Reincarnated as both God and The Devil

Chapter 197: Viel, The Generous Lord

Chapter 197: Viel, The Generous Lord

"Thank you truly, thank you!"

The sound of Beatrice's cries reached deeper and deeper into the dark mansion. And all of those present, even the wounded, could not help but stare at their new city lord as she collapsed from all the pressure that was suddenly placed on her.

They all remained quiet. But as the cries reached their ears, they did not take it as a sign of grief, no. Because for the first time in a month since the monsters have ransacked their homes and killed their friends and family, they had hope.

The cries did not signify despair, but life.

Beatrice's stuttered breaths echoed for a minute more before she finally stopped and wiped the trails of tears on her face.

"Forgive me for the unsightly display", Beatrice breathed as she gently stood up, "We are already in each other's embrace and your name is still not in my mind, Lord?"

"My name is Viel", Viel said as he slightly nodded, "Lord of Xingcai City"



Before Beatrice could even finish her pleasantries, a loud shout came from behind her as the robed individual that Beatrice was previously addressing suddenly turned her body towards them.

"You know each other, Lady Charlotte--"

Beatrice once again shut her mouth as soon as the robed individual removed her hood. She then looked at Viel, and once again towards the now unhooded individual.

"L Lady Charlotte, are you", Beatrice's eyes could not help but widen in shock as he looked back and forth between the two. The two of them looked almost identical, to the point that it was somewhat creepy.

"Y you are alive!", Charlotte could not help but slowly walk towards Viel as her words stuttered.

Viel, however, looked at Charlotte with his eyebrows furrowed. His eyes then slightly glowed as green lights flickered in them, followed by an ominous and hulking killing intent.

But out of all the people present, only Sofia felt Viel's sudden change.

"...what", Sofia could not help but gulp as the killing intent crawled through her spine. Even when Viel eradicated the demons in her world, Viel didn't show this kind of killing intent. But even with her utter shock, Sofia gathered her mana.

But before she could even summon a bubble, the flickering green lights in Viel's eyes disappeared, taking with it the sinister killing intent.

Sofia could not help but stutter in relief as she released the bottomless breath that she has been holding. She then once again looked at Viel, wondering what in the world could have happened. Does it have something to do with the appearance of this woman? She thought as she looked at Charlotte.

The woman almost looked like an older Viel, and it didn't help that Viel's face was eerily feminine. She was almost a replica, a very close relative, perhaps? But why would Viel suddenly release that much killing intent just by seeing her?

But of course, amongst the oblivious crowd, Charlotte was the most perplexed one. It has been such a long time since he last saw Viel, and of course, he will never forget him. And now that he was in front of her again, seeing bigger-- she was sure of it.

Viel was his brother's son!

"...Do I know you?", Viel furrowed his eyebrows as he looked Charlotte straight in the eyes.

"I it's me!", Charlotte waved her hand as she gestured to herself, "Charlotte!", she said as she walked nearer to him.

"Maybe you don't remember me because I used to sit in a wheelchair?"

"Ah!", Viel immediately pointed as soon as he heard Charlotte's last words, "You're the woman who is not my mother!"

"Y Yes?", Charlotte almost choked. Out of all the things that Viel remembered, why was it that specific memory?

The people that heard Viel, however, all looked at each other with a singular thought, 'Are you sure!?'

"You can walk?", Viel placed his hand on his chin as he stared at Charlotte's legs.

"Yes", Charlotte quickly nodded as she stood in front of Viel, "A lot of things... have happened throughout the past years"

Viel squinted his eyes as he looked Charlotte straight in the eye, "Are you sure you're not just pretending so that you can order people around to push you?"


"Suspicious", Viel placed his hand on his chin, "Where's your husband?", he said, his tone a bit apprehensive.

"He died two years ago", Charlotte said in a sorrowful tone, her head pointed downwards.


"Sorry to disrupt your conversation but", Beatrice spoke, "Are the two of you related?"

As soon as Viel heard this, he released a slight chuckle, "Of course not, she is--"

"He might be my brother's son"

Before Viel could even finish his words, Charlotte disrupted him.

"...What?", Viel's eyes quickly widened in shock as he looked at Charlotte.

"Not your son?", Beatrice blinked her eyes a couple of times as she once again looked back and forth between the two.

"Psh", Viel waved his hand, "That's not important right now!", he said grudgingly. For some reason, this talk of family is making him uncomfortable for some reason. And so, to escape the topic altogether, he summoned a mountain of gold from his [Item Box].

"This", Beatrice could not help but let out a slight gasp as a pile of gold coins and other treasures suddenly appeared in front of her.

Sofia was also surprised. "Vi, are you sure?", she whispered. Seeing the amount that Viel was giving, Sofia could not help but pull him away. This amount was most certainly everything that Viel has ever amassed back in her world. For him to just give all of it away seemed like such a waste.

"I can always get more from sister Xing Cai", Viel bluntly answered.


"Thank you!"

Before Sofia could say anything more, Beatrice once again kneeled on the floor. If it was this much, even if it can't fully pay for all the damages in the city and for the lives that were lost, it was enough for the city to revive.

However, it would seem that one of the men in Beatrice's circle does not agree as he slammed his fist on the table. "We appreciate this help, but even with this much gold, our people can't survive! We need food and we need it now!"

"Do not be rude, Arnold!", Beatrice immediately stood up and reprimanded the man, "These people have saved all of us and now they are even helping us to recover, and you dare raise your voice!?"

Hearing Beatrice's displeased voice, the man called Arnold could only click his tongue in frustration.

"This is more than helpful", Beatrice's tone then shifted instantly as she turned back to Viel, "Really, thank you very much, Lord Viel", she then bowed. The other people that were situated around the table also bowed their heads towards Viel.

But alas, all of them had the same thought. Arnold was right. They needed food and clean water for now. Even with the gold donated to their city, their manpower was almost non-existent now, no one will be able to travel to neighboring cities in order to buy supplies.

Seeing the deprived faces of the people, Viel could not help but let out a loud sigh, "Very well, I am a generous lord", he said, "I shall ask my new friend for your food"

"...Lord Viel?", Beatrice could not help but tilt her head. A friend? They have more people to help the city?

"Come on now, children, follow me outside", Viel beckoned for the people to follow. Sofia, on the other hand, could only scratch her chin. What was Viel up to now?

After half an hour, a number of people were now outside. Those that could still walk also followed Viel, all of them bringing baskets as per Viel's orders.

All of them looked at each other in confusion, just what exactly was going on here? And why were they in the port? Beatrice was going to ask Viel, but before she could do so, Viel suddenly took off his shirt, revealing his skinny but ripped body.

And without even saying a word, he jumped to the ocean.

"Uh", Beatrice could not help but look towards Sofia, who only shrugged her shoulders in response.

The people once again looked at each other, now even more confused as to what exactly was happening. Charlotte also asked Sofia if she knew what Viel was up to, but alas, if there was one thing to expect from Viel, it is to expect the unexpected-- this has been Sofia's mindset ever since she had spent a long time with him.

But after a few more minutes, all their questions and confusions were answered by a tidal wave.

"Everyone r--"

Beatrice was about to order everyone to run back to the mansion, but then Sofia stopped her.

"Look", Sofia said as she pointed towards the center of the colossal wave. She has seen a wave like this weeks ago during their cruise-- the Spirit of the Ocean.

And true to her expectations, it is. The Spirit of the Ocean could be seen clearly, its head poking out of the wave and seemingly looking towards them, and on its head, was Viel.

"W what the", the people wanted to run, but they couldn't. With the head of the Ocean Spirit out of the water, one could finally see how big it really was. Its sheer length alone was enough to cover the entire city.

"Behold!", Viel's shout pierced their ears even though he was far from them. Viel then waved his hand towards the people, and instantly after doing so, a fish flew straight towards one of the baskets that the people were holding.

And another and another.

"Your food has arrived!"

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