
Chapter 93

Chapter 93

The door to his master bedroom suddenly opened causing Omis's eyes to open. Glancing towards the entrance, two maids suddenly came in and gave a deep bow.

The butler who was standing near the door this entire time flashed Omis a wide smile before speaking.

"It appears everything is ready master Omis if you would please follow us this way." He said while respectfully pointing towards the open door.

Giving a nod in reply, Omis casually stood up then adjusted his robe before making his way out of the room. The butler following behind, then the maids.

One of the maids quickly took the lead as she guided them towards the banquet hall. Along the way, Omis's senses were on full alert as he continuously scanned his surroundings.

They have really removed all sorts of decorations from inside of the heavenly palace. It now looked rather plain and unfitting of its title. The thing that made Omis suspicious was the lack of guards on their way to the banquet hall.

Perhaps they were confident that no one would make it all the way until here? Glancing at the monster in human skin behind him, and the two maids whose cultivation base seemed to be that of a Golden Immortal made Omis realize that they indeed had the right to be confident in their strength, not to mention the bigger monster which was Krano.

After a few minutes of walking, the group came to a halt in front of a giant golden door. This one did not seem to be tainted and has retained its golden glow. Various ruins and carvings that depicted a scene of the Heavenly realm before its fall decorated the door.

The strange thing that Omis had noted was that the Immortals that were carved into the scene all had their heads removed, turning the once holy picture into a strange one.

The two maids hurriedly moved and manually pushed the door open, a slow creaking noise was heard as the giant door moved. The noise from inside of the hall suddenly quieted as all eyes turned towards the entrance.

The butler giving a respectful nod ushered Omis inside with his hand. Raising his head high, Omis moved his hands behind his back as he straightened his stance and walked forwards. His primordial aura that was repressed all this time was released surrounding him in a hazy red glow.

Seeing that, a flash of light suddenly passed by the butler's eyes as he gazed at Omis with an unreadable expression. Once inside, Omis quickly scanned his quiet surroundings.

He was easily able to spot Krano who sat at the very front of the hall on a luxurious chair. He was alone at his table, a similar yet smaller empty chair was placed next to him.

The banquet hall was split into two sides, to his right were various 'Hive' members that could almost pass as normal humans if not for certain features such as their eyes, or horns.

To his left, on the other hand, the members appeared to be similar to monsters, demons, and animals. They were all vaguely humanoid yet, were very different than the people to his right.

'It looks like they are not all that united as it seems.' Thought Omis as he slowly walked in the middle of the hall. He could feel all of their eyes sizing him up, yet no one dared to speak as his aura flowed freely around him, causing the faces of those closest to him to darken, their expressions solemn.

Krano had a small smile on his face as he watched him walk closer with interest. As soon as he reached the table, Omis gave a simple respectful half-bow which earned him a nod from Krano who ushered him to sit down next to him.

"Mister Omis, please." He said while pointing at the empty chair. Lightly smiling Omis made his way there and sat down, the entire hall was visible from his position and he could feel all of the gazes gathered on him.


With a powerful clap that was endued with his primordial energy, Krano's brought everyone's attention back to him before speaking.

"Today we celebrate a new Primordial God!"

To that, the hall suddenly erupted with cheers as everyone seemed to be excited, their auras fully unleashed in the hall would have caused a mortal to explode by simply being here.

Nodding in satisfaction, Krano raised his palm to stop them before continuing.

"Today, we celebrate the prophecy of the one chosen by the Void!"

Saying that the cheers suddenly grew louder as one by one began to stomp on the floor simultaneously.

"Today, we feast!" Added Krano, and as if on cue the giant door suddenly swung open once more as multiple maids and servants streamed inside carrying plates full of delicacies. The first table to be served was Krano's and Omis's one, then the rest.

Looking around, everyone seemed to be in a good mood. Cheers and laughter rang across the hall, as people began to dig in. Glancing at the various plates that were placed on the table in front of him caused Omis's eyes to shine with curiosity.

As an Immortal, he did not have the need to eat as his body had already broken from his mortal chains, but that did not mean he couldn't enjoy a good meal.

Scanning the food, it did not appear to be poisoned, besides if they had wanted to hurt him they did not need to go out of their way to poison him. Just as he was about to dig in, someone from the more human side of the hall suddenly stood up and raised his glass towards him and Krano.

"I raise my cup for the boss and the new primordial God! May the Void always guide you home!"

Krano simply smiled and raised his mug up as well, seeing that Omis followed suit.

Seeing that the man's expression turned into one full of smiles as he downed his cup in one swift motion before sitting down. Seeing that that was over, Omis turned his attention back to the food and was about to begin when someone from the monster side suddenly stood up and raised his cup as well.

"To the Boss and our new Primordial God! May the void always guide you home!"

To that Krano once again raised his mug, his smile not leaving his face. Omis on the other hand pushed down a sigh as he forced a smile onto his face and raised his mug again.

As the monster sat down, Omis once again turned his attention to the food yet was rudely interrupted as another person stood up.

'Oh for fuck sake!'

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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