin Yin with messy hair and who looked like a ghost, looked at me.

I was terrified, damn what is that? She looks like she needs some sleep? I asked, "What's wrong with you?"

Lin Yin Yin rubbed her eyes and yawned with her mouth wide open: "It's getting dark, I'm exhausted."

I was worried about her, this little loli was not in good health, I'm worried why she's so tired.

I told her to let me in, she wobbled down the stairs, and almost fell. When the door was opened I saw that she almost passed out.

I held her quickly, and she leaned on me, muttering: "I have not slept for two days ......"

I was stunned and rushed to pick her up to go to her room, and I put her on the bed and she sat up again: "No, I still have a draft to finish."

I asked what are you so desperate for? Are looking for death. She was also frustrated: "That Guzhuang Shaonu challenged me, saying that before our annual meeting we'd see who submitted the most articles, the loser should call the other person her senior, and the group was watching."

What kind of bullshit was that? Why did you accept that? But I forgot, Lin Yin Yin was also very stubborn ah, and probably didn't think very clearly.

I was genuinely a little distressed and forced her to lay down. She couldn't take it anymore, her heart was beating fast, and it looked like she ran out of energy.

She was also sweating a lot and it looked uncomfortable to lay down like that. I ran to get a towel to wipe her body, she was still confused: "Pervert, what are you trying to do?"

I rolled my eyes, said you're all gross, don't you want to be clean? She let out a sigh and spread out her limbs: "Go ahead."

That pose was pretty funny, I was silent. Then I wiped her face, hands, feet and neck, but her clothes were still a little wet and stuffy.

I said why don't you take a shower, you look very uncomfortable. She was exhausted: "Carry me."

I had to carry her to the shower, and thankfully, she gained enough spirit to shower on her own, and I left the bathroom.

I went out and waited, and waited for more than half an hour, but heard nothing from inside.

I could not help but worry, rushed to open the door, and the door wasn't locked. It turned out that she was submerged, her head on the sides, and she wasn't moving. The bathtub was full of bubbles, and she must've not known how much soap she had put in.

She... fell asleep, I rushed over to tap her. She didn't wake up. I wanted to help her wash herself, but she was a girl after all so I couldn't do anything.

I had to yell loudly: "Lin Yin Yin, the little vixen is here!"

She woke up with a jolt, her eyes opened wide, and only after half a second did she realize I was here, screaming in shock: "Get out, get out, you pervert, ah ah!"

I hurried out, and not long after me, she also stepped out, seemingly not so sleepy, staring at me with bloodshot eyes: "Say, what did you do?"

I said you weren't responding and I looked inside and saw you like that, I did not do anything. She was ashamed and angry, biting her lip, aggravated.

I said go to sleep, I'll leave my article in your room, if you have time please look at it.

She stomped her foot: "I'm not helping you, I was exhausted and you took advantage of me."

I really didn't take advantage of you. This little loli is a pain, I had to change the topic, seeing her so mad, I asked her a question: "Where is the little vixen?"

She is relatively naive, and immediately forgot about being angry: "Hmph, she went on a trip with my dad and that lady, and I was so mad."

I was puzzled: "That's impossible, they went to play without you?" Lin Yin Yin was furious: "I couldn't go, I wanted to beat that Guzhuang Shaonu!"

She really was persistent... I said you should sleep first and then work hard, if your consciousness is not clear how would you beat her? If your writing's all messy it wouldn't pass.

She thought about it, and said she would sleep. I deliberately helped her into the room, she obediently lay down, I was about to leave but she suddenly said: "Just now, while I was in the bath, I had a lot of confusing dreams."

I rolled my eyes, those so-called dreams are actually you being half-awake, half-asleep, thinking of nonsense.

I said so what? You had an erotic dream? She glared at me in exasperation: "No, but I dreamt something I had almost forgotten."

Her tone was odd, so I said what's wrong? She looked at my hand.

I looked at my hand too: "What's wrong with it?"

She was very serious, as if it was an ancient mystery that was about to be solved: "When we first met, there was some hair in your hands, and I suddenly dreamt about it, and in it you were talking about it."

Pfft! I wanted to spit out blood, of all times, you dreamt of this now? This person is powerful, it seems that her mind can subconsciously remind her of things that she forgot about a long time ago

Now that we are a lot more closer, I hesitated even more to tell her.

She stared at me with increasing curiosity: "Tell me, or I'm not going to sleep."

Well, whatever, I'll just say it. But first I gave her a precautionary shot: "Don't be angry if I tell you."

She was surprised: "Why would I be angry? I'm very generous." I coughed and approached her slowly and said, "That's...haha, weren't Qin Lan and I grave enemies at the time? I just happened to grab her"

I didn't want to say it fully, and thankfully Lin Yin Yin was smart: "Grabbed her hair? Not... from her head, right, it looked a little thicker, and was shorter......"

She suddenly went quiet, then looked at my face, and gradually turned red, and finally pulled her blankets to cover her face: "Pervert, leave, leave, leave, leave, leave."

I was confused, how did she realize that? At first she didnt even recognize it.

Then I, myself, realized something, and I almost laughed out loud, did she also grow hairs like that recently? How else would she figure it out right now?

But I didnt dare ask, and I walked away quickly, and when I got to the door she lifted her covers and screamed in shame: I actually dont know what it was, dont misunderstand!

Yes, yes, you do not know what it is, I get it.

Laughing, I walked away.

Translator Notes: Hi hi! Sorry I missed last weeks update but anyways i TOTALLY forgot about that scene with Qin Lan, just now imagining it, ouch And I also forgot how steadfast Yin Yin was, accepting that challenge from that lady for some reason a strange child Yin Yin is Anyways thats all for today, Ill see you all anext time nby e bye!!!

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