Reincarnated as both God and The Devil

Chapter 130: Goodbyes

Chapter 130: Goodbyes

A dreaded night, it was.

When the nobles of the kingdom found out that their children were dead. The wails of the mothers, the rage of the fathers, and the tears of older brothers and sisters echoed unending through the night.

And also, a call for blood.

The nobles roared for war. War against the New Golden Pavilion and the demons that have killed their future.

Calling for the King to take action and gather their armies. They will have all his support in order to eradicate the New Golden Pavilion and cull their members.

But the King The King did not. The King just scattered his shadows to spread a single news.

That the New Golden Pavilion and the demons will be dealt with.

Not by them, and not by war.

The nobles and their citizens screamed in anger. Screaming who? If not them, then who will take revenge for their lost sons and daughters?

But their questions were soon answered.

Their cries were answered by a night that was filled with red.

The Great Spirit.

The Great Spirit moves.

But of course, the King hid the truth.

Only the demons were dying. The New Golden Pavilion were currently on their way back to their own world, along with those who wish to go with them.

Maybe perhaps it wasn't a lie. Afterall, after this day, the New Golden Pavilion will be gone.

But still, the King will hide this secret forever. War?

They had enough war.

And so, the people cheered. They cheered as the Great Spirit eradicated each and last of those responsible for the deaths of their children.

They cheered as the red streaks of light filled their cities, as their cries were replaced by the cries of the demons.

A single night.

It took a single night.

[0 Targets within the chosen vicinity]

A single night to wipe out all the demons hiding in this world.

As for the other habitants remaining in this world.

The Great Spirit left them with a reminder.

A reminder that if any of them were to break the peace, the only reward waiting for them is death.

Or atleast, that will be the rumours that the King of the Humans and the Queen of the Elves will spread in the future.



As for the Great Spirit, he wanted to rest.

"...You're back"

Viel was back in the adventurer's guild. And there, Antoinette was waiting for him.

Waiting for him with her arms opened wide.

Viel then slowly walked towards Antoinette and buried his head on her bosom.

Antoinette then gently closed her arms as she brushed Viel's hair.

"It's alright it's alright", she released stuttered whispers.

The city has already heard the news of the death of the city Lord's son. No one is in the Adventurer's Guild as most of the people were in front of the Lord's castle, grieving with him.

Only Antoinette was here, knowing that Viel will return here.

"I came to say goodbye, Antoinette", Viel's words were muffled.


A minute, it was a minute before Antoinette answered.

"Where are you going?", Antoinette whispered.



"When are you coming back?"

Viel's eyes widened as she heard Antoinette's question. Coming back? That...

"...I don't know", Viel answered.

"I see", Antoinette continued to stroke Viel's golden hair, "Well, take care of yourself, okay?"

"...Thank you, Antoinette", Viel said as he smiled and freed himself from Antoinette's embrace. "You take care as well"

Antoinette smiled back. She then closed her eyes to wipe the tears that were stuck in her eyes, but it only caused them to fall even sooner.

And as she opened her eyes again,

Viel was gone.


"Goodbye, Viel"



"Ah! It's the Great Spirit! The Great Spirit has visited us!"

All the elves in the area all kneeled on the ground as Viel landed from the air, in front of Ilrina.

"...V-viel?", Ilrina quickly stopped what she was doing when Viel suddenly appeared behind her, "W-we received news of what happened. We are on our way to the Human kingdom to offer support"


"The portal you arrived in has also re-appeared. My mother has already set up guards there", Ilrina continued to talk, "As requested, we are only allowing members and followers of the Golden Pavilion to go through"

"Ilrina!", Viel pinched Ilrina's cheeks.

"Y-yes!?", Ilrina pouted as she quickly rubbed her sore cheeks.

"Your mother, is she here?", Viel asked.

"Ah y-yes!", Ilrina pointed at a colossal tree, "She is currently in the throne room. Let me guide you there"

"No, it's fine. I will go later"

Viel suddenly turned quiet.


"Ilrina", Viel spoke before Ilrina could, "I am sorry for what happened 7 years ago"

Hearing Viel's words, Ilrina's eyes started to turn moist. But instead of tears falling from her eyes, it was a smile that formed on her face. "Don't be", she said softly, "They died as warriors trying to protect you"

"I also came to say goodbye", Viel then added.

"G-goodbye?", Ilrina's breath started to turn heavy.

"I am returning to my world"

"...I see", Ilrina slightly turned her head downwards. And then, she released a heavy breath as she saluted towards Viel.

"May the spirits bless you on your travel, Viel", although her eyes remained moist, there was a certain pride in her eyes.

Seeing Ilrina's resolute face, Viel could only sigh as he saluted back, "You will be a great queen someday, Ilrina"

Viel then slowly turned around, and without even looking back, he walked towards the throne room to talk with the Queen.

Ilrina's salute did not withdraw even after Viel has disappeared, instead, a whisper came out from her breath. 

"May we see each other again, Viel"


"Oi! Have you fed the prisoner on cell 12!?"

"N-not yet, sir Albert!"

"Then what are you still doing!? Go!"

"Y-yes sir Albert!"

"Ugh I swear, since I got promoted I have not rest a single second!"

A bearded man was currently complaining to no one as he sat tiredly inside his office.

"U-", the bearded man was about to complain again, but then he saw a pouch on top of his desk.

"...", the bearded man suspiciously looked at the small pouch. Was someone bribing him again? Well, who was he to deny?

And so, with a slight giggle, he opened the pouch.

And there, inside, were a dozen candies.



The bearded man's eyes then widened as he quickly rushed out of the room. He shouted and called for the nearest guard he could find.

"You!", he shouted, "Have you seen a golden-haired kid around here!?"

"N-no, sir Albert!", the guard quickly saluted as he hastened his pace.

Hearing the guard's response, Albert could not help but release a dejected sigh. But it was then that a piece of paper fell from the pouch.

"This", Albert muttered as he picked up the paper.

This is my favorite.

That is what the paper said. Albert's body began to shake as he chuckled, and then, the chuckle turned into a laugh.

The guards that were about to cross his office turned back, they really did not want to get involved with what was happening, whatever it was.

Albert then placed a piece of candy on his mouth.

"Ack", his eyes twitched as the candy started to melt in his mouth,

"This is too sweet kid"


"Is that so?"

"Yes, father"

"This decision of yours, is it final, Princess Sofia?"

"Yes, father"

Sofia was currently in the throne room, kneeling in front of his father.

"I see", the King placed his hand on his chin, "Then I support your decision"

"But", the King continued to talk as he stood up from his throne, "From here on, you, Sofia, are no longer a member of the Royal Family"

"!!!", Sofia could only grit as she closed her eyes. "Y-yes, fathe-"

Before she could continue her words, she felt a warm embrace on wrapping her body. She opened her eyes, only to see her father kneeling with him.

"Do not push yourself too hard out there, my daughter", the King whispered.

"T-thank you, father!", Sofia's face slightly twisted as she tried to stop the tears that were coming out of her eyes.

"Now, go pack your things and say your farewells to your brothers and sisters", the King said as he assisted her daughter to stand up.

"Yes, father!", Sofia bowed leaving the throne room, stopping once to glance at her father one last time.

"...", the King had a very proud smile on her face, "My daughter has grown"

He then looked behind him with his eyebrows furrowed, "You can come out now Viel"

In the corner of the throne room, a golden haired boy slowly appeared from the shadows.

"You will take care of my daughter, okay?", the King chuckled, "Or I will chase you personally myself in the other world"

Viel only smiled and nodded in response to the King's words.

"So, what did you come here for?", the King asked as he returned back to his throne.


"I am here to make a request"


[24 hours left before Portal Closes]

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