
Chapter 39

Chapter 39

Deep inside the palace, in a secured chamber sat a fair young lady. Her milky white skin was full of dark sticky black goo as she opened her eyes from her meditation.

"I broke through! Ahaha!" Her sweet laughter rang throughout the quiet hall as her eyes shined brighter than before.

Just by absorbing a small part of the Angel Vine, she was able to instantly shoot forward towards the late-stage foundation realm! And that wasn't all, the medical properties of the flower were almost still intact!

"Such miraculous flower!" Muttered Wan Da.

"Just this small amount and I already reached the late-stage! If it's with this, yes if it's this!" Before she could finish her sentence Wan Da's face jerked back as she sharply turned her gaze towards the location of her old shop.

"Impossible, did someone offend the seniors?!" Her face turned as pale as a sheet of paper as she hurriedly moved away from her room. Her destination the small wooden shop.

"I have to appease to the seniors! Their wrath could spell doom to the entire Song Kingdom!" She muttered under her breath as she urgently flew towards her destination.

"Which Idiot was the one to create this mess! I swear by all that is holy if I get my hands on them! I'll make them wish they were never born!" She growled with anger.

It did not take her long before she gently landed at the alleyway, the small shop standing quietly in front of her, yet she knew, no she felt! The aura coming out of it! The rage! The anger!

"By the celestials, what have they done..." She muttered, she was not the target of the aura yet it was already suffocating her!

Looking at the shop, Wan Da could see the small door collapsed towards the inside. Her heart sped up as she prepared for the worst.

She did not know what happened, nor did she want to know. But she had to, all her senses, every fiber of her being screamed at her to run, to get away from this accursed place!

But she, unfortunately, could not do so, she was bound by her duty as empress to protect her country and people.

Gulping down, Wan Da took a deep calming breath as she steadied her racing heart and rotated her cultivation base to wash away the fear.

The sense of her late-stage foundation establishment realm gave her a small sense of comfort, as small as it was, it was still welcomed.

Slowly, and ever so carefully, Wan Da made her way inside. Carefully avoiding the fallen door she scanned her surroundings.

The inside seemed to be tidy as she left it, no perhaps even tidier than when she owned the place.

Looking around nothing seemed to be out of place except for the collapsed door at the entrance, as she glanced towards the kitchen door, a glowing blue light seemed to seep out from under the door.

Her curiosity picked, Wan Da carefully approached. As her steps drew closer to the door, her heart seemed to want to jump out of her chest.

She did not know why, but whatever sense of danger she felt before, whatever had caused her to want to run away to leave everything and go, was coming from behind this kitchen door.

Her hand shook uncontrollably as she rested it on the handle, rotating her cultivation base once more to assure herself, Wan Da spoke loudly.

"S-Seniors! It's junior Wan Da!" She said in hopes of alerting whoever was behind that door.

"I-I have come as fast as I could when I felt that something may have angered you esteemed seniors." She added, her voice cracking in fear as her heart threatened to leap out.

She waited for a while, unmoving as her palm continued to rest on the handle. Yet no response came no matter how long she waited.

"I-I'm coming in seniors! I mean no harm, and solely wish to apologize for whatever had happened and caused you to be this angered!" She said with her voice shaking, yet did not open the door just yet but continued to stare at her palm that was over the handle for a while before gritting her teeth and pushing the door open.

As the door swung open, Wan Da's eyes opened up wide in shock as she forgot to close her mouth, the scene inside scared her silly as she stood there unmoving.

Right there in the middle of the floor was the old senior she had met before but did not pay much attention to, his back was facing her as he sat there on the ground rocking back and forth while muttering something under his breath.

In his arms, Wan Da saw what was probably the most perfect person she had ever laid her eyes on causing a deep blush to unconsciously make its way on to her face.

He however was unconscious in the arms of the old senior who shockingly held a sword to his neck! Wan Da was about to speak out when her eyes finally noticed the countless bodies littered on the ground, all of their eyes were empty as if they had been dug out with a spoon, their faces however were completely pale, as they forever held an expression of terror and disbelief.

A sound of maniacal laughter seemed to bring her back to her senses as she looked to the corner of the room where a man had survived.

Wan Da did not wether survived was the appropriate word, his eyes were hollow as he kept laughing while staring at the ceiling, streams of blood tears seeped out of the corners of his eyes.

It seems that whatever this man had seen had scarred him for life, he would never be able to recover from such a state.

Gulping loudly, Wan Da's legs shook as she felt the back of the old man suddenly steer as he turned to look at her. Her heart sped up in her chest as her breathing turned ragged, he was watching her! She knew! But she did not dare make a move...

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