
Chapter 152

Chapter 152

After spending some time drinking with Addi and reminiscing about the past, Omis finally took his leave towards his chambers and collapsed on the extremely soft bed feeling as if he was laying on the clouds themselves.

'Maybe it wouldn't be so bad to get a little bit of sleep after all.' He thought to himself, after all, Celestials did not need to sleep and mostly spent their time cultivating.

But at Omis's level as a God realm cultivator, progress did not merely come from meditation and so he could still afford to slack off a little bit.

Just as he was having such thoughts and was about to jump under the covers into a very much missed sleep, a presence approaching his door alerted him as he stood up.

Soon, however, a wide grin made its way unto his face as he moved closer to the door and waited. He could feel the other person standing behind it seemed to hesitate for a second before they resolutely knocked.

The grin on Omis's face grew even wider as he waited for a few seconds before opening the door, the person that greeted him was as expected, one of the God-ranked leaders of the 'Hive', the alluring lady, Beri.

"Well hello there." He said with a smile.

A chuckle escaped her lips as she replied. "We meet again master Omis."

"I was actually just about to get in bed." He said before pushing the door fully open as he stepped out of the way and pointed at the giant bed behind him.

"Is that so?" She asked with a seductive smile.

"Indeed, so what do you say lady Beri. Care to join me for a drink?" He asked. Thankfully his Godly physic gave him the privilege of drinking without fearing the consequences, which meant even though he had just finished a bottle with Addi, he could still drink some more now.

"That does sound tempting, are you perhaps trying to get me drunk master Omis?" She asked, her eyes gazed at him from tops to bottoms akin to a predator staring at his prey.

"What can I say, wine tastes better with the company of a beautiful lady." He said.

"A smooth talker, I see." She smiled before stepping closer towards him, their bodies merely inches away from each other as she stood on the tip of her tows and whispered in his ears.

"Careful now master Omis, I might just take you up on your offer." She then swiftly stepped back to her previous position.

"Then again, maybe it's too soon." She added.

Omis was about to speak when she interrupted him, "Come with me, master Omis." She said with a smile.

Intrigued, Omis did not find any reason to refuse. The lady was obviously into him, and she was undoubtedly his type as well. Her long shiny red hair, alongside a pair of piercing scarlet eyes that seemed to exude a sense of playfulness, the lone horn that curled to the back of her head looked like a crown more than anything.

Though he may be a God, Omis was but a man at the end of the day, and like most men, he as well had a soft spot for beautiful ladies. Ever since coming into this world, his situation had been hectic with no time for any trivial relationships.

Yet he was not one to refuse such blatant advances, though she may be his type did not necessarily mean they had to suddenly proclaim their undying love to one another, that would simply be absurd.

As things stand, the entire situation was merely that of physical attraction that both sides had for one another. Though as Omis followed after Beri across the halls of the Divine Palace, his guard was nonetheless still up and ready for anything that might pop out.

Though he was attracted to her, he could still not rule out the possibility of a sudden sneak attack from somewhere. He didn't think that the Krano would use such underhanded methods to attack him, but then again anything was possible.

His worries however proved to be not needed as Beri led him towards a large terrace on the highest floor of the palace, one that overlooked the entirety of the city below it.

"Whoa!" An exclamation full of wonder escaped Omis's lips as he gazed at the scene below.

The city was lively, with people pacing around it on the ground, it seemed that flying was prohibited unless one was a high-ranking official or member.

"Beautiful isn't it?" Smiled Beri, as Omis unconsciously nodded in reply.

For a mere second, Omis thought he saw her usually confident surface break as she seemed to relax with a beautiful smile on her face.

She took a deep breath, and then it was gone, she was back to being the usual coquettish lady. Seeing that, Omis glanced at her in curiosity, yet did not pursue the matter. 'Looks like she also has secrets of her own.' He thought to himself.

"Although it is pretty, this is not the only place I wanted to show you." She said.

"Oh?" Omis glanced back at her as she extended her hand towards him.

Taking her hand with his, the duo turned into a streak of light that shot towards the sky above and disappeared within the red-ish clouds. With their speed, it did not take long before they reached the end of the 'Heavenly' realm, the giant formation that surrounded it appeared in front of them.

"Here?" He glanced at Beri who was still holding his hand as they stood in the air.

"A little bit further ahead." She continued.

"Hmmm." Omis simply nodded.

Beri led him by the hand as they moved closer to the formation, once they were a hand length away from It, she brought out what looked to be a talisman.

Omis watched in curiosity as a hole big enough for the both of them to pass through appeared in the formation. Beri smiled in satisfaction as she continued. "Let's go." She said.

Leading him by the hand, the duo left the heavenly realm and were greeted by a sight Omis was already familiar with, the vast expense of space. Thousands upon thousands of bright stars that were invisible to see from the heavenly realm decorated the entirety of space giving off a majestic feel.

"Now this, is what I call beautiful." Muttered Beri who was still next to him, her hands still grabbing his as they gazed at the stars.

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