Reincarnated as both God and The Devil

Chapter 126: ...Absolute

Chapter 126: ...Absolute

"No No I do not"

The words that Viel said made the whole room quiet, even the winds that were howling from the hole that were made from the Matriarch's battle became dormant. Only the brittle stones that were falling from it echoed in the room, bouncing several times until it reached the floor. Still a part of the room, but no longer attached to the walls.

"I see", Matriarch Yinji could only sigh. The disappointment in her eyes could not be hidden, but it did not last long, disappearing as soon as she blinked.

When she and her Elders entered the portal of light, it immediately closed a second after the last Elder was through. She reckoned it would have been the same case for the boy. It's just that

"The place you were at before entering the portal of light was in the Golden Pavilion, correct?"

"Y-yes", Viel was now totally looking at the ground. There was this unique sense of guilt in his heart that he had long forgotten he could feel.

"So, I assume Xing Cai was with you", Matriarch Yinji slightly furrowed her eyebrows, "Did she not enter the portal with you?"

Viel quickly shook his head, "The dungeon has reached full player capacity, she won't be able to enter if she wanted to"

"Dungeon? Full player capacity?", the furrow on the Matriarch's face grew bigger, "What do you mean?"

Hearing the Matriarch's question, Viel just shrugged his shoulders, "That no one could enter anymore until we", before he could say anymore, he quickly stopped his words, "I That's all I know"

"But how do you know all these things?", Matriarch Yinji was confused, but even more so, curious. The boy knows something. Could it be that he actually knew a way home and just hiding it from them? Matriarch Yinji stared at Viel straight in the eyes, which once again made Viel fidget uncomfortably.

But after a while, the Matriarch once again sighed. If the boy was not willing to tell them, or if he was not ready to tell them, then she had no choice but to just wait. Unlike the rest of the people here, she could feel something in Viel.

Or maybe it was more appropriate to say that she could not feel anything. She couldn't see the peak of the boy's power. The only time she felt like this was when she first saw the Evil Monarch hundreds of years ago during her adventures in the western continents.

Unfathomable power. One that must never be poke, 'les it explodes and destroys everything in its path.

The only reason she was remaining calm was that the boy was still just that a boy.

"Then, if ever you find out something else...", the Matriarch then slowly walked towards back to her throne, "Please, child. Let us know", she said sincerely as she sat on the throne.

Once again, Viel could not look at her in the eye as he nodded his head.

The Elders, as well, could not help but release an awkward sigh. Right when they were ready to go home, when the hope started to come back to them, it shattered. Their sighs of disappointment were like the echoes of the rocks that bounced on the ground. Still a part of this world, but no longer attached to its walls.

Matriarch Yinji sat on the throne quietly, looking at the people that were currently in front of her.

They were in a sense, back to where they started. The only difference was the existence of Viel, but he was unwilling to talk. If only Li Xue had been successful in giving the information about Viel to her a year ago.

Then maybe, just maybe, Viel would not be so attached to this world. Matriarch Yinji was sure. She was certain that Viel was hiding something.

She also had to punish her Elders for hiding this fact from them.

Matriarch Yinji could not help but groan in frustration. Why is it so complicated? If they were back home in Choryu, then she would just be cultivating in seclusion right about now. Only coming out whenever someone seeks trouble with the sect.

Matriarch Yinji closed her eyes, thinking about all of this is just making her want to go home more and more. She should just focus on what she could do for now.

"Give the woman her son back", she said as she looked at Emi, who had been staring at her intensely for quite a while now.

Finally being noticed again, Emi could not help but reveal expectant eyes.

"But the city of Burgerstatter is important for us to have, Matriarch", Senior Elder Wei Yuan stood beside the Matriarch's throne.

Now that they are back to where they started, their plans have once again resurfaced- and it has not changed. They wanted to dominate this realm, have the people kneel before them and follow their ways. Once again, their bodies will become the foundation of the New Golden Pavilion.

"Give it back to her, boy", Matriarch said as she looked at senior Elder Wei Yuan in the eye, "That is an order"


"Find another city. The city of Burgerstatter and its people are not be involved in our matters from now on. As for the rest of you", Matriarch Yinji then looked at Emi and the others, "Once this girl gets her son back, you are to leave our territory immediately"

Princess Sofia stepped forward as soon as they were asked to leave, "Have you thought about the alliance?"

"No", a stern answer instantly came from the Matriarch's mouth.

"May I ask why?", Princess Sofia added, "You already have human and elf followers, so why not just live in harmony with the rest of us as well?"

Hearing this question, the lines on Matriarch's face became more visible as her eyes turned cold, "Whether it be divine will or not, my Golden Pavilion is in ruins because of this world. Now leave and take your wounded with you before I change my mind"

"And you, child", Matriarch Yinji turned her attention towards Viel, "The Golden Pavilion is where you belong. Xing Cai's sworn brother is a brother to us all, our doors will forever be welcome to you"

Viel nodded slightly, a complicated feeling creeping up from inside him.

And so, after Princess Sofia healed the unconscious Azurite that was peacefully lying in the corner of the throne room, the group all headed down to the basement, guided by Elder Dao Ming Zhu.

"This place had cellars?", the now conscious Azurite walked the halls of the dungeon with a complicated expression on his face. Why was this not part of the map that was given to them?

"Wait isn't that", Emi released a stuttered gasp as soon as she saw the occupants of the cells.

Excessively pale skin, one could almost see the blood crawling through the veins that were popping out of their body, but most importantly, two horns that were protruding from their scalp.

"You have demons here!?", Emi exclaimed.

"Ah, yes", Dao Ming Zhu answered casually, "Those who submit to the Golden Pavilion can live freely in our reign"

"Then why are these creatures still alive!?"

"Because a few of them submitted", Dao Ming Zhu continued, "They are an extraordinary race. If we properly train them, they will be useful in advancing our cause"

Dao Ming Zhu continued to share information, he did not even seem to care that the Princess of the Kingdom was here.

"Some of our guards were demons as well, did you not notice when you infiltrated the tower?"

"You put my son here!?", Emi was going ballistic knowing that her son was locked up in the basement, furthermore, among demons.

"You do not have to worry, Miss Emi", Dao Ming Zhu chuckled, "Your son is being guarded in a secure room inside the guard's room, beside several other children from different cities. He is safe"

There were other children of nobility here?

The basement, the cells, and the demons- this was not part of the intel they received from one of the spies they have here.

Princess Sofia's suspicions were right. One of the King's men here has already betrayed the Kingdom and is now a part of the New Golden Pavilion. They were in the trap even before they entered the tower.

She could only find it ironic, though. Remembering the Earth Goddess' prophecy, the only way they could defeat the demons was to unite their races.

But Golden Pavilion did that for them, and they even made the demons as a part of their small nation as well. What is this, if not irony?

Truly. Fate

Fate is indecipherable.

The group walked for a couple more minutes before they reached a well lit part of the dungeon, there were several doors, but Dao Ming Zhu led them to the farthest one. 

"This is where the children are being ke-"

Before Dao Ming Zhu could finish his words, Emi already barged through the door, excited to finally hold his son in her arms.

Princess Sofia could not help but reveal a smile as she saw the exhilarating joy on Emi's face. If only she too, could be united with her departed brother. Will she also show that kind of face?

She then looked at Viel. If Viel were to leave, will she also miss her like how she longs for her brother?

"...Viel?", Princess Sofia was surprised to see that Viel was far from their group. Just standing there, his face pale.

"Vi?", Princess Sofia knitted her eyebrows as she slowly walked towards Viel, her smile slowly disappearing from her face, "What's wrong?"

And as soon as she said that, a deafening shriek came from behind her. A high pitched scream that wailed so loud, one can not help but freeze from the harsh coldness it held.

Princess Sofia did not even dare to look back as she just stared at Viel, stuttered whispers coming out from her mouth.

Truly... Fate is...


Fate is absolute.

[Jack: Soul Search]


[Target is not within reach]

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