Rehabilitating the Villainess

Chapter 104: The Real Culprit (1)

Chapter 104: The Real Culprit (1)

I felt the world shake.

No, to be precise, it was me who was shaking.

In the awkward atmosphere, I looked directly at Duke Ezran.

He too was watching me with calmempty eyes. 

Therefore, I decided to speak first in order to break the ice, Father, it has been a while

Yes, indeed it has. I havent seen you in weeks.

The conversation stopped at thatand the atmosphere, which had warmed up a little, seemed to cool down again.

I managed to squeeze all my strength and said, I have regained all the memories.

At those words, Duke Ezran nodded his head. It obviously shouldve been a matter of great surprise. However, his expression didnt reveal a single bit of emotion.

As expected, I guess I was right.

In the memory I had experienced after breaking the bracelet, Duke Ezran was able to use the Aura, but now he couldnt. The most important thing in producing the Aura was emotion. So it was obvious what Duke Ezran had lost in the process of saving me.

Furthermore, that wasnt even the most important thing that had been lost.

The Baslett familys mansion had lost its former bright atmosphere. The biggest reason for that was the absence of Daria Baslett, the wife of Duke Ezran.

I am aware of the situation. Still, I want you to tell the story yourself.

Unfortunately, I cant do that. Duke Ezran shook his head. 

It was as I thought. There was no way he could talk about the past. It was obvious that there would be some sort of restriction. If there wasnt, Im sure he would have told me long ago.

Duke Ezrans temporary disappearance must have been related to those restrictions as well. It was just a pity that I couldnt grasp the situation more than that.

Still, there are many things I have to do right now.

I wanted to treat Duke Ezran as my father.

However, before I could say something, Duke Ezran spoke to me first.

But you dont have to worry too much. Just be careful of one thingcough!

Suddenly, Duke Ezran stopped talking with a cough. Then he frowned as if he was feeling uncomfortable, and rose from his seat.


Blood began to pour out little by little from Duke Ezrans mouth.

Ehh, are you okay!?

Its okay. Looks like I swung my sword a little too hard during this week.

I didnt ask more about the issue. Because it seemed like Duke Ezran didnt want to talk about it at all. In fact, I was able to guess the reason why he suddenly coughed up b1ood.

Perhaps its because of the restrictions.

He must have coughed up blood for trying to say something related to my memory. In that case, it would be the right choice to stop the conversation here for now. It would be better to try to come up with a solution later.

After confirming that Duke Ezran had entered his room, I sighed.

Should I go and comfort Shael?

Nofirst of all, I had to take care of the Baslett familys paperwork that had piled up so that Duke Ezran could rest.

* * *

What caught my eye was the documents piled up like a mountain. 

After turning my head and looking at the documents piled up next to me, I could clearly see the hardships that lay ahead.

Where is Shael now?

The Young Lady is waiting for you in your room. She told you to come see her when you were done.

The Baslett familys butler said that in response to my question.

There was a simple reason why Shael, who never wanted to be separated from me, had left me alone and was now waiting in my room.

It was because I said I wanted to help my father.

No matter how clingy Shael was, she wouldnt interfere in such a matter. 

I, of course, had my doubts because she had given up so easily. However, it should be all right since I could just lighten her mood with dessert later.

And if that didnt work, a few k1sses from me was guaranteed to Shael feel better.

Therefore, I looked at a letter, while imagining Shael puffing out her cheeks all alone in the room.

Has this family ever sent a letter to our family?

I believe no. There was no particular point of contact between us, and I was unaware of their existence prior to this.

The butler also tilted his head in confusion. Since he was devoted to the Baslett family, his opinion was quite trustworthy.

Then its indeed questionable

If even the butler was confused, it could very well be an important letter. In fact, it could be something urgent. This letter not only looked luxurious, but also had a sophisticated magic circle to maintain its privacy.

Therefore, I didnt delay and opened the letter. Then I saw the words scribbled on it.

[Eran Baslett.]

It began with the direct mention of my nameproving just how rude the sender was.

[Unfortunately, we couldnt participate in the Imperial Festival. But we want to prove our love.]

I couldnt understand what this meant

Did the person write the letter while drunk?

With growing doubts, I looked down and read the rest of the letter.

[Eran Baslett, we challenge you! Lets decide the Empires Best Lovers!]

It has already been decided that the best lovers in the Empire was me and Shael. We proved it with our pure love, and above all else, with a ridiculous number of k1sses1,203 times to be exact. 

No one could possibly hope to defeat Shael and me after that.

So it was all outrageous!

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If you want a more severe (spicy) rehabilitation of multiple villainesses, you can check out my other project, Pushover Extra Trains the Villainesses. Check out my other projects: Flower Stealing Master, I Picked Up an Amnesiac Witch, My Summons Are Special and Dual Cultivation with a Fox Demon,

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