Reincarnated as both God and The Devil

Chapter 201: Stories

Chapter 201: Stories

"You've grown, Viel"

Lu Yi's eyes lightly glistened as he looked at Viel's face. He has grown so much since she last saw him back directly. The only time they are able to get a glimpse of what Viel looked like was whenever he looks at a mirror, through his reflection.

"A little bit", Viel slightly chuckled. He remembered his chest feeling heavy before he lost consciousness back, but now that he was here in his own mind, the only thing that he felt was calm. "How are the two of them?', Viel then said as he turned his head towards Jack and Xanthus, who were both lifelessly floating in the darkness.

"Those two sleepy heads?", Lu Yi chuckled as she also glanced at the two, "...Useless", she said, her tone containing a bit of frustration as she felt like she too, was quite useless right now.

"And is that man Rain?", Viel then placed his attention on the brown-skinned man that was also floating near Jack and Xanthus. 

"...Yes", Lu Yi could only nod her head.

Viel also saw someone that looked like him beside Rain, almost invisible, but he was there. He could not help but furrow his eyebrows. That also wasn't there the last time he was here, wasn't it?

Seeing the look on Viel's eyes, Lu Yi let out a deep breath, "Your soul is being merged with Rain", she said in a very fast way. She remembered that when she last said something that Mr. Voice did not want Viel to know, an excruciating pain covered her entire body to stop her. She was expecting something like that to happen, but contrary to her expectations, there was not even a tingle.

"Merged?", Viel furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"Yes by Mr. Voice", Lu Yi rolled her fists waiting for the pain to cover her body again, but still, there was nothing. Realizing that Mr. Voice really had no plans in stopping her from telling Viel what was happening to him, Lu Yi continued.

"Stick with the woman with the glasses", Lu Yi said.


"Yes, that woman. Just don't marry her yet, you're still too young", Lu Yi cleared her throat to stop herself from rambling, "She seems to be a very intelligent individual"

"She easily came to the conclusion that your memory is being erased", she followed up, "I am sure she will be able to help us. Tell her everything", Lu Yi looked Viel straight in the eyes. She has been watching every action and word that Sofia takes whenever she is with Viel, and Lu Yi knows enough that she could be trusted.

She also wanted to do something for Viel, but as always, they were useless as long as they were trapped inside this darkness. Lu Yi was not even sure anymore if they were actually inside Viel's dantian or in his brain. 

The only thing she could do was place her palm on the screen, wanting to comfort Viel, but can't even do so as she can't get past the gigantic mirror.

"So I will forget everyone?", Viel whispered as he slightly looked down.

"...", Lu Yi did not really know the answer to that.

"And them?", Viel then placed his attention to Xanthus and Jack, "What is happening to them?"

"...I don't know", was Lu Yi's answer once again, "When I was also asleep, I didn't feel anything. Not a dream, not a thought", she let out a sigh.

"The only thing that woke me up was your voice"

"I see. Could it be they are also being absorbed?"

"I don't know", Lu Yi could only shake her head once again, "One thing I do know that Mr. Voice is not your friend"

Hearing Lu Yi's words, Viel's eyebrows could not help but lower. All his life, Mr. Voice has been there and quite honestly, the thought of Mr. Voice not being there hasn't crossed his mind even once.

Sure, his interactions with Mr. Voice have become little and little. But Viel considered Mr. Voice to be a part of him, like an organ that was necessary for him to live.

Lu Yi instantly knew what Viel was thinking while looking at him. But she didn't really know what to say anymore. She considered Mr. Voice to be an inoperable malignant cancer. There was a possibility that Viel would die if Mr. Voice disappears.

"The Judge of Karma might have an idea on what to do", Lu Yi let out a sigh, "But--"

"It's alright"

Before Lu Yi could even finish her words, Viel placed his palm on the mirror and shook his head, "Let them sleep"

After saying that, Viel quickly felt something tugging him away. "...It seems that I am leaving soon", Viel closed his eyes, "I hope we see each other again, Miss Lu Yi"

"I hope so too, bab Viel", Lu Yi smiled as she placed her palm in front of Viel's. Lu Yi could not help but reminisce the first time Viel was waking up. The look of panic on his face and the cry for help was truly what you would expect from a child. But now, with only 7 years, Viel was already too different.

"...See you again", Lu Yi smiled as she looked Viel straight in the eye.

"Hm", Viel nodded as he relaxed his whole body. He felt the force the was pulling him away grow stronger. But before it could tug him away from the darkness, Lu Yi once again spoke.

"Viel Charlotte is your mother", was the last words that Viel heard as he woke himself up with his own loud gasp.


Viel quickly looked around him, only to see Sofia sitting by the bed that he was lying on. Yinji was also there, looking at him with her eyebrows furrowed. His eyes then turned towards Charlotte, who was also in the spacious room by the door.

Mother She was his mother? Viel could not help but squint his eyes. But seeing as she was adamant in telling that Viel was not her son, could it be that she doesn't know?

Was that even possible? He was there when Emi delivered baby Zachary, and Viel was sure that that was a moment that a mother could never forget. Is she just pretending that she doesn't know who Viel is? Or maybe her memory was also erased? Can Mr. Voice also do something like that?

Seeing Viel looking at her with a complicated expression, Charlotte could not help but tilt her head, "Are you okay, Viel?", she said. Viel really did look like her, she thought. Seeing him like this in the bed, it somewhat pained her dearly even though she doesn't really know much about Viel.

They truly had a connection, she thought since there was a huge possibility that she was her brother's son. Now all that was left was to find him... if he is alive, she would smack him in the head for leaving Viel.

Viel looked at her eyes for a couple of seconds. It didn't matter, Viel thought. It doesn't really matter anymore. If it was 7 years ago, then maybe it would have mattered to him.

But now he already had a family. He had Sofia, and also his sister Xing Cai was waiting for him back home.

He has a family.

"Are you okay, Vi?", Sofia gently touched Viel's hand.

"I am alright now", Viel let out a tiny sigh as he turned his head towards Sofia.

"The festivities are still going on outside", Sofia added, "If you feel fine now we can still join them?"

"Hm", Viel nodded. He then looked at Yinji and Charlotte before returning his gaze towards Sofia, "Can we talk alone?", he said.

Hearing Viel's words, Sofia could not help but slightly be taken aback. This is probably the first time that Viel had even asked something like this from her.

"I'll be on the other side of the door", Yinji quickly said as she walked to the door.

"I'll tell your friends that you're fine now", Charlotte said as she also walked out of the room.

"Thank you", Viel said.

As soon as the two were gone, Sofia quickly fixed her spectacles and looked at Van, "What did you want to talk about?"

"I talk to miss Lu Yi", Viel quickly breathed.

"Lu Yi?", Sofia squinted her eyes, "One of the voices in your head?"

"Kind of", Viel slightly chuckled, "She said Mr. Voice is absorbing me", his tone then became serious.

"I see", Sofia placed her hand on her chin, "I somewhat already had an idea of that", she then said.

"When Zachary died, it was the first time that your eyes lit up. There were like fireflies dancing in them, letters that I can't decipher even now", she followed up, "And whenever that happens, it is as if you're being controlled by--"

"Mr. Voice", Viel continued Sofia's sentence.

"Hm", Sofia could only nod her head, "Can you talk to Mr. Voice right now? Did this Lu Yi tell you a way to stop Mr. Voice from absorbi--"

Before Sofia could finish her words, Viel suddenly held her cheek.

"Thank you, Sofi", he said in a very gentle tone, "For staying with me even now"

Sofia could not help but blink her eyes a couple of times as she stared straight into Viel's eyes that were filled with sincerity. Feeling Viel's warm hand on her cheek, her hand moved by itself and gently touched it with her fingers.

"We will figure out what's happening to you", she whispered, "...Even if my hair already turns white, I will be by your side to figure it out"

They didn't need to smile, as their eyes were doing it for them.

"This Grandma Ling, do you know her?", Viel then asked, "Did I tell you anything about her?"

Hearing Viel's words, Sofia could not help but chuckle, "Only her entire life"

"Really!?", Viel's tone became excited, "Can you tell me about her?"

"...Sure", Sofia let out a small sigh as she leaned in closer to Viel, "Well you told me she picked you up"

In the end, Viel and Sofia did not rejoin the party. Yinji was still outside the room, only leaving when Sofia started telling stories about Viel's grandmother.

Viel laughed, and he also cried as Sofia continued to tell him about his grandmother. These were supposed to be his memories

Now they were just stories.

But nonetheless

...They were beautiful.

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