Reincarnated as a Dog with System

Chapter 73 - Cat Burglar

Chapter 73 - Cat Burglar

Qin Hua's mood turned sour and she glared at the woman making her instantly back away. She then snapped her canines and walked away.

Putting a little fear in others so that they wouldn't come near Su Yan was good but she didn't want to terrify them too much and make them hostile.

This kind of shelter wasn't bad and she hoped that this could last a while so everyone can gather their bearings and hopefully Su Yan can also fully recover in the safety of the shelter.

She wandered over to Xu Meilin who was busily unpacking one of the boxes from the truck and barked at her.

"Umm… little white… you want something?" The girl hesitantly asked.

Qin Hua bobbed her head up and down and then signaled her to walk to Su Yan. When the two of them reached near Su Yan she then signaled her to sit down next to him.

"Ah. you want me to take care of him?" Xu Meilin now understood.

The dog once again bobbed her head up and down and Xu Meilin smiled and patted her chest. "Leave it to me. I will take care of bro Su Yan properly. Are you going out somewhere?"

Qin Hua shook her head and then walked away. Not that she didn't want to have a long chat with Xu Meilin. Rather she wanted to head out and stand guard outside as there was still an uneasy feeling in her chest.

Instead of calling over Xu Meilin, she could have simply used her clone once again, but she didn't feel comfortable completely revealing all her abilities in front of these strangers.

The night had already passed and the first rays of the morning sunlight were starting to emerge.

Qin Hua walked over to sit beside Lu Chen, Guan Ye, and the other group of people who were still discussing their experiences and the possibility of the military being able to sort everything out.

She had no intention of participating in that conversation. She comfortably settled on the ground and then took out a few roasted pieces of the mutated rat meat.

[hmmm!~ my stash is almost over? Not good.] Qin Hua sadly looked at the last few pieces of meat and pondered going out to hunt for some mutated beasts.

Not only was the meat of these animals extremely delicious, but it was also the best when it came to refilling stamina and mana. So it was good to always keep these in reserve.

As she bit and chewed on the last few pieces, an unwelcomed intruder wandered over and sat next to her, probably because she had just now been talking to Xu Meilin.

Meow. Meow.

The tabby cat lazily rolled, daring to put its head on her thick luscious fur, and looked at her innocently.

Woof! Qin Hua growled angrily.

[What is it, you leech? Who are you putting this show for?]

Meow. Meow.

The cat cocked its head and looked at her with an even more adorable expression if that was even possible.


[Take your show somewhere else, you drama queen!]


Qin Hua turned her head to ignore the damn thing and took another bite when she realized what the cunning cat bastard was after from the beginning.

[Heh? You want my meat?]


[Ba ha ha ha! Ba ha ha ha! Dream on. This is all mine. You can't lay your leech fingers on even a single piece.]

Meow Meow?

[No way. No way. You are getting these.]

Meow Meow?

[It's all mine. Damn it. I stole them.]

Meow Meow?

[Fine. Fine. I give up. Here take it.] Qin Hua sighed and threw a few pieces of the roasted meat to the cat.

The tabby who was so innocently rolling around on her all this time immediately pounced on those pieces like a shark and gulped them all down. For some reason, Qin Hua felt like it even had a smug grin on its small face after licking its lips contently.

[Damn it! I got swindled!]

The two of them laid side by side with their stomachs full, one lazily snoring, while the other vigilantly keeping a watch.

Qin Hua repeatedly scanned her 180 vision, making use of her enhanced senses to see if something was approaching them. Ever so often she also looked up at the sky as that was freaking her out even more.

The black cloud was coming towards them faster and faster. In another hour or so, it might even come right above their city.

Was there going to be another acid rain? She had no idea but she kept an eye on it in case something ridiculous happened.

The others, however, were considerably more relaxed. Some were eating. Some were sleeping. Those who were not able to sleep were sitting together and chatting and sharing their experiences.

One of the group members Mo Ling was an ex-military citizen who had quit his job to look after his elderly parents and younger brother.

He knew how to operate and handle firearms and took charge of that job. He assembled all the firearms and then stacked everything ready to use.

He was even training everyone each at a time on how to use guns, aim properly and prepare the body for the recoil.

Of course, not everyone was being quite so serious. Luo Zu casually strolled in front of Qin Hua with a woman by his side. He was holding her by her waist, whispering something in her ears and making her giggle.

Qin Hua was speechless. She looked at him and sighed, turning her head in another direction, not wanting to stare at the ugly any longer.

The guy, however, did not get the message and kept circling around her purposefully. He was even showing off to the woman, by speaking to her in English.

"See this is our beast. If anything comes this bitch will take care of it immediately. If I say catch she will catch and if I say jump, she will jump. I trained her personally."

He spouted all sorts of nonsense to his heart's content, but he kept a very sweet smiling face when he did so.

He thought that as long as he said whatever he wanted while smiling, the dog would probably not notice. It might understand Chinese but it was not like the dog can understand English also!

So he was quite confident and continued spouting nonsense for a good while.

However, little did he know that he had badly miscalculated. In order to impress her family, Qin Hua had learned several languages and English was one of them. She was very fluent in both writing and speaking though she could do neither at the moment.

Qin Hua tried not to pay attention to the joker for a while and let him have his day, but the man didn't seem to have any intentions of stopping.

In the end, her patience only lasted for a minute, and then she leisurely lifted her paw, revealing her shiny sharp claws. Her canines also jutted out, glinting in the sunlight.

Luo Zu instantly trembled and he even began to have a doubt if the damned dog could understand what he was saying. But it was not worth taking the risk, so he quickly decided to take the woman somewhere else.

"Ahem. Ahem. Maybe we should just go inside."

The woman coyly smiled and the two of them started walking back inside when suddenly a tremor swept past the ground.

Qin Hua immediately stood up on all her fours, alert and vigilant. Something was not right. She looked at the clouds but they were still far away.

Her sharp blue and green eyes darted left to right and then right to left but she couldn't pick up anything at all. The stadium was calm and quiet just like it had been for the last few hours.

So what was that disturbance? Maybe a small earthquake?

Others including Lu Chen had also run out to take a look. The number of men patrolling increased but they were still not efficient as Qin Hua with her enhanced senses.

The surrounding trees and the plants had also grown abnormally in the past couple of days, even the lawn grass growing several feet tall.

It was beginning to look like a jungle everywhere, which also severely limited the visibility.

A few more minutes passed with everyone being on high alert and on the lookout but nothing else was out of place. "Do you think it was nothing?" Lu Chen walked over and asked Qin Hua.

She reluctantly shook her head.

Lu Chen was about to ask her something else when she suddenly froze and almost immediately another tremor shook the grounds, this time the effect was much bigger.

The ground groaned and quaked and without any warning started cracking.


"What is happening??!"

"Save me!"

Not even knowing what was going on some of the crowd started panicking and running here and there.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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