
Chapter 66

Chapter 66

"Please take a seat, and don't mind the mess I don't usually have a lot of visitors."Chuckled Silas as he led the trio inside his library like home, and ushered them to the messy table in the middle of the room.

The group followed after him and each took a seat as they looked at Silas who seemed to be on the verge of falling asleep.

"Are you sure you are okay?" Asked Omis concerned as he gazed at Silas's tired bloodshot eyes.

"Hmm? *Yawn*, Oh yes I'm fine, I'm fine, just a little bit tired because somethings I have been working on." He waved him off with a small smile.

"Uncle Silas, you don't look a little tired, you look like shit." Answered Leyla with an innocent smile on her face.

"*Cough*" Omis awkwardly let out a cough at Leyla's blunt remark.

"Haha! I see you still have no filters kiddo." Laughed Silas before letting out another tired yawn. He then turned to Omis and Addi who was still quiet and spoke.

"Oh, where are my manners, I suppose I should properly introduce myself. I'm Silas, the sect leader of this humble sect you see around you." He said while dramatically waving his heads at his surroundings.

Addi squinted his eyes and asked. "Even if I can tell you are an 'Original' how do you know about my nickname?"

"Oh, you mean White Devil?" Said, Silas causing Addi's expression to remain emotionless as he coldly stared at him.

"*Yawn* Such a scary look you have there, but let's just say I know a lot of things about a lot of people. And one of those things just so happens to be about our friend Omis." He answered back while holding back another yawn as he turned his attention to Omis.

"Me? But I just got here, I just 'Awakened'." Omis asked confused.

"News travel fast my friend and I have my connections, plus it's hard to miss both of you guys with the mess you made in the Bai Clan."

"Oh, that..." Said Omis while awkwardly scratching his cheek. "That wasn't very low-key was it."

"No it wasn't, and neither was your battle above the capital of the Song Kingdom either." Added Silas.

"Oh~! You guys had fun without Leyla! That's mean! I want to have fun as well!" She interrupted while puffing her cheeks in anger.

"Well, I wouldn't really call it fun per say..." Answered back Omis.

"How come I never saw you in the heavenly realm before, since you are an 'Original', someone of your caliber is hard to miss." Asked Addi with a wary expression.

Letting out a sigh, Silas moved his head back and stared at the ceiling, strands of his long messy black hair fell on his face as he spoke.

"I'm not surprised you haven't seen me before, I was a nobody when the war broke out. I had just Ascended at the time when we were all 'transported' here." He said as he moved his hand to push the glasses up and rubbed his weary eyes.

"I was useless in the war so, at the first chance of safety I had, I took it. I'm still surprised to this day over how I actually made it out of there alive." He added before he brought his gaze down from the ceiling and to Addi and continued.

"So yes, it would make sense that you never saw nor knew me in Heavens."

Addi's gaze hardened as he coldly stared at Silas before speaking.

"So what you want to say is that you ran away." He said with a frown.

"Hey! Addi, that's a little-" before Omis could continue, Leyla, interrupted him.

"You old bastard! You don't know anything about Uncle Silas!" She shouted while pointing at Addin with her finger. Silas waved his hand at her to make her stop before turning to Addi.

"*Yawn* Oh, I don't really mind. I indeed was a coward and ran away. Do I regret it? No, I was afraid and alone, unlike you had your guild to look after each other, I ascended alone and I had nobody. My life is more important to me than fighting a losing war."

"Hmph." Addi simply harrumphed and looked away.

"A losing war you say." Muttered Omis.

"Yes a losing war, but with you here... I guess the prophecy did have some truth to it." Mumbled Silas as he looked at Omis with a strange look on his face.

"The what?" Omis asked confused.

"Oh nothing." Silas waved him off before asking.

"I'm sure you didn't come all the way here just to hear me ramble, so tell me, why are you here?" Asked Silas as he locked his fingers together and leaned closer on the table.

"We need information, and we've been told you are the best person to ask." Said Omis.

"You've been told?" Said Silas, before turning to look at Leyla who gave a shy smile as she lowered her head.

"*Sigh* Since little Leyla brought you here, I'll see what I can do. What is it that you wish to know about? He asked.

Hearing that Omis turned to look back at Addi, who gave him a light nod before speaking.

We want to know how can we sneak into heavens without alerting the hive. He bluntly said.

*Cough*, *Cough*, Im sorry what did you say? Asked Silas with a stunned expression on his face.

I said, we want to know how can we sneak into heavens without alerting the hive. Repeated Omis.

Hearing that Silas turned his gaze to Leyla and asked.

Kiddo what are you doing hanging out with suicidal people? He said causing her to let out a light chuckle.

Hey, thats rude! Interrupted Omis.


The sound of the chair being pushed back sounded in the room as Addi abruptly stood up.

Lets go, theres no use asking a coward for help. He bluntly spoke.

Addi, wait stop! Shouted Omis trying to stop Addi. Silas on the other hand frowned before replying.

Id rather be a living coward than a dead fool.

To that Addi turned back to stare at him with a chilling gaze causing the entire temperature of the room to drop as sparks seemed to go off between the two before Omis stood between them.

I dont care what both of you think of each other but Im not here to argue, Im here to look for a way to save my disciple, so dont make me beat both of your asses! He growled as he stated at both of them.

Whoa~! Omis is so cool! Shouted Leyla from the side with sparkling eyes as she stared at him with admiration.

Letting out a sigh, Silas replied You are going to die if you go there.

I wont, none of us will, ill make sure that wont happen so please I need your help to save my disciple. Asked Omis while giving a light bow to Silas who massaged his temples while muttering.

This is dumb, this is very very dumb.

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