Reich Marshal of the Belkan Reich

Chapter ???:@$#%^!%^

Chapter ???:@$#%^!%^

A figure of blueish white light is strolling around in a garden of majestic opulent. The decorations and plantations around the site are mementos of an age long past the current one, where Gods and Magic reigned supreme. Though now is the time when men and women, armed with steel and shots, dominate the world. An age where even a pen can kill just as effectively as a well-timed assassination. Such is the period the figure of light and her beloved lives in.

As the figure is halfway through her daily walk around a giant blue lake, she stops in place when she notices a strange phenomenon. A vortex appears in the middle of the calm lake, disturbing a nearby wyvern when it's trying to fish. From said vortex, a silver sphere is shot out at frightening speed. The sphere then crashes into the body of a treant, knocking it wide awake as it looks down on the strange object.

The light figure chuckles, it's not every day that you see such a commotion. She lightly steps forward, watching intently as the curious treant prods the sphere. She stops it from poking its pointy appendage any further once she notices the sphere is actually a slime. One that is about to wake up due to its rude treatments.

She crouches down with her hands holding her knees. She watches with interest as the slime gathers itself before checking its body out. Probably to see whether it has lost any bits and pieces from being shot like a cannonball. Seeing that it's fine the slime uses its tentacle appendage to pat itself on the head as if expressing its relief.

She smiles at the silver slime's cute action. With a sing-song voice that put even the greatest muse and bard to shame, she says. "You're an interesting little one, aren't you? Question is, how did you even get here?" The light figure tilts her head, only to receive one in return from the slime.

Unable to come up with a reason, the slime unfolds two tentacles and performs a shrugging motion. Its body quivers lightly as if saying something. To which the light figure nods. "I see, a strange vortex suddenly sucks you up when you're walking home. Not knowing that it will carry you here. Well, for those not in the known, that's as good of a reason as any."

The slime fidgets for a bit, expressing its confusion. Chuckling once again when she sees the slime paces around, the figure decides to scoop up the slime, knowing that it's harmless. "Come, I think you can join me for some evening tea time."

A bit surprised when being lifted up, the slime almost jumps out on instinct. Yet it failed to act out on impulse when it feels itself being squished by two soft mounds. Strangely, it's very relaxing to be held like that so it stays put. Grinning to herself, the figure gives the slime a few squishes, thinking that it will make a good hugging partner, before moving to a veranda by the side of the lake. The architecture is reminiscent of ancient China style and there, a set of teaware is present on an obsidian black table. The figure sits down on a chair made of similar material as the table, then she places the slime gently on its surface, not too close to the hot tea set.

"Now then," She pours two cups of tea, the fluid is light red, one for herself and the other for her unintended guest. "I hope you enjoy it. The leaves only grow once every 284 years with a special healing effect." She places the cup in front of the slime, a bit curious how it will handle drinking from the sipper cup.

Fortunately, the slime is an expert in controlling its appendages. It morphs one portion of its body into three thin tentacles before putting two 'fingers' under and its 'thumb' on top of the cup. Like an expert, the slime brings the cup closer to its... 'nose'? Take in the soothing aroma before taking a sip. It's sure is an interesting sight for the figure, seeing the slime enjoying the drink she pours, to the point that its color now changes to sunset orange.

"Fufu, it's sure is nice to have a tea friend, for once. I was getting a bit lonely after Star departed for the frontline."

The slime asks, after placing its cup down. The figure pours another cup before saying. "It's fine, I know that she will return to me soon. Now call me curious, but I want to know more about you, seeing that you're already here."

The slime scratches its 'head', expressing its embarrassment. "Bah, it's fine. There's nothing to be ashamed of if you're just a normal person, after all, they're the backbone of every civilization."

The slime is stunned after hearing such a unique worldview, it soon expresses its agreement by making a thumb up. After that, it begins to retold its life and the predicament it encountered recently. The slime conveys its distraught by slumping down on the table after telling everything.

"I see, while your situation is not as bad as many, it has its own share of issues. It sucks when you knew of something and were powerless to stop it. Then you got caught in the crossfire and the detriment it brought were you losing your only source of income. Now, you're stuck not knowing how to pay the bills that are required to sustain your life, time is not on your side when the deadline is mere days away."

The slime quivers in depression, only to revitalize when the figure pats its body, comforting it. "You've had it hard, little slime." If a slime could cry, for sure it would be crying right now. At long last, it has found a person that it can confide in and be comforted by her.

They continue staying silent like that for a few more minutes. The calming atmosphere of nature, the aroma of tea, and the soothing touch of the figure have successfully recovered the slime's spirit after a while. The figure asks. "So, what will you do?"

The slime makes a fists bump, conveying its fighting spirit to the figure. She chuckles. "Well then, aspiring novelist, continue to fight on with your wit, pens, and keyboard. Persist and prevail whatever life throws at you so that, at last, you can change the world with your imagination alone. I truly wish your story will change many lives, be it for better or for worse. After all, a pen can kill just as effectively as a blade. Use it to bind people to your will, little one."

The figure pats its head in encouragement. "Though I do wish to help you more. Certain rules I placed prevent me from aiding you, my otherworld writer. Still, if it's something I can help, you need only ask me."

The slimes ponder before making a clap as if it has a bright idea. She laughs when the slime expresses it for her. "You're a smart one, I give you that. Fine, I will grant thy wish." the figure turns to the readers that have been reading this supposed chapter, saying. "This author of yours is facing trouble, jobless and all that. To help them tide through the pitfalls life has prepared for them, you best show them some encouragement. They can be in the forms of a good comment, a great review, or a heart for the story, and if you are capable, support them via financial aid through their Patreon. The link is /Heartbreak117"

She turns to the slime, speaking. "I hope that's fine with you?"

The slime claps its 'hands', it then raises its tea cup as a toast. The gesture the figure returns. "Cheers, for your adventure in life, going forward from now, little slime."

They then drink up, as if they've been best of buddies for years.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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