
Chapter 166

Chapter 166

As soon as the celestial power left his body, Bai Long collapsed to the floor with a loud thud, his vision swam as he struggled to stay focused.

'Is this the drawback of using a power way beyond my capabilities?' He thought to himself while gritting his teeth as he fought to stay conscious.

Just then in front of his eyes, space suddenly began to twist and turn as a rift that seemed to lead to the dark abyss itself opened. Bai Long loudly gulped, his back soaked in cold sweat as he felt the boundless aura emitting from within the rift.

"What the-" He muttered, his eyes as wide as sausages as he stared unblinkingly as if he was afraid to miss anything.

The dark abyss stared back at him causing Bai Long's heart to almost leap out of his chest, he felt as if a devil from the nether would come jumping out and drag him down the fiery pits of hell.

When Bai Long was almost unable to endure the tension, a perfect young man with the air of a celestial walked out from the void. His hair was an unblemished white from one side and obsidian black from the other, a small scar ran down his left eye.

Bai Long had heard countless stories of high and mighty cultivators seeking Immortality, he even saw the leader of the Heavenly Phoenix sect once when he was a child in a city parade. Yet even that leader who was considered as one of the ultimate experts in the world palled in comparison to the perfect you man in front of him.

For the first time in his life, Bai Long thought that this was what an Immortal must look like, his eyes full of awe as he gazed at the young man who had an air of indifference surrounding him.

Although he was still dizzy, Bai Long swiftly dropped to his knees and kowtowed to the young man. 'He must be the one who saved me and lent me his power.' Thought Bai Long.

"Junior thanks esteemed celestial for saving my life." He loudly spoke not daring to raise his head.

A momentary silence descended on the area causing sweat to trickled down Bai Long's forehead before the senior finally spoke.

"Hmmm, you did well to survive." His voice which was pleasing to the ear came off full of strength and authority.

"It's all thanks to your grace and mercy." Hastily replied Bai Long, his mind was full of countless thoughts.

Why would this esteemed figure help him? Just from the looks of it, the duo lived in two completely different worlds. Bai Long knew that nothing came for free in this life, yet what could this senior possibly want from him? He was unable to understand.

Suddenly the senior spoke. "Your heart burns with rage child. Is it revenge you seek?" He asked.

Hearing that, Bai Long was forced to remember all of the injustice he faced until now, how his little sister was taken away from him and died within his arms. The scene of the Heavenly Phoenix's young master coldly looking down on him as he ordered his guards to take his sister away kept playing over and over again in his mind.

For the first time, Bai Long raised his lowered head and stared at the senior's Golden and crimson eyes which seemed to contain the universe within them before speaking with resolution.

"Yes, I want revenge against all those that harmed me, revenge against all those who harmed my sister! I want revenge on this cruel world that thinks it's okay to push us down when all we want is to live!" He cried out.

Seeing that, the senior's indifferent face took a change for the first time. A wide grin broke out as he looked at the kneeling Bai Long.

"Good, I like your spirit. Though I wonder how far you will go." He said before stepping closer towards him.

Bai Long did not dare to move as the senior extended his slender finger and tapped on his forehead. "I'll give you a hand, don't disappoint me." He said.

Bai Long was surprised and did not quite understand before a sudden surge of information rushed towards his mind. 'A cultivation technique!' He thought almost unable to control his excitement.

"Focus, if you lose consciousness then you are simply unworthy." Said the Senior, his previous air of an indifferent expert coming back.

Startled, Bai Long gritted his teeth and fought against the excruciating pain. His brain felt as if it was being cut into countless tiny pieces every second, his vision swam as the world began to spin, yet he prevailed.

This was his chance! His only chance to get revenge for Xiao Ye, his chance to change his fate! And his chance to fight against the Heavens! Throwing his head back, Bai Long let out a loud cry.

"ARGH!" His voice resounded throughout the now deathly silent black forest. The senior simply stood there unmoving as he watched the entire scene with an unreadable expression.

Not long after, Bai Long's suffering finally ended as he collapsed to the ground headfirst with a thud. His body was in pain, his head felt as if someone had hit him with a sledgehammer, yet his eyes were bright.

He survived, he did not lose consciousness and prevailed. Bai Long struggled to try and raise his head to stare at the unfathomable senior who imparted this celestial cultivation technique to him, yet he failed. His body was void of any sort of strength, he could only look at the senior's legs as he stood in front of him.

"You did well, we'll meet again should our fates cross paths. Don't disappoint me, child." Said the senior before he turned around to leave.

Seeing him about to leave, Bai Longs was anxious and struggled to call out, his voice came out cracked as he asked. "N-Name!"

The seniors steps came to a momentary halt, Bai Long could only see his legs facing away from him, his heart thumped loudly in his chest as he waited.

Some know me as the Immortal Mentor. If we manage to meet again, then Ill tell you my name. Leaving those final words behind, the Senior stepped inside an abyssal rift and disappeared leaving a dumbfounded Bai Long.

I-Immortal Mentor. He rolled the title in his tongue, his eyes gleaming with admiration and worship before a flash of determination filled his gaze.

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