Reincarnated as both God and The Devil

Chapter 154: The Words I Always Wanted To Say

Chapter 154: The Words I Always Wanted To Say

" it really you!?"

Professor Hamburgdole dropped whatever it is he was holding as he stared at the golden-haired boy behind Wei Ning. The students that were already inside the class were also curious as to who this boy was to make the infamous Hamburgdole react like that.

"You got back from the dungeon?", Professor Hamburgdole continued to mutter as he slowly approached Viel.

Got back from the dungeon? He was an Explorer!? Wei Ning's eyes widened in astonishment as she turned her head towards the golden-haired kid. This boy, who seemed to just be around her age was an Explorer and not a student?

"What's up, teach", Viel nodded his head as he slightly raised his hand.


The other students inside the class could not help but stand up from their seats as they tried to steal a glance towards this golden-haired boy. To be able to talk so casually towards the strict Hamburgdole? What courage.

"What are you doing here?", Hamburgdole then paused as he asked his question, "Wait, are you here to study again?"

"Oh, no", Viel instantly backed away, "We're just accompanying sister Xing Cai here"

Hearing the name Xing Cai, the students started whispering to each other.

"Xing Cai? Does he mean the famous Elder Xing Cai?"

"Sister Xing Cai? Is he close to her!?"

"Who the heck is he!?"

The whispers and murmurs did not stop as they all slowly walked near the front row to be able to hear clearer, all of their faces filled with curiosity.

There was one, however, whose face was filled with confusion, the female student, Wei Ning.

Got back from the dungeon.

Was a student in the academy.

Sister Xing Cai.

Could it be who she thinks he is!?

"Are you Viel?", she breathed as she stared at the golden-haired boy directly in the eye.

Hearing his name being called by a stranger, Viel quickly furrowed his eyebrows, "Yes?"

"W-wait! Again!?"

As soon as Wei Ning heard Viel's answer, without even a word, she once again grabbed his hand and forcefully dragged him away from the class. Leaving Sofia alone in the classroom, surrounded by curious gazes, and one gaze of admiration.

"Are you", Professor Hamburgdole cleared his throat and fixed his hair, "A companion of Viel? May I offer you something?", Hamburgdole revealed a very coquettish smile.

The other students could not help but almost choke as they saw another side to the strict Professor Hamburgdole. Well, there were rumors that he fancied westerners, so that was true!?

Being left alone, Sofia looked around the classroom, and then back to Professor Hamburgdole. "May I listen in on your class?", she asked.

She was already in the academy, it would be a shame not to hear one of the lectures to learn more about Viel's world. Plus, it would seem the girl that dragged Viel away had something private to talk to him about.

"Sit in?", Professor Hamburgdole's eyes remained wide, "O-of course! You, clear your seat!", he then pointed towards the one seat nearest to him and signaled him to go to the back.

Sofia then nodded as she sat in front of the class, retrieving a small journal from her pockets.


"W-wait! Why do you keep on dragging a stranger!?"

Viel can easily swat her hands away, but doing so might hurt this little girl. Wei Ning, however, did not respond to her, instead, she kept on dragging her until they reached a certain room with two beds in it.

She then pushed Viel inside of the room, causing him to fall over the bed. Wei Ning then proceeded to close the door, locking the two of them inside.

"W-what are you trying to do to me!?", Viel slowly crawled away as he covered himself with the blanket.

"You are Viel?"

But once again, Wei Ning asked him the same question, this time, her eyes were serious.

" You must be mistaking me for someone else", Viel looked to the side as he lied. The last time he told him who he was, he got dragged away again. Viel could not imagine what else she would do if she told her the truth."

"No!", Wei Ning screamed, "You are Viel! Do you know who I am!?"

"Why do people always ask me if I know who they are!?", Viel removed his blanket, "Do I look like a birth certificate!?"

"Then do you know Wei Song!?", Wei Ning asked again as she looked at Viel straight in the eyes.

Hearing Wei Song's name, Viel instantly stopped fooling around and proceeded at the empty air in front of him.

Seeing Viel's blank stare, Wei Ning slowly sat on the bed.

"I am her sister"


Viel's breathing started to turn erratic as his eyes slowly turned towards the girl beside him. Seeing Wei Ning's expression, and looking at her red and moist eyes, all Viel wanted to do was run away. 

Now that he was in this position, he realized that he really wasn't ready to face them. His doubts still remained hidden deep inside him. Once again, Wei Song's face as he begged to be saved repeated inside of his mind. Viel's vision shook as the memories all resurfaced in his mind.

Wei Song's cries. His fettered voice as the vines ate him from the inside. And of course, the hope that Viel gave to him, only to take it away.

"You know..."

As Viel was currently lost in thought, Wei Ning started to speak softly even as she sniffled and repressed her tears.

"I don't really remember much of him now, but I am already as old as him when he died", Wei Ning whispered as she wiped the tears on her cheek, "It was my mother that was truly affected. I probably just cried because someone else was crying...

...You know, my mother she tried to kill herself."

"!!!", Viel almost choked on his breath, it was as if a huge hammer was smashed on his chest as he heard that.

"Seeing my mother like that, I was scared. I was 5 years old, I didn't know anything, but I had to do everything. I blamed my brother, I blamed it all on my brother for years and I also blamed it on you"

Viel could feel the sheet of the bed shift as Wei Ning's hand gripped the bed. Viel could only turn his head to the side and close his eyes, not wanting to see the pain in front of him.

"I had so many questions Why did he have to follow you, why didn't he even tell us anything Why Why didn't he give us a chance to say good goodbye"

Wei Ning's stuttered breath started to fill the room as her tears trailed uncontrollably on her cheeks.

Viel's jaw started to tremble as Wei Ning's wails pierced his eyes. Once again, his wrists and ankles became heavy, and the cold feeling around his neck resurfaced, he felt the shackles once again.

It was his fault. He had already made peace with that. But seeing Wei Ning right now, in front of him it was more than he can take.

"B-but then, as I grew up, I remembered something", Wei Ning continued even as her breath was unstable, "H-he followed you because you saved us. That was his choice. So if anyone has to be blamed, it was us, for being weak. That's why I decided to enroll in the academy"

"No, that's a lie", Wei Ning released a stuttered sigh as she shook her head, "I... just wanted to get away from my mother. But we've reconciled now, she is okay we are okay"

"And you know", Wei Ning released a light gasp as she tried to stop her tears from falling, "Now that I have friends of my own, I realized how lucky my brother was. How lucky he was to have a friend that he was willing to follow and give his life to

...So I just wanted to say

...Thank you. Thank you for holding my brother's hand in his last moments"

"!!!", Viel's lips trembled as the tears that were holding on to his eyes started to fall.

"And please please do not blame yourself anymore!"

Viel felt the bed shake as Wei Ning suddenly embraced him.

As she grew up, there was also one thing that Wei Ning realized, Viel was the same age as her when Wei Song died.

And unlike her, who had her mother, Wei Song's friends, and her friends beside her, Viel Viel probably had no one.

He was all alone.

"...Because whatever it is you think is your fault

... We forgive you"

Feeling the warmth wrapping around him, and the words that echoed through his ears, Viel slowly raised his arms.

And the words that he had always wanted to say, the words he was trying to find, finally emerged from him as he hugged Wei Ning back.

"I s

...I am...

...I'm sorry"

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