Reich Marshal of the Belkan Reich

Interlude 2: In recognition of their efforts

Interlude 2: In recognition of their efforts

It's a waning moon tonight. Yuki stands at the forefront of two thousand men, basking in the chilly night wind. She takes a breath and then turns around to address the blue-coat soldiers behind her. They are standing a bit of a distance away from the fortress with little lighting, she has to squint her eyes to see them.
" So, here we are." She walks to a nearby table with a bottle of Brandy on top of it. Pouring out enough for two glasses, one for herself and the other for the leading commander of the two-thousand-men regiment. She raises a toast. " In the middle of nowhere, deep in the night, right before you all set off for a clandestine operation. Trust me when I say that it pains me to send you all off without proper fanfare, you'll even miss out on the victory celebration in the morning."
Colonel Erwin Rommel with a hearty laugh, replies. " You need not worry, Princess General. The men wouldn't mind missing out on a party to reap more war merit. They know that they will be part of the history book for this one and I dare say it's the dream of all of them, myself included. So you can trust in us to open the gate of Arash and welcome the division with flowers and cheers."
" Heh, I see no reason not to. For your upcoming success, cheers!" Yuki pours the sweet alcoholic drink down her throat. Though technically underage, she will not say no to a good beverage.
" Cheers!" Rommel and the soldiers, each having their shot of Brandy, echoed then drank synchronously. Getting them the Brandy took a bit of an effort for Yuki, but it was well-spent.
" You have the permission to roll out, Colonel."
Erwin Rommel salutes. " Yes, Your Highness." Turning to address his undercover army, Rommel shouts. " You heard the lady, double time and run yourself rag like a dog! We don't have all night!"
The soldiers release a high morale shout. They then turn and run in a single direction. Some mount up on battered Ustian vehicles to lead the motley group of 'retreating Ustians'.
" Just to make sure, Colonel, I want you to reiterate the briefing." Getting herself and the Colonel another shot each, Yuki gets comfortable on a chair, folding her legs. 
" Your Highness, as soon as we reach the wall of Arash, we will be making contact with our insider, the City Garrison Commander. He will clear our entry into the city and provide us with lodgings near our objectives. After that, we will wait for approximately a couple of days before the city will enter full lockdown mode with the first sighting of our Belkan scouts. As soon as combat commences, we will coordinate with the Garrison Commander to secure the dock and shipyard, the Bank of Denver, and open the gate to the city. According to your briefing, the Garrison Commander has been delaying the Bank from sending away their gold. However, the situation can change in a few days, so we must prevent all Ustian ships from ever leaving the harbor."
" That's correct, Colonel. While our true objective is the city shipyard, it will be dumb not to loot the Ustian of their gold while we're at it, no? Arash is one of the major trade hubs in Europe, mercantile ships from all over the world come and go here. And that led to the formation of the Bank of Denver and its world-renown vault of gold. Having the gold fallen into our trusted hands, we will be empowering our economy for years to come. Such is the thing I need to revamp our national strength and the reason why I'm sending you on this high-risk mission." Yuki twirls her glass. " Make sure not to fail me, Colonel. And make sure to stay alive to reap the benefits. I have high hope for you."
" Duly noted, Princess General." The Colonel bows deeply and excuses himself after downing his last shot. Leaving Yuki behind, deep in her thought. 
She shakes herself out of her reverie when she sees the last of the 'Ustians' fading into the darkness. Calling her guards to clean up the area, she then heads back to White Rock on a Kubel. The next thing on her schedule is the award ceremony early in the morning. Yuki thinks she must rest as soon as she reaches her quarter to be in tip-top shape for the morning. 
In a different corner of her mind, she hopes that the alcohol doesn't leave much of a smell for Bryn to find out.
Spoiler. Bryn finds out and tears her a new one on underage drinking.
Morning arrives on White Rock fortress. Even though the place received extensive damage a couple of days earlier, it only took the Belkan pioneers moderate effort to make it presentable for the ceremony today. Right now, the fortress is a hubbub of activities.
" Come on, Erika! We must set up the camera faster, when the Princess arrives, we must snatch a good shot of her!" An excited squad member under Sergeant Erika's lead urges her to set up the camera tripod.
Shaking her head exasperatedly, Erika complies. " You know, you never gave off the vibe of a journalist before. Something changed, Jerry?"
Corporal Jerry, a soldier of African descent, replies with a giddiness. " Ah, Sergeant, it's because you just got promoted recently. My squadmates know me as a geek for always trying to take a picture or paint a memorable event. I get such a hobby from being born into a journalist family, we own a small publisher, and recently, they sent me a new camera. It will be a shame not to record today's event with my new gear." He proceeds to expertly position the camera where he can get the best shot of the stage. " If it weren't for my sudden passion for capturing first-handed images of the war, I wouldn't have signed for the military."
Erika snickers at that. " Well, you're in luck then. Our journey here and forward will be both glorious and memorable enough for you to make a whole damn documentary."
Jerry lets out a laugh, showing his pearl-white teeth. " Very true! Such is an opportunity of a lifetime!"
They then chat, sometimes taking pictures of the soldiers around them. A few noteworthy pictures include a scene of Grenadiers hanging up decorations, a view of the gathering crowd of soldiers and officers, and a chef manning an outdoor cooking station making sausages and pretzels... All in all, it's hard to imagine that they went through a tough battle just a few days ago.
The both of them got lost in the jovial rhythm around them, Erika has found a new hobby in taking pictures of the daily lives of soldiers. They pass the time like that till the promised time. Brigadier General Alexa appears on the stage, announcing that the ceremony will begin in a few minutes. Grenadiers and officers start taking their seats according to a sitting arrangement that denounces their affiliation in the division. Some of the Grenadiers and even officers carry bags of sausages and pretzels, passing them around so they can have a quick breakfast. Clean towels are presenced for them to wipe their hands should they be called to receive an award, or they can ask a friend to use cleaning magic on them. Yuki allows them such liberty as this is a hastily made ceremony. They will start moving out of White Rock the moment the ceremony is over.
True to Alexa's words. A military music band appears on the stage and starts their performance. It's a Belkan piece used for welcoming members with high social standing in Belka society. As the music is playing, Yuki, flanked by Bryn and Alexa, arrives on the stage under the cheering of officers and soldiers alike. Yuki, flashing a small smile, raises her hands to calm down the atmosphere and stop the music. 
" I must say, while I received the warmest welcome from you all before, this breaks the record for sure." Yuki jests. " Are you sure you're not gonna launch fireworks for me next?" Her words earn laughs from the audience below.
" Firework is overrated Princess General. We will be greeting you with a fanfare of tank cannons next!" An officer below decided to join the fun. His opinion earns a lot of approving nods from the audience.
Seeing that her joke actually made things worse for her on future occasions, Yuki almost pleads. " No, seriously, just don't." Her facade cracked a little as her lips twitch, earning even more laughter from the audience.
Shaking her head, Yuki chooses to divert the topic, dealing with the issue on another day. " Anyway, today is an important day! A monumental victory graced us a couple of days earlier with you..." She points to the crowd. " as participants! You all, brave men and women, were fulcrums in our glorious battle that will be remembered for years to come! And now, it's my pleasure to say that your effort is not in vain! Your reward is due!" Yuki waves both her hands to the audience, inciting more fervor and cheering.
" Up next, I will call out the names of our valiant heroes! Please, make sure you look presentable when you get on the stage, will ya? Gotta look great on the division's album, being awarded by personally and all." Yuki's chippy mood garners odd looks from Bryn and Alexa, though the audience favors this attitude of her a lot.
The ceremony then proceeds with as much fanfare as the division can get their hands on; Music, ribbons, and flowers, especially white flowers. Yuki has no idea how the lads manage to gather and decorate the entire fortress with it. Both to celebrate the occasion and to mourn the losses of both sides. On stage, the first names Yuki calls out are from the Night Witches. Unsurprisingly for most of them as they know how crucial the Witches are in ensuring their victories. Information is the first step to winning a battle, after all.
And, under the encouraging shout of others, all members of the Night Witches take to the stage. Proudly, they unfold their wings of various colors for all to see, gathering even more cheering. For the Witches, this is the first time they receive such recognition so a few are tearing up. Many of them, before Ragnarok, received intense racial discrimination from different races but now, things have changed. Belka, a country where all races are equal, was formed, and with it, everyone no matter their racial trait can truly strike it big. Right now, the Witches are reaping the result of their blood, sweat, and tears.
The first to receive an award is a pair of Angel and Fallen Angel, renowned for the highest number of successful hits on enemy officers. Endearingly, their comrades gift them the nickname: The Pigeon and the Hawk.
" Sergeant Franka, Sergeant Alisa." Standing in front of the pair, Yuki presents them with their awards. " For your meritorious service in taking out high-ranking enemy officers, greatly tipping the battlefield situation in our favor. I hereby award each of you with a Sniper Badge Second Class and an Iron Cross Second Class. Henceforth, you two will be known as Hugin and Munin. You can ditch the cheesy pigeon and hawk names now." She ended it with a smile. The audience applauds them both for their services.
Yuki, alongside Bryn and Alexa that are carrying the award trays, is stopped when Sergeant Franka the Fallen Angel questions. " So which one is Hugin and Munin then?" After that, she got bonked on the head by Alisa.
Curving her lips upward, Yuki replies. " Who knows? I'll leave you guys to decide." Before proceeding on to award the rest of the Witches, Bryn included.
" Last, but not least, the leader of our beautiful yet deadly Witches, I hereby award her with the Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves." Yuki picks the award gently from Alexa's tray and clasps it onto Bryn's attire. " I am truly grateful for the never-ending support you have given me, Bryn."
" It's my duty and pleasure to be of service." Bryn returns a small smile. The Witches make their way back to their seats under the constant applause of their comrades. They were once cogs in a machine but now they're someone far better after this.
The ceremony then continues, this time it's the Panzer Crews that step up. Headed by the 27th Armored Platoon under the command of Lieutenant Strauss Henriken, all of them are to receive the Panzer Badge. Presenting the Badge to the Lieutenant himself, Yuki says a few words.
" Lieutenant Henriken," Pinning the badge on his uniform, Yuki takes a look at the young officer. " I've read your papers about your view on modern warfare and how it should be fought onward. They were a good read for me and while they do have something to be ironed out, it would fit our future combat doctrine very well."
Failing to contain his glee at the recognition Yuki gave him, Strauss struggles with how to form a response. He never thought that the research papers he made back when he was still at the academy would reach the hand of the Princess, and she gave a good review about it too. Yuki, seeing the Lieutenant out of words, gives him a way out.
" I know a person, also a panzer commander, that shares the same view as you. While he is indisposed currently, I would like to host a meeting between the two of you when the situation is more favorable. You have a good head on your shoulder so make sure to keep it safe, Lieutenant." Finally done rebooting, Strauss salutes Yuki, keeping her words to heart.
Up next are the Grenadiers and the members of the newly formed Stormtroopers. With the bloody success of the recent assault, Yuki finalized the paper to form a special branch of troopers that are elites, rapidly deployable light infantries. Their primary tasks include direct action, special reconnaissance, and joint special operations. Its first members are the ones from the hastily formed Shocktrooper that participate in the raid on the AA sites. Unsurprisingly, all of them receive Wound Badges with a few eligible for receiving Infantry Assault Badges and Iron Crosses. That short conflict was bloody but glorious in the mind of the participants. For those that didn't make it, awards are given posthumously in recognition of their sacrifice. Major Muller also receives an Iron Cross, this time it's an Iron Cross First Class. His bravery and swift action in rescuing not just the Stormtroopers but also Yuki days before earned him a well-deserved medal. Another promotion won't be too far off for Muller.
Moving on, the ceremony lasts for a while longer as the support units also receive their due dividends. If it weren't for the constant effort of artillery troops, pioneers, and logistics infantries... Keeping this division up and running would have been a nigh-impossible task for the current Belka. Once everything is said and done, Yuki takes a look at her pocket watch.
" Well, what do you know. We end this much earlier than anticipated." She looks at the excited but orderly audience below. " All thanks to you all for maintaining discipline. It's been fun watching your reactions." Yuki tips her head to the crowd.
" But sadly, we've reached the end of our impromptu ceremony. It has been one hell of a journey, we gained much but we also lost much. Today's ceremony is to commemorate that said journey, to give you all a pat on the back for a job well done, and most importantly, to mourn the lost brothers and sisters. We stand here, today, because of the sacrifices made by our comrades in arms, people that are now forever resting in the embrace of the Mother Goddess. They laid down their lives to let us live and fight another day, so the medals you received and the badges you earned are smeared with the blood of those who have fallen. Never, ever, forget that, and never let them regret their choices. Be a soldier that makes their sacrifices, worth it." Seeing that she has the soldiers reflect on themselves, Yuki says. " A moment of silence for our fallen friends."
The entire fortress falls into a solemn silence. For some that one minute is to mourn for their friends and families. For others, it's to reflect on their short-coming and to strive to be better soldiers... Regardless of the case, all of them feel no regret in signing up for the division, even though the next to fall may be themselves. They know that what they are fighting for is a better world for the people back home, people that need not see the cruelty of the warfare. Losses are guaranteed to happen but at the very least... They all will be resting in the Haven made by the Mother Goddess. 
Letting out a sigh, Yuki speaks up to break the silence. " We've paid due respect to the fallen, and personally, I don't think they will want us to mope around like weeping kids." Her choices of words bring the mood up a notch, kicking it into overdrive, she continues. " No! They want us to be true Belkan Warriors! Instead of mourning we should be partying, singing their glorified deeds to all corners of the world! So I say we set the music volume to fun, and boozes are on me!"
This time, unlike the previous minute of silence, the fortress erupts like an active volcano as soldiers and officers alike salute, shout, and laugh at the words of their Princess General. In their mind, there will never be a boring day with her at the helm. Now, it's party time!
" Do remember to treasure every single mug of beer or a shot of Brandy! It was a pain to have them transported here so bottom-up everyone, not a single drop must be spilled, ya hear?"
" AYE!!!'

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