Regressor’s Life After Retirement

Chapter 322


[ Final Weapon (4) ]

Board the Gigas However, Daein was clearly feeling all external sensations.


The feeling you feel every time you cut an enemy, the smell of blood emanating from spilled intestines, the energy of Baal that becomes stronger as you enter the Demonic Water.

Thanks to the sense of unity that made him feel like he was a tens-meter-tall giant rather than riding a robot, Gigas was able to perfectly implement even his martial arts skills.

However, even though one of the man’s dreams had come true, the great man’s expression remained stern.

‘Baal’s energy is getting stronger.’

– Quad deud deuk!

The great man continued to advance, almost crushing the monsters blocking his path with Longinus.

[Baal! How long are you going to hide like a coward, sending only your subordinates away!]

[You say you are the strongest demon king in the demon world?]

[Don’t you have any pride? Are you hiding because you’re scared of me?] The great man was

impatient to the point where he wanted to somehow bring Baal out by making such a childish provocation.

However, despite continued provocation, Baal did not even react at all.

That fact made Daein even more nervous.

‘No way…’

An ominous premonition that is almost certain that Baal has entered the final stage of merging with the Demon Tree.

‘This is the right direction.’

The great man ran towards the direction where Baal’s energy was felt. There was no set path in the magic tree, so I made my own path.


Longinus flew in a straight line and turned all enemies in his path into dust.

However, no matter how many times you killed them, monsters continued to spawn.

Slurp. Sreuk….

From the floor, wall, ceiling or just an empty space.

Beings that could be called disasters one by one came flooding in like a swarm of locusts.



[Really, just do it in moderation, right?]

The Destroy Cannon spewed fire and the Golden Magnum crushed the enemies. He held a lightsaber in his left hand and Longinus in his right, and swung them in a trance.

Even then, there were too many enemies that he couldn’t kill, so he just pushed them away with his body and tore them apart.

A head-on attack so simple and ignorant as to be outrageous.

Even the Gigas airframe, which the Allied Forces’ best engineers assured would be the hardest in the universe, began to show little by little flaws.

‘I do not have time. If Baal succeeds in fusing with the Demon Tree… everything he came here to do will be in vain.’

The faces of Allied soldiers who sacrificed their lives in the war against the demon world flashed before my eyes.


Daein gritted his teeth and increased Gigas’ output even further.


He was already fighting at maximum power, but using his characteristic [Energy Manipulation], he was able to overdrive to produce even more power.

[warning! warning! There is a risk that the user’s body will collapse…]

“I know. “I know.”

Inside the Gigas cockpit.

The great man opened the subspace, took out the elixir, and drank it like water.


The pain that was spreading around my heart slowly subsided. The warning sound made by the Star of Transcendence also disappeared.


But Daein knew. This is just a temporary measure.

The enormous energy accumulated in his body was not something that could be treated with magic or divine power artifacts.

Because it’s not a disease in the first place.

Sufficient time was needed to create a body condition that could properly contain resting energy.

The great man looked mortified by the world.

“Just go back to the real Earth. I won’t even lift a finger and just play and eat. shit! “I’ll show you how rich unemployed people have fun!”

The great man let out a bitter cry and swung Longinus once more.


How many enemies did they kill before advancing?

The number of monsters blocking the way has significantly decreased.


The great man did not relax his nerves.

After a while, the space widened and we entered a huge cavity.

At the end of the cavity was a large, black iron gate.

The iron gate had the mark of Baal engraved in red blood.

And two beings guarding the front like gatekeepers.


It was Agares and Buer who had run away from the last battle.

Both of them looked very different from the last time I saw them.


Agares, who boasted muscles like a bison, felt much more agile than before. But the energy I felt was much stronger and more concentrated.

Buere, on the other hand, was enlarged several times more. It had six arms, each holding a bow in its left hand.

[…Are you also perverted like Vassago?]

Just as Vassago evolved into a stronger being by receiving the power of Baal, Agares and Buer also seemed to have changed after receiving Baal’s baptism.

‘Well, even if you do, you can’t stop me.’

Daein advanced towards the iron gate and quickly checked Gigas’s armament.

Considering the level of Vassago he defeated before coming here, Agares, who was originally stronger than him, would not be easy.

It was then. Agares opened her mouth.

[[O enemy. You have finally come this far.]]

But the voice was not Agares’ but Baal’s.

Buer then opened his mouth.

[[But it’s late. I have already become an omnipotent being.]]

At that moment, the great man was startled, but instead increased his speed and attacked Agares.

[You’re laughing. If you became omnipotent, there would be no reason to live as a parasite on someone else’s body!]


The great swords of Longinus and Agares collided. Agares was pushed back significantly, leaving two long lines on the floor.

At that time, an arrow shot by Buer came flying from the side.

The great man spread his barrier to block the arrow, bent his knees slightly, and dashed at once.


He pushed away Agares, who was charging at him from the side, with his spear, and approached Buere, who had grown too large and had slowed down.

The lightsaber held in his left hand drew an arc.

[First of all, one guy.]


Buer’s head fell to the floor with such a moment of emptiness.

Daein gained momentum and pushed Agares hard. He shouted towards the tightly closed iron door.

[Wipe your neck in there and wait, Baal! After these two, it’s your turn!]

Then Agares, who was suddenly covered in wounds, laughed and said.

[[Why do you think they are everything?]]

Buer, who was rolling on the floor, looked at Gigas and said.

[[I am this world itself. It exists everywhere.]]

It’s touching.

Dozens of darkness began to emerge and take shape throughout the cavity.

Among them, the black skull that was completed first swung the Shinigami’s scythe towards Gigas.



The great man who blocked the surprise attack opened his eyes and muttered.

Vassago answered, gritting his teeth.

[[Vasago also became a part of me.]]

Then, the completed demon kings surrounded Gigas and began to attack.

[[Everyone has become a part of me.]]


Barbatos’s club struck the barrier and

– Kakagagagang!

Marvas swung his sword at a speed exceeding the speed of sound

– kwakwakwakwa!

Amon spewed out different breaths from each of his three heads

– Gwaaaaah!

Gamigin raised the corpses using black magic and made them hang on Gigas’ limbs.

In addition to the demon kings belonging to the 10 thrones, all demon kings who died at the hands of the Allied Forces were revived.

Even the number of revived demon kings continued to increase as they were divided and duplicated.


The moment the number of demon kings exceeded one hundred, Daein gave up counting the number of enemies.

No, I couldn’t afford it anymore.




Gigas was barely able to withstand the attacks from the demon lords coming from all directions while crouching.

[Keuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu us us us?]

We were trying to hold on by concentrating our energy as much as possible on the barrier, but the enormous shock had already been transmitted to the inside of the cockpit.

Blah blah blah….

Cracks began to appear in the aircraft.

No matter how much Gigas it was, it was impossible to block the attacks of hundreds of demon lords.

To keep his mind from fading, the great man bit his lip so hard that it bled.

There was still one trick left.

‘We must lift the seal of Longinus…’

However, in order to lift the seal of Longinus, a significant portion of the energy used for defense had to be transferred to Longinus.

But if it does that now, it will not be able to withstand the attacks pouring in from all directions and will break down.

[[[[You foolish human being. Have you now realized my omnipotence?]]]]

Hundreds of demon kings spoke at the same time. The cavity continued to echo with Baal’s voice.

At that moment, a firm determination appeared in the Daein’s eyes.

‘If it’s too late, it’s all over anyway. ‘I have no choice but to take an adventure.’

It was when he was trying to transfer half of the magic power he had sent to the barrier to Longinus.


With a sharp voice, a huge flame monster struck one side of the demon kings.


A huge explosion occurred, and dozens of demon kings rolled around on the floor, burned to death or on fire.

Lil Lee flew in with her hair flying like crazy and landed lightly on Gigas’ shoulder.

The girl said out of breath.

“Haa… we’re a little late, aren’t we?”

Lily wasn’t the only one who arrived. The remaining troops of the death squad began an attack from the other side.

“conflict! Slaughter them all!”

Starting with Cheonmugeuk, the Three Worlds of the World, the martial arts masters, the knights of Gaia, and honorable warriors from various levels gave out shouts.

“This is the last time!”

The magicians and spiritists led by Abraxas chanted spells in unison.

“Let’s go find the Vice President!”

The superhumans, led by Baek Chang-su and Wang Gu-ho, gathered their last strength and charged, and the priests prayed earnestly to the gods they each believed in.

-It was a fierce battle.

The revived demon kings were stronger than before, but the spirit of the death squad burning the last flame was no less than that.


Daein’s expression hardened.

Since when did Cheonmugeuk and Cheonhasamjeol’s hair turn white?

It was because he had used up all of his internal strength and was fighting by dragging his natural energy.

Innate vitality is vitality.

A person whose vitality runs out dies.

The situation of others was not much different.

Wizards were drying up like mummies, and priests were either going blind or sacrificing body parts to the gods to use their divine powers.

[Why this…]

I didn’t plan on doing this.

The plan was to first fight and destroy the Demon Lords of the Demon World, and then deploy the best to raid Baal with minimal damage.

However, as various variables arose in the meantime, the damage grew uncontrollably.

“Everyone who is worthy of coming here has made this determination.”

Before I knew it, Abraxas was by my side. Using fly magic, she placed her palm on Gigas’ forehead.

“So don’t pity me. “That’s an insult to them.”

[…I lied to those people.]

Gigas’ self-repair function quickly repaired the damaged aircraft and the overheated magic circuit was returning to normal.

[He said he would return safely and let him enjoy wealth and fame…]

Abraxas said playfully, pressing his finger on Gigas’ forehead.

“Those people didn’t just believe and follow your prophecy. “I just trusted you and followed you.”

[As? [Your body…]


Abraxas’ body was cracking and breaking apart like a dry rice paddy.

She sighed regretfully.

“I’ve used this doll well for a long time. “It looks like it’s going to break soon.”

[…Work later and pay it back.]

Abraxas giggled.

I could tell without looking.

Even though they say it like that, the expression on the face of the great person inside Gigas is probably very wrinkled.

‘As expected, he’s a person I like.’

After only a few years of traveling, which I thought was just a light pastime, I started to feel like I really wanted to help him.

“Are you going to wait long? Doll price. “I’ll pay you back now.”


The moment the doll completely collapsed, a huge golden gate opened above Gigas’ head.


What came out of it was a golden dragon as beautiful as a sculpture created by a god.

Even the demon kings looked at the being in fascination for a moment.

Abraxas opened his closed eyes.



Daein and Lily shouted in surprise at the same time.

A soft smile appeared on Abraxas’ lips.

[Leave this to us and you go to catch Baal. He has not yet fully assimilated into the demonic tree.]

When Abraxas raised his long neck and roared, a powerful magical storm that formed around her instantly stiffened the demon lords.


The great man did not think long.

An opportunity created by all members of the death squad risking their lives.

Gigas turned and ran to the iron gate with Baal’s brand on it. Lily was riding on his shoulder.

[I’ll take care of it right away.]

“Ass! “You can’t die!”


With one blow, the iron door shattered and the figures of Daein and Lily disappeared inside.

And the Dragon Lord who stood in front of them exposed his sharp teeth towards the Demon Lords.


[Do you know that? A dragon that is forcibly awakened from its sleep becomes several times more ferocious than usual.] A

ray of destruction was fired from the mouth of the dragon, whose eyes were stained with madness, destroying everything.

[ Final Weapon (4) ] End

ⓒ Ganjjajang

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