
Chapter 77

Chapter 77

Two streaks of light flew through the air leaving afterimages behind them as they passed. Omis's expression was somber the entire time as he tried to recall what had just happened to him.

In the previous fight, it seemed as if something clicked inside him. He wanted to think that he had no control over what he did, no he tried to make himself believe it yet he couldn't.

He was aware of everything, he knew what he was doing the entire time when he sliced Aidan's arm when he sent Alura running away, he...he enjoyed it!

Once his mind reached this point of thought, his brows furrowed even more as he felt deeply conflicted inside. While Omis did not retain any previous memories of who he was in the past, his moral compass was still the same, he was not a killer at least he thought he wasn't.

But then again, when he had chopped Aidan's head clean of his body he felt nothing. There was no remorse, no guilt nor regret for what he did, on the contrary, he felt quite indifferent, the feeling of power when he finally unleashed his cultivation base was intoxicating!

At that time he was at the top of the world, so why should he care about what is right and what is wrong? No one could stop him if he decided to do anything for he was a God!

Reaching this train of thought, his expression turned into a horrified one as he muttered to himself.

'What the hell am I thinking?'

His inner conflict was interrupted by Addi who tapped his shoulder and asked.

"Are you okay?"

Hearing his question Omis gave him a half-assed smile in response before replying.

"Y-yes, I'm fine."

Frowning, Addi continued.

"I know you must be feeling quite conflicted right now, but I just want you to know that you did well." He said before turning his attention back in front of him.

Refraining from replying, Omis simply sighed before pushing his doubt to the back of his mind.

'Am I changing? Why do I feel nothing at the thought of killing? Is it really bad? This world is not peaceful and I will not survive if I am merciful, but is this the right way?'

Unknown to him, that day his way of thinking slowly started to shift as his morals gradually begun to change. This wasn't the first time he killed, after the attack on the 'underworld city' but this was the first time he truly began to embrace the change.

"Uncle! Uncle! They made it!" His attention turned to Leyla who shouted in excitement as she saw him and Addi, she was standing on the peak of a broken floating mountain alongside Silas who's face held a small hint of a smile.

The duo dropped to the ground before they were assaulted by a barrage of questions from Leyla.

"So? So? How did it go? Did you win? Did he run away? You don't seem hurt only your robe is broken! That's good! Tell me~ tell me~! What happened?" She asked her eyes sparkling as she examined Omis from head to toe all the while floating around him.

Raising his hands in the air Omis exclaimed

"Whoah! Slow down, Leyla!"

"Ah! Sorry~ Sorry~! I got a little bit too excited, hehe~" She apologized with an innocent smile.

"My brother obviously won, what are you even asking, hmph." Harrumphed Addi as he rolled his eyes on Leyla.

She did not seem to mind as her eyes opened wide in admiration before she came closer to Omis and asked.

"Did you kill him? Yes, you killed him! Wait did you kill him? Oh! Can I have his soul? Pretty please~! Wait you have his soul right? You didn't destroy that, did you? No, why would you?" Once again she quickly began to ramble on excitement before Silas's hand fell on her head as he spoke.

"Kiddo, what did I tell you about babbling so much?"

Hearing that her eyes dropped before she replied while nervously fidgeting with her fingers.

"Ah, I'm sorry uncle Silas."

Giving out a smile, Omis answered.

"It's okay master Silas, I don't mind." He then turned his gaze to Leyla before continuing with a grin.

"And yes, I still have his soul."

Her eyes quickly lit up at that remark before she answered.

"Really!? A God ranked cultivator's soul! Whoa~! C-Can I see it?" She asked with anticipation.

"Yes, but later, how's Lu Lu doing?" He asked while glancing at the ground behind Silas where Lu Lu's body sat in cross-legged meditation, her eyes still closed shut.

"Her situation is stable now but we should still make haste to the Alchemist." Replied Silas.

Nodding, Omis was about to reply before he froze his expression suddenly turning grim. Addi and Silas who were standing next to him both had a serious face on as they turned to stare at the distance where Omis had fought Aidan.

"Did you feel that?" Omis asked, his eyes still staring at the distance.

"Yes, 'something' just forcefully broke through the space of the heavenly realm." Muttered Silas.

"I do not want to stay here and wait for whatever appeared to come. Let's go!" Urged Addi.

Nodding Silas grabbed Leyla and shot to the sky followed by Addi and Omis who grabbed Lu Lu with both arms.

"Where to?" Asked Omis as he glanced towards Silas.

"I don't think we should go to the gate, 'The hive' might be onto us!" He answered back.

"A little bit too late for that!" Shouted Addi as he rapidly summoned his spear and curved upwards stabbing towards a point where a void tear was beginning to open.


As his spear collided with the tear an explosion followed by a roar full of rage broke through the space causing everyone's expression to pale as Addi was sent flying back from the clash.

He coughed blood and quickly regrouped with the rest before shouting in a voice full of urgency.

"That thing is a stage five God ranked entity!"

Hearing that Silas and Leyla's faces visibly paled, Omis was the strongest person present, and as an Original, his cultivation base of first stage God Realm could be compared to a normal fourth stage yet this thing was at an even higher level!

"I broke the space before It could teleport but that would only temporarily hold it! We need a plan!"

As soon as Addi finished saying that another roar came from above them as a new tear started emerging from the void.

"Shit! What a fucking monster!" Cursed Addi as he was about to attack the tear again, yet was stopped by Omis.

"Grab Lu Lu! I got this!"

"Fuck no! Oy! Silas, take the ladies and run!" Shouted Addi before ignoring Omis and rushing towards the tear.

Clicking his tongue, Omis cursed under his breath before handing Lu Lu to Silas.

"Master Silas, I trust her in your hands! We will be back soon! Just risk it and head towards the gate!" He said before hurrying after Addi.

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