Reincarnated as a Dog with System

Chapter 83 - No More Big Black Scary Dog

Chapter 83 - No More Big Black Scary Dog

Lu Chen looked up and down at the tall and lean man who had very high agility. He then broke into a fit of laughter. "You want my little white? Is that what this is about?"

Bing Che nodded, his expression still serious. He knew what he was doing. Though it might be wrong, he was not the one who was pushing these people out. They were leaving voluntarily.

If he let them leave just like that now, then what would happen to their people when the next group of monsters attacked them?

The dog in front of them was the real key to their strength, and it was just a dog. Bing Che had a dog when he was growing up, and he was very good with it.

So he was pretty confident about handling this one as well. Any other beast, he might have hesitated, but dogs were highly loyal animals.

They would rather die than see their master die and once the group leaves the dog, he was prepared to win its trust by any means necessary.

He was even ready to part with all four of the giant boa corpses. As long as the dog was on their side, they would definitely be able to pull through.

Maybe they could even find out how to tame other mutated beasts and make themselves a lot stronger.

As Bing Che sternly looked back at Lu Chen, ensuring he knew that the terms were not negotiable, the other party finally stopped laughing and settled down.

"Alright then, sure. Go ahead and keep her." He then walked over to Qin Hua and whispered lightly in her ears. 'Don't hurt them. We will be in the truck outside.'

He then shrugged and removed the backpack on his shoulder, except for the dagger. The others also did the same.

"Now. Can we leave?"

Bing Che did not look completely convinced. Nevertheless, he stepped aside and let them leave. The group started walking towards the truck when unexpectedly another figure rushed towards them.

"Boss Chen, don't leave me behind." Luo Zu panted as he ran and stood in between the truck and the group.

"Huh?" Lu Chen arched his brow. He had almost forgotten about this one.

"Boss, please. You need a person to carry bags right?" Luo Zu smiled shamelessly.

"Not really." Lu Chen shrugged.

"Cook your meals?"


"Wash your clothes?"

"We have it covered."

"I will carry your sleeping friend around. I will protect him with my life. I swear. You can kill me if I let anything happen to him."

"Boss please, I will do it. I will do anything." Luo Zu's voice was thin and he was literally begging.

Lu Chen shook his head helplessly. He turned around and asked. "Anyone else who wants to come with us?"

The other men, women, and elders looked at each other but no one seemed to be interested.

Some of the women who had been clinging to Luo Zu before were now looking at him with disdain. He had acted very arrogantly and proud before but now he was begging.

However, no one understood why he wanted to leave the safety of the big group and no one else stepped forward as well.

Lu Chen sighed and chuckled softly. "It seems that your luck is pretty good. You don't have any competition. You are welcome to come along."

Taking one more person along with them wasn't that big of a deal and moreover, the guy had the brain to stick with them. So Lu Chen decided to give the man another chance.

After that, there were no more surprises and everybody climbed onto one of the trucks they had come here in.

Before leaving, Lu Chen even gave one last piece of advice to the group. "Don't stay together. It's dangerous."

Guan Ye got onto the driver seat and key started the truck and soon it was roaring alive and moving out of the uneven stadium grounds.

Everyone had different expressions and mixed feelings on their faces, except for Lu Chen and Luo Zu who were smiling.

Luo Zu, particularly, was grinning ear to ear. He was finally a part of the core strong group and the damned dog was no longer there! The day couldn't get any better.

He looked out through the window and waved at the group of people staring sympathetically at the truck.

"So long suckers." He smirked confidently and turned around with a content smile after seeing the truck exiting the stadium.

He was ready to hunt down more of these suckers and come out on top in this new world!

However, as soon as he turned… a pair of green and blue eyes stared back at him, the devil's face so close to his own…




Loud shrieking sounds echoed from the truck as it continued moving down the road, one dog and one man staring at each other.

[You are sitting on my spot, idiot. Woof!] Qin Hua snapped her canines and Luo Zu fell back in shock and fear.

He then scrambled to sit with Alex and Xu Meilin at the back of the truck, not daring to look up anymore.

Calm down, Zu. You are still a core part of the strong group. He repeatedly muttered to himself and tried to calm down. But still…

A cold shiver ran through his spine every now and then and when he looked up, he would see the dog staring right at him.

Damn it all…


"Hmmm… Something is fishy. Do you think that they might come back and attack us later?" Mo Ling asked Bing Che. His rifle was still pointed at the truck which was disappearing into the distance.

"No, I don't think so." Bing Che nodded. Even though he knew that he had wronged them, the world right now was too crazy for anyone to hold grudges.

Just as these two were talking, suddenly a loud yell sounded.

"Che! Che! Come back here. QUICK!"


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