
Chapter 130

Chapter 130

As the group flew closer towards the fight, the vague outlines of figures fighting high above the clouds could be seen, every time they clashed against one another, space would break as more void tears sprang open.

From below, Omis's eyes shone brightly as he managed to spot the figure of Krano, a hazy red light surrounded him as he fought against two glowing figures of 'Hunters'. He was surprisingly able to fend them off all by himself.

On the other side of the battlefield, a huge figure of a towering monster could be seen engaged against another 'Hunter's' member. Omis could see that the monster was about three to four meters tall his arms were a little bit too long for its body and his fingers had claws at the end of them.

Its ashen-colored skin looked, one glance at its legs that were of a goat, and its half face confirmed Omis's suspicions. The 'thing' was none other than the monster figure of the butler he had met before, and the one that attacked him and his group.

"Tsk, that nasty thing is here too." Saif Addi with a click of his tongue.

"At least it's on our side this time." Replied Omis.

"That's the monster you mentioned before?" Asked the giant Avatar controlled by Tizzy, its voice coming off like a clap of thunder.

"Yep, that's the bastard." Answered Addi.

"The one fighting against the two glowing assholes is the boss." Added Omis.

"He hasn't changed one bit over the years." Said Tizzy. This was not the first time he had met the boss of the 'Hive' Krano, the last time was ten thousand years ago when he alongside the fallen 'Original' four God realm cultivators fought against ten 'Hive' God cultivators.

"Last time, your boss was the one to hold him off." He added as he turned to look at Omis.

The group continued to assess the battlefield, from one side was the leader of the 'Hive' holding back two people, on another side was the monster butler Rolus, fighting against one.

And far off in the distance were two more Hive God realm cultivators, one red-haired elegant lady in purple robes and with one horn curling to the back of her head, the other a monstrous Lion with bat-like wings, fighting against three more Hunters.

They only have four God realm cultivators left? Asked Omis surprised, last time Tizzy said that he and the boss alongside the fallen three Gods fought against ten of the Hive members, Omis was surprised to see that only four seemed to have survived the testimony of time.

The real question is, how the hell does those glowy bastards have so many God realm cultivators!? Growled Addi in annoyance.

Well, with us here we hold the numerical advantage. Replied Tizzy, the Hive had four Gods on their side while the Hunters had six, with the three of them here the battle would surely tilt into their favor.

Ill help Krano, Tizzy help the ugly monster, Addi should go help the others. Ordered Omis.


Cant believe I'm helping them. Grumbled Addi in annoyance.

Before the trio could make their move, however, two more beams of light suddenly descended upon them, their auras significantly stronger than the others.

Ah shit, you jinxed it. Growled Omis as he turned to look at Tizzys giant avatar who seemed to have an awkward expression on his face.

Before the lights could fade, Tizzy rushed forward to one of the glowing figures leaving behind a divine message to Omis and Addi.

Ill take care of this one, you guys take the other bastard down.


The clash of Tizzys avatar against his opponent caused Krano and the others to turn their eyes in surprise, a delighted expression made its way onto his face before he quickly calmed his emotions.

Thank you for the help master Omis. Hearing the Divine message resounding in his ears caused Omiss eyes to widen for a second as he glanced at Krano who was still holding two opponents at bay.

Addi, let's go, Tizzy doesn't seem like he will be able to hold on for long even with his avatar. Said Omis as he rushed towards the second figure. One quick glance at Tizzy was enough for him to see that he was at a disadvantage, even with him using the power of the avatar, he was constantly on the defensive, he did not have any chance to attack.

Yes, yes, just like old times. Grinned Addi, as he hastily followed after Omis.

Black and red thunder surrounded Omis as he rushed forward, Addi was to his right, his body seemingly blinking in and out of existence, a grey spear that caused space to collapse around him appeared in his hands.

The sound of Omiss invisible sword cutting through the air buzzed as it closed in on the figure who remained standing as he waited for their attacks to reach.

Omiss sword was the first to arrive aiming at the figures head, his opponent was calm as he raised his left hand to parry his attack sending the invisible sword flying.

His right hand shot forward to meet Addis spear attack, both sides clashing causing a giant black vortex to appear in the middle pushing both of them back.

Not giving the figure anytime to rest, Omis suddenly appeared behind him, his invisible sword held tightly in his hand as he stabbed towards the figures back, black and red lightning surrounded the blade causing it to appear as a lightning bolt.

Sensing the danger coming from behind him, Divine qi rushed from the figures body like a golden wave parrying Omiss attack, nonetheless, he had underestimated the force behind Omiss stab causing the lighting to rush up his arms.

The figure hastily willed his Divine qi to purge the lightning, yet that single second of distraction was all Addi needed, his body appeared out of nowhere as he used his spear to stab at the figures heart.

In the nick of time, the glowing figure barely managed to twist his body causing the spears blade to push into his shoulder, causing blood to spurt out of his wound.

Seeing that his attack has failed, Addi quickly retreated next to Omis, the duo coldly stared at the glowing figure causing him to shiver involuntarily as he faced them.

What is this feeling!? The figure looked at the duo in shock, Addis eyes were completely white giving him an eerie feeling, Omis, on the other hand, had one eye glow as brightly as the figure with the other giving off an ominous scarlet light.

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