Reich Marshal of the Belkan Reich

Chapter 23: The Rose has fallen (part 1)

Chapter 23: The Rose has fallen (part 1)

Before the first ray of dawn can grace the smoke-filled city of Arash, Yuki is already up and is now holding a document. She's busy making sure that everything is in order before she turns incapacitated as planned. Yuki is going over the allocation of manpower and munition when she feels Bryn draping her coat over her chilled body.

Bryn's soothing voice chides her. "If you keep on working like this, it's only a matter of time when you collapse."

Unable to refute, Yuki can only let out a light smile. She puts a hand on the arms that are hugging her to keep her warm, saying. "Well, it's my responsibility, after all. Our division lacks command staff, so I have to pull the weight otherwise we won't be able to operate this well. Once everything is over, I will see to it that I get more competent subordinates to help me with the paperwork. If only to make you less worry about my well-being, dear."

Ruffling my hair, to which I purr comfortably, Bryn responds. "You better, else I will tell your moms to reduce your workload by force."

I groan. "Anything but that, please. They will literally ground me and I'm too mature for that."

"Well, you're still a kid, physically, so they can do that without repercussion."

"...That's true."

We chuckle, imagining myself, a famed General, reduced to a mere homesitter, forced to play with stuff befitting my age. Yet, let's not do that, or else I'll go crazy.

Soon, Bryn helps me change into my usual attire before we have a pleasant breakfast. It consists of warm chicken soup and coffee, keeping it light and energizing. All in all, it takes us till 6 am, only then do we set out for the war room.

Outside, we're saluted by members of my guard retinue. One Corporal Jerry, a soldier under Sergeant Erika, gives us a good morning. "General, Adjutant, I hope you both have a good sleep last night."

"That we did, Corporal," I answered before putting on my cap. "Now, where's Erika? Usually, she should be the first to greet me."

The Corporal reports. "The Sergeant is just outside, ma'am, she should be discussing with the drivers about our security arrangements for the day."

"I see, she's one hard-working girl," I said with exasperation, making her my guard was supposed to help her with the workload. Nonetheless, she takes on more jobs instead. "Let's set off then, we have much to accomplish today."

We alight from our fortified officers' rest house, converted from the La Riverie hotel. The reason is the architecture of the place proves to be a sturdy one with an underground shelter. Outside, I see Erika talking with a few other Storm Troopers of my retinue, I give a nod to the lass before boarding a covered half-track with Bryn. Then, we set off for the frontline command post.

On board, we discuss the upcoming preparation for receiving reinforcements from both land and sea. On that note, we also converse about the counterattack plan to root out this Ustian army once and for all. By doing so, we will blow a major hole in Ustio's manpower pool. Buying us and the Reformist valuable time for the near future.

Soon, the motorcade reaches its destination so we continue our discussion alongside the officers in the war room. So far, the battlefield is quiet, leaving the officers a bit perplexed.

"By chance, have they given up?" One of the officers asked. To which Brigadier General Alexa responds.

"Unlikely, they've come so far to just pack up and leave. My guess is that they're planning something, probably one final push." Well, the astute Alexa got that right.

I interject. "Either way, we must not let down our guard, not at this critical juncture. Help is right at the corner so this bloody battle is gonna end soon. The Ustians know that too so as a cornered rat, they may bite back much harder than usual."

Bryn nods. "I've ordered the Witches to double the patrols. And as precautions for the ambush tactic they've been employing, I cautioned them against flying low to the ground. Hopefully, this will prevent unfavorable situations like last time."

A few of the officers wince, they remember the moment when a Witch was shot down by the enemy, and the group that was rescuing her was left behind. While it wasn't their fault that they couldn't provide extraction for the team, as they were all retreating per order. It still makes them uncomfortable and helpless.

Yuki notices that and adds. "It was such a bad timing back then, thankfully Sergeant Quellec pulled through in the heat of battle. Not to mention we've already arranged for covering fire from the Vauquelin under my intervention. So everything ended well and the injured Witch is being cared for. You need not dwell on matters that you couldn't control."

The people present give affirmative nods to Yuki's words.

"Now, we've talked about it before but let me reiterate. We have no idea how many siege trucks they have left so tell our soldiers to keep an eye out. So far, we've encountered them in unexpected moments and half of them didn't end well for us. The Witches can't always be there to provide you will accurate intelligence, not when the battlefield is this messy. Meaning the Grenadiers and Troopers on the field must think on their feet and adapt accordingly to the change on the battlefield. For the possible last battle with the enemy at our gates, I don't want unnecessary losses because our troops are overzealous and stubborn. It's fine to pull back to a more defensible location and wait for support to arrive. It's only a matter of time before this conflict is over, in our victory anyway. Did I make myself clear?"

"Yes, Princess General!"

"Good, now give me a report on our casualty rate." I move on to handle the attrition reports that my subordinates give me.

Of the 10000 men and women at Arash, excluding logistics personnel, we are now down to a little more than 7500 strong. A detailed number would be 434 deaths and 1890 of various degrees of injuries. Against an enemy four times our number, that is one miraculous number. Still, among those that are injured, many receive crippling injuries that will put them out of active service, to some it will be a fate worse than death. I withhold a sigh as it's due to my decision that leads to such a result. Yet, sacrifices have to be made for the greater good. Such that even I can be an acceptable casualty should the situation forces me to.

In the middle of our planning and fulfilling our due paperwork, I ask a secretary what time is it. Taking a look at her pocket watch, she answers. "It's about 8:45, ma'am."

"I see, soon it will be 9 am." I turn to Bryn, saying. "Bryn, do me a favor will you?"

Perplexed, Bryn responds with a. "Yes?" Her action of putting down a file stops midway.

"Whatever the case, make sure to keep you cool and command the force well. You're the only adjutant I trust in commanding my force, after all." I said cryptically before turning to address the rest of the officers.

Bryn's about to request further clarification but I interrupt her by saying. "So far, we've had a lull on the battlefield, yet, if the enemy wants to stage an attack, now will be a good time. I want you all to once again tell our soldiers to maintain a cautious attitude. We've no idea what trickery they will try at the last second."

Per my order, the war room descends into a hubbub of activity as the officers start handing out orders to the defense line. Not questioning why I give the warning in the first place. As for Bryn, she squints her eyes inquisitively on me.

'Yuki, you are hiding something from me, aren't you." Her eyes conveyed such a message. To which I only give her a reassuring smile in return.

If I explain to her my borderline treacherous plan, no doubt she would be the first to stop me in my track. Even though we share a bonding moment a short while ago. She's a bit too caring for me to do that. Though I guess that's what makes her such a Valkyrie I hold dear.

Short of 9 am, the frontline suddenly explodes into a hotbed of gunfires and artillery. Though this sure catches everyone by surprise, they don't get flustered and react accordingly to the situation. Yet, they all have grim faces when a detailed report arrives from one of the Witches.

With urgency laced in her voice, she says. "General, the entirety of the enemy force just appeared out of nowhere, it's like they suddenly teleported a mere hundred meters away from our line! If not for our heightened security, we would have taken heavy losses five minutes into the battle."

"Explain to me how did we fail to see the enemy this close to our line?" Alexa questioned sternly, the Witches are supposed to keep an eye out for situations like this.

Unable to provide an answer, the Witch can only bow down and offer her apology for their ineptitude. "I'm deeply sorry ma'am! We truly can't see them until they're on top of us! None of them even feel something was amiss with our detection spell!"

Alexa is about to blow a fuse and even Bryn is frowning at her Witch. I decide now is a good time to save the poor girl from the scoldings, now is not the time to have inner fighting.

 "Calm down people. I don't think this is the Witches' fault, nor it's ours. Clearly, the enemy has a method to sneak up on us undetected. The priority right now is to stabilize the frontline and mobilize the reserve."

I look to Alexa. "General Alexa, bring your subordinates and organize a QRF force so that they can plug up any hole in our defense line. Deploy everything we have."

Alexa and a few officers salute. "By your command, Princess General!" With haste, they leave the war room to perform their duty.

"The rest of you return to your post. Shore up the frontline and our morale. Remember my words from before and lead your troops accordingly. We have the leeway to do so while the enemy is on their last gasp." I look into their eyes before adding. "Win this battle for your motherland, for your Goddess."

They give a proper salute and a spirited warcry. "Sieg Hail!" Before alighting from the war room also.

This leaves only a few officers and staff in charge of communication behind. I also bring Bryn and my escort out to fulfill my portion of the final act.

"Follow me to the Field Headquarters, Bryn. I need to take command personally if only to ascertain their means of surprising us." She nods before organizing my escort. Just like before, we will be using a motorcade to quickly transfer me to the frontline.

The path we take is the same as many times before, moving across a junction in front of a church. For said route is the most secured one in Bryn's opinion. Yet, her decision today will be a thing she regrets dearly in the future.

As planned, I and Bryn board our half-track. Erika and a few female members of the group, Lola included, are also present inside the vehicle. The convoy consisted of five vehicles, a 221 armored car in the front, one half-track behind it with mine as the third vehicle in the formation, an Opel Blitz carrying Grenadiers behind us, while the rear is shored up by an armed Kubelwagen. Overall, we have enough firepower to be a platoon.

The convoy is quickly assembled and we set off for the frontline. It will be a fifteen minutes ride if we go at full speed, yet, for my safety, the convoy moves at a standard marching speed. The situation isn't dire enough to warrant a breakneck speed. By the time we reach the junction near the church, about seven to eight minutes have passed. Knowing my time has come, I once again turn to Bryn, breaking the tense silence we've been having all this while.

"You still remember what I say, Bryn?"

Once again, Bryn is perplexed, not knowing what will happen next for me to say that. "I remember, Yuki. Just what do you mean by that?"

I just shake my head with a smile. "You need only know that I trust you a lot, that's all. Don't disappoint me, alright?"

"...That you have my words." The scene where she offered her vow to Yuki is still vivid. She will be damned if she breaks it mere days after she made it. Bryn's answer brings an enchanting smile that captivates both herself and Erika. It's a heartfelt smile that's devoid of any anxiety or trouble, knowing that you can believe in others to help you do what you can't.

Seeing such a smile, Bryn has a bout of extreme trepidation. Never in her entire life as a Valkyrie has she felt this way. Not even when her life was threatened that she felt such a deep sense of dread. Acting on her instinct, Bryn jumps out from her seat and conjures a protective barrier in front of Yuki. Unbeknownst to her, the .55 caliber bullet has already left the chamber.

Before the gunshot can even register in the ears of the guards, the Tungsten projectile has already penetrated the steel platings near Bryn's seat. Due to the expert marksmanship behind the bullet, the projectile narrowly misses Bryn, only cutting a strand of her silver hair. Then, faster than Bryn can see, it impacts her blue shield, promptly breaking it with yellowish sparks. However, the shield does break up the bullet into fragments, but as if mocking Bryn's effort, a fragment hit Yuki in her left eye. 

Yuki's mesmerizing ruby-colored eye, the one Bryn likes to lose herself into, now explodes outward in a bloody mess. The blood splatters onto Bryn's stunned face while Yuki's head is banged against the plating of the half-track. Without strength, Yuki's body slumps sideways.

Too shocked by the abrupt event, it takes them a few seconds to regain their wit. Even the ambushers are shocked as to what bastard pulled the trigger first.

Erika takes charge, and jumps off her seat, shouting bloody. "AMBUSH! THE PRINCESS IS HIT!"

By now, the entire motorcade forced itself to a hasty cover behind the confine of the church's wall. The Ustian ambushers wisen up and order the attack from the buildings across the junction. From their high ground, the Ustians open fire down at the convoy.

Bryn is now holding Yuki in her arms, sitting on the floor of the half-track. Her hand is trying to stem the blood flowing out of the hole that used to be Yuki's left eye. "No, no, no! This can't be happening!"

She tried using healing magic on Yuki, yet the fragment from the bullet is still stuck inside the wound. Thus making her unable to close the wound outright. Yuki's now in a deep coma, her breath is labored while her blood is now staining their uniform a dark red. "Come on, Yuki! Please stay with me! We made a pact, remember?!" Bryn's eyes are shedding tears for the first time in her life, her voice is shaken beyond recognition. She fails to register her surrounding, not even when Erika starts shaking her.

"Instructor! Please, this place is not safe, we need to move the Princess to safety! Bring her inside the church!" Erika gritted her teeth in helpless rage when Bryn is not responding. Having no other choice, Erika is forced to slap Bryn awake. The slap even drowns out the sound of bullets slamming their half-track.

"Wake up, Instructor! We have a Princess to save!" Erika's action brings back some light to Bryn's eyes.

Looking down at her liege, Bryn finally takes in the fact that there's still a chance. Seeing that change, Erika hands over a first-aid kit to Bryn and then heads out to take command of the situation. Bryn opens the kit to take out gauze and sterilized solution. She quickly cleans up Yuki's wound before applying a dressing firmly, thus preventing the injury from worsening anymore. Holding Yuki gently in a princess carry, befitting of her status, Bryn moves to the rear of the half-track, calling for the escorts. "Safeguard the Princess!"

The situation outside is hectic. The 221 armored car is suppressing the enemy with its 20mm autocannon. While the Grenadiers and Troopers are using the wall and vehicles as covers to return fire at the muzzle flashes from the windows. Erika, hearing Bryn's order, tells them to deploy smoke grenades. Once the smoke screen is set, the soldiers form a protective shield around the half-track and fully intend to use their bodies to block the bullets if they have to. With a living barrier around them, Bryn carries Yuki further into the Ustian church. To protect them, dozens of soldiers block their visages from the enemy. A few are shotted in the process before a half-track driver pulls up his vehicle to block the doorway into the church. Then the grand door is pushed closed once a squad of Grenadiers head in to provide internal security alongside medics. The others stay outside to continue the firefight, preventing the enemy from getting any closer.

Inside, Bryn lays Yuki down on the red carpet, underneath the statue of the crucified Jesus Christ. The medics run up to Yuki, one of them examining the degree of injury the Princess sustains while others start laying out their tool. Bryn takes a step back, knowing her anxiousness can affect the work of the professionals. She looks up to the statue above them, deep in her reverie. Staring at the face of the Son of God himself, Bryn offers her prayer to him for she is in his home. A bit ironic when she's from the Norse Pantheon. Still, all are equal under the Mother Goddess, she is paying her due respect by praying to Jesus instead of someone else. Hoping that he can bless Yuki so that she can tide through this troubling period.

Seeing that there's nothing left for her to do here. Bryn moves to the gathering of soldiers, this time with a cold fury burning in her heart.

"Give a sitrep, now." She demanded.

Erika steps up to report. "Ma'am, from the intensity of enemy attack we reckon they're of an echelon in size. As to how they got here, it's presumed that the enemy used the same method that the enemy's main force employed. So far, aside from the Princess, we have taken seven casualties with three deaths among them." Erika turns to look at the door. Behind it is the active shootout with the thumping autocannon in the mix. "I decided against counterattacking the enemy with our vehicles until help arrived. We've already sent out an SOS and Brigadier Alexa is on the way as we speak."

Suddenly, a flutter is heard from the ceiling of the church. They look up with guns raising only to see the familiar Witches dropping down with flurries of wings. Among them is Alexa with her bat wings unfolded. Bryn turns to address her. "Did you bring help?"

"I bring the Storm Troopers," Alexa responded before directing her healers to help the medic. "and my personal healers. They can help stabilize her condition."

Turning to look at the incapacitated Princess, Alexa adds grievously. "Still, looking at her state, we need to transfer her back to the motherland. Only there can she be safely treated."

The battle outside suddenly increases in intensity. The Storm Troopers have arrived and are now attacking the enemy with righteous fury.  They storm building after building, flushing out the ambushers with flurries of grenades and barrages from their SMGs. Alexa comments. "With them, the bastards will soon be taken care of. I've also given the order to capture a few alive for interrogation. So I think you and I will have a nice chat with them later."

With her cold eyes, Bryn looks at Alexa. "That we shall but now," She moves out of the church with Erika in the tow, and Alexa follows suit. "we have an army to kill."

Bryn's tone carries a certain chill that causes shivers down their backs. For the first time in years, the first Valkyrie finally reveals her true self.


Far away, perching on an abandoned building's rooftop is a girl clads in a black robe. With her back supported by a red chimney behind her, she talks to a crow that has just arrived. "Mission accomplished." She leans her Boys AT-rifle to the side of the chimney. "Master is now in a coma while the pawn is now surrendering after he knocks out a few of his accomplices."

The crow comments. "Well done, Adeline. Of all the people in Einherjar, only you have the necessary computing skill to pull off that shot."

The girl, Adeline, fixes her ebony long hair to the side of her face, saying. "You need not flatter me, it hurts my soul to commit this atrocity on our Master." With a remorseful look in her pair of dark brown eyes, Adeline adds. "If need be, I will gladly take any punishment Master hands out. If only to soothe my regret."

Agent expresses a sigh through the crow. "Adeline, you and I both know that Master will not fault you for any of this. Instead, she will even reward you." Jumping from the chimney onto Adeline's left shoulder, Agent says. "You did this per Master's instruction, and that is not wrong by any stretch. Though if you keep beating yourself up like this, I think Master will truly punish you." 

As if remembering something, Agent quirks an eyebrow at the girl in black. "I forgot, Master's punishment to you would be a godsend, no?"

Adeline, being a submissive masochist girl in front of their Master, blushes at Agent's words. Pouting, she uses her pearly white hand to ruffle the head of the crow. "I  don't need you to say that out loud, damn it!"

In response, the crow caws as if mocking the sniper woman. "Who cares, there are only us here." The crow unfurls its wings and flaps them a few times before saying. "I must head back and prepare for Master's eventual return."

"So soon? Why not stay a bit and chat about the good old times? I even brought a watermelon." Adeline is surprised at the Agent's haste. Yet, the mention of watermelon successfully reigns in the crow that's about to take flight.

"...Maybe I can stay and enjoy a few slices then."

They both drop down to the floor Adeline brings out some chilled watermelon slices for her and the ground. They're seedless, just the way Agent likes. "So," Munching on the watery delish, Adeline asks. "what's the rush about?"

Agent takes a bite of the red fruit with her beak before replying. "The Princess gives me the order to extract the pink-haired High Elf. Save her from the downfall of her family, basically. Make sure she will continue the bloodline."

Adeline tilts her head cutely though her height makes it come off as seductive instead. "Pink hair... Wasn't she supposed to be blonde or something?"

Turning to look at her, Agent answers. "You haven't watched her grow up so you wouldn't know, huh? The mischievous brat usually sneaks away from home, either to give support to the Jewish in the wood elves' territory or play street music for pedestrians to hear. That or just find some people to mess around in general. And every single time I have to go and clean up her mess, all while hiding it from her family." The crow heaves a caw that's damn similar to a sigh. "Just recently, she changed her genetic makeup to have pink hair. The reason is that she likes pink, can you believe that?! It takes me a lot of effort just to put up permanent disguise magic to make her hair gold again."

Patting the head of the crow, Adeline nods sagely. "You've had it hard, my friend. Now I'm grateful that I'm tasked with being on field duty instead of your backstage works."

The crow takes a few hateful bites out of the watermelon before looking at Adeline enviously. "Hey."


"Trade place with me."

"Never." A straight face rejection.

The crow pouts. Adeline looks at that gesture and ponders. Can a crow do that in the first place?

"I hate you." Agent said with a feeling of injustice lacing her voice.

Snickering, Adeline quips back. "And I love you too!"

They then banter back and forth with the sounds of the battlefield as their background. By now, Yuki has already been moved to a secure place while Bryn is taking command of the situation. Finishing up the last of their watermelon, Agent leaves behind a few parting words before heading back for Belka. "Adeline, you stay here and protect Master from the shadow. Can't have anything go wrong when she is now a normal human. Perchance, you fuck up your job, it's not me but Alina will have your head."

Shuddering at Agent's warning, Adeline responds. "You can count on me. Just placate Alina for me when you get home."

Smirking, the crow answers while flying away. "No promise!"

"Damn you, Agent! You're the one that told me to take the shot! Take responsibility for it!" Adeline stands up, shouting at the hateful crow. In return, she hears distance cawings mocking herself.

Stomping at the ground hatefully, Adeline picks up her Boys rifle before a swirl of darkness comes up from the ground, hiding her visage. After the mass of darkness subsides, Adeline disappears on the spot. Presumably to fulfill her duty.

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