
Chapter 64

Chapter 64

The wind smells like spring, fresh, natural, changing...' It's refreshing after the hot, stony staleness of the 'Underworld' thought Omis as the group walked over a grassy plain.

Birdsongs rang over the plains giving the whole scene a deep sense of serenity and peace.

"They sure have picked a nice spot to hide in." Said Omis as he gazed at the beautiful green plain.

"Keep your eyes out, we are almost there." Said Addi as the group walked closer to the end of the grassy plain.

A giant cliff separated the plains from the mountain range as the trio stood at the edge overlooking the distance.

"Now what gramps? 'Climb down'?" Sarcastically asked Leyla while glancing at Addi.

"No." He bluntly replied as he turned to look at her before pushing her off the ledge.

"Wha!" Her scream echoed out as she was sent plummeting down the giant cliff.


The sound of her body crashing into the ground was heard clearly as Omis turned to look at Addi with a weird expression.

"Uh, did you seal her cultivation base?" He asked.

Addi turned to look at him and gave an innocent smile before replying.

"Can't have her using it to fly now can we?"


"She's fine! She is after all a Golden Immortal, I'd be more concerned about the ground then her." He added.

"Does that mean we are jumping as well?" Gulped Omis as he peeked over the edge.


A kick came from behind him sending him over as he turned his around, Addi's smirk was the last his saw before falling over.

His heart sped up in his chest as the wind whistled by his face, the urge to use his cultivation powers and fly off was too strong, seeing the ground getting closer and closer he forced himself to adjust his falling position so his feet were first before closing his eyes and bracing for impact.


A shudder ran through his entire body as Omis felt his feet sink into the ground. Opening his eyes, he found himself standing in a web crack with his feet buried into the solid ground until his knees, turning his head, to the side he saw another human web-shaped crack.

"Uh, Leyla? Are you okay?"He asked as he moved his right foot out of the ground causing rocks to fall off before pushing his left foot out as well.

He then stepped closer to the human-shaped crack to find Leyla's body face down on the floor.


"I'll kill him! I'll kill him! That old geezer, I'll fucking murder him!" She kept muttering under her breath as she laid there on the ground.


Hearing the loud noise, Omis turned his attention back to see Addi who just landed gracefully on the ground with a small smile on his face.

"Where is the brat?" He calmly asked. Omis simply pointed with his chin at the human-shaped hole on the ground.

"How long are you going to stay there kid?" Asked Addi with a smirk.

"You pushed me! You damn geezer! I'll fucking murder you!" She screamed as she jumped out of the crack causing the rocks to explode from her sheer physical strength.

Addi simply sidestepped away from her furious attack before delivering a quick karate chop to the back of her neck rendering her unconscious as he grabbed her before she fell to the ground again he then tossed her at the back of his shoulder before turning to Omis who was looking at him with the same weird expression in his face.

"Was that really necessary?" He asked.

"It was unintentional, reflex! Yep, reflex." Nodded Addi with the same innocent smile on his face as he started walking away with Leyla on his shoulders.

"Come on now, I wanna get there before this brat wakes up." He said. Letting out a sigh, Omis shook his head and followed after him.


Running through the passageways surrounded by an extremely beautiful garden was a brown-haired young man with an anxious expression. At the end of the passage was a medium-sized house shockingly all made out of jade!

As he approached the door, the young man gave a hurried knock before swinging it open.

"Grandmaster Silas! We have a problem, sir! A big, big problem!" He shouted as he entered the house. The inside did not seem to be that of a house but of a library, an incredibly messy library. Books were littered across the floor and on some of the tables, some still open others closed, massive bookshelves decorated the entire room.

From behind one of the said bookshelves, came out a young scholar his long black hair was messy as he It flowed behind his back, and a pair of round glasses, his looks could be considered very attractive if not for his tired bloodshot eyes and the two dark circles under them, giving him the feeling that he hadn't slept for days.

"You are too loud." He said to the young man who busted inside the room with an exceedingly tired expression.

"Ah! I apologize Grandmaster Silas!"

Letting out a tired sigh Silas removed his glasses as he rubbed his temples and yawned.

"You are still too loud. What's the problem?" He asked.

"We have visitors!"

"*Yawns* Visitors? Did some cultivator stumble on our hideout by mistake again? That shouldn't be the traps are meant to force anyone away. Plus didn't I tell you not to bother me with this stuff Hann?"

"T-The visitors are not normal cultivators Grandmaster, they are Celestials!" Shouted Hann anxiously.

Hearing that, Silas's expression hardened as he muttered "Celestials? No one should know that I came into hiding here nor that I created a sect. How the hell did they find me? Wait who are they?"

Turning to look at Hann, Silas ordered.

"Lead the way, Hann, since they did not rain hell on me and are acting civil then it must mean that there is at least a chance that things will be handled peacefully. Plus I'm curious to see who is it exactly that came to visit me."

"Yes Grandmaster, there are three of them an old man with creepy hollow white eyes, a white-haired youth with a scar on his left eye, and a feisty young lady with purple hair and eyes, she has been cursing since they arrived. Said Hann with a shudder.

Hollow eyes? White hair and scar? Purple hair and eyes? Muttered Silas with a weird expression on his face.

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