
Chapter 154

Chapter 154

"Then I guess we just have to find out." Said Omis with a toothy grin, a dangerous glint passing through his eyes as he stared at the distance where the aura was coming from.

"Find out?" Frowning Beri looked at him and asked. "And how are you planning on doing that?"

"That's the easy part, we just have to catch whoever is there." He answered while pointing in the direction of the distinct aura.

Beri's frown deepened as she stared at him. "Not that I want to undermine your capabilities master Omis, but I did say that catching them is almost impossible since they are always on full alert, add to that the large distance between us." She said with a shake of her head.

Yet hearing that, Omis's grin only grew wider as his eyes locked with hers, he gently moved his hand to push back a hair strand that had fallen on her face behind her ear before speaking with confidence.

"Oh but miss Beri, we can catch them alright. I just need your help." He said.

Surprised by his sudden move, Beri didn't pull back but instead offered a smile of her own as she answered intrigued. "Interesting, I wonder where all of your confidence is coming from master Omis."

"I guess you just have to find out." He smiled.

"Okay then, I'll follow your instructions, what's your master plan here?" She asked.

"That's easy, i'll make sure to lock them in their place for a few minutes so they don't won't be able to move while you go and grab them. Though it would only be for a couple of minutes at best I'm not quite sure if you'll be able to do that?" He asked with a grin.

As if she was offended by his words, Beri harrumphed before replying with confidence. "I'm afraid you really underestimate my abilities master Omis, if you could manage to delay them by one minute the I assure you they won't be able to escape. From the aura's their cultivation levels should not be that high." She added.

"En, so be it. I'll trust you miss Beri, and I think you should trust me on this one as well." He said before turning his attention towards the direction of the aura.

His eyes closed. Suddenly, the entire atmosphere surrounding him seemed to change. Beri loudly gulped as she watched with bated breath afraid to miss any detail.

'What is he doing?' She thought to herself.

Her answer came swiftly as an unprecedented aura descended on the entire area extending hundreds of miles in all directions. Space was locked preventing all teleportations.

Beri's eyes widened abruptly like sausages, her jaw hung open as she stared at the space a distance above their heads with a shocked expression.

"I-Is that! The Holy land?!" She shouted unable to control her composer.

How could she? Right in front of her, Omis had seemed to have summoned the lost Holy land of her kind! She watched unblinkingly as what appeared to be a tip of a grey continent struggling to push through a void tear.

Although it was merely the tip, the pressure it managed to carry with it was undeniable as it caused such a huge disturbance in the space surrounding them.

Omis's eyes were still closed as he spoke through gritted teeth, clearly, the entire ordeal was very straining on him! "Anytime now miss Beri!"

His words served to bring her out of her shocked state as her gaze turned sharp, with a swift motion, Beri turned into a beam of scarlet light that soared towards the distance, her gaze was excited and full of surprise as she flew through space.

"What the? I feel lighter? Stronger? Could this be the effect of the Holy Land!?" She mumbled to herself.

'If it's like this catching whoever that aura belongs to will be a piece of cake.' She grinned as she thought to herself.

As she shot towards their strange followers, Beri could feel the pressure that the Holy Land exuded on them causing them to struggle as they tried to escape its grasp but to no avail.

Soon, she finally came face to face with the mysterious foreigners. Right in front of her, was what appeared to be a spiritual treasure boat, on its deck was a group of people, some seemed to be unable to stand due to the pressure others surprisingly passed away.

With one light step, Beri descended on board, everyone present who was still conscious watched in horror as she appeared with a devilish grin on her face.

"Well, well, well. Look at what we have here." She said as she stepped closer to what appeared to be the leaders of the group. A pair of cultivators, a woman, and a man dressed in white Daoist robes.

Looking around the deck, a dozen or so younger cultivators were sprawled on the ground unable to handle the sheer pressure from the Holy Land, some already passed away with blood seeping out of their eyes, ears, nose, and mouth.

Their faces were forever etched in eternal agony. The only ones who were somewhat better off than the rest were the pair of cultivators, they were collapsed on their knees yet their eyes shone with defiance as they gritted their teeth and stared at Beri with an unyielding gaze.

"Ah well, you'll do. A shame the rest are all dead." Mumbled Beri. With a wave of her hand, the duo was lifted from the deck by Beri's energy.

She stepped closer to them and gently tapped their dantian area as she pushed her spiritual energy inside them. For a moment her eyes widened in surprise before she regained her calm as she glanced at them with a strange expression.

Their cultivation base seemed to be strange? It did not appear to follow the rules of the cultivation she was familiar with, and she was quite sure it also did not follow the rules of the 'Immortals' cultivation.

Although their method was different and not something she had ever seen before, Beri was still an unparalleled God realm cultivator, she easily sealed their cultivation base and dragged them behind her.

As for the boat, she also made sure to bring it along with them as she shot back towards Omis with a wide grin on her face. They finally caught the mice that had been snooping around for so long.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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