Reincarnated as both God and The Devil

Chapter 226: Complaints, Teachings, And Romance

Chapter 226: Complaints, Teachings, And Romance

"You're our new teacher?"


"What about Mr. Jacobs!? Did he really get eaten by the undead!?"

"I don't know about that."

"Why are you in a chair? Can you really teach us about cultivation!?"

"My legs do not work. I have a goddess of cultivation inside of me, I am probably the best teacher you could ever have."

"Why are your eyes closed!?"

"I am blind."

The children could not help but voice out their thoughts when Viel introduced himself as their new teacher. They were expecting someone old like Mr. Jacobs, but the man in front of them right now was even younger than their parents. But Viel didn't seem to mind as he answered all of their questions as they asked them.

To answer their questions was his goal as their teacher, after all.

"Is this all of you?"

Van could not help but tilt his head as he listened in on the voices and breaths of the students inside the class. According to the Headmaster of the school, there should be 20 of them in the Cultivation Class, but he could only hear 6.

"The others didn't want to attend anymore when they came to know that Mr. Jacobs won't be teaching the class anymore!"

"I see, that's not good." Viel could not help but place his hand on his chin.

"Are you really capable of teaching us!? Your cultivation level is even lower than Tina!" One of the students raised his arm but quickly retracted it so as to not embarrass himself.

"Of course, as I said, I have a goddess of cultivation inside of me."

"A goddess? So you're gay!?"


Viel could not help but let out a quiet sigh as random questions once again rained down upon him. Were children really this hard to deal with?

[Trust me, Viel. You were way more active when you were a kid.]

'I is that so?' Van chuckled wryly as Lu Yi's voice suddenly echoed in his mind.

He and Sofia spent a whole day trying to figure out what Viel could do since they were already set on staying in this town. In truth, Sofia was already planning on applying as a teacher in the town's local school, teaching magic arts.

And as soon as Viel heard that, he also wanted to do the same thing. Of course, Sofia just laughed at him at first, but when the both of them realized that Viel literally had a person inside of him that became a god through cultivation, they pointed at each other at the same time.

He basically has a google of cultivation in his mind.

'...Oh,' there it is again. Viel could not help but shake his head as one of Rain's memories surfaced in his mind.

Viel cleared his throat, stopping the children with their countless questions. "Once again, my name is Viel, and I will be your cultivation instructor for this year or at least until the undead eats all of us."


"...Sorry." Viel once again cleared his throat. "And since I introduced myself, I would have all of you to do the same."

"Ehhh but we already know each other!"

"But I do not. So, please, if you may introduce yourselves."


"I am Tina. Currently at the Pinnacle of the Earthen Core Realm!"

Before the complaining student could finish his words, one of the female students stood up and bowed towards Viel. Her long red hair was tied up in a ponytail.

"And how old are you, Miss Tina?"

"12 years old!" Tina shouted, the tone of her voice neither arrogant nor haughty.

"I see"

[Below Average]

"Below average."

"W what!?"

"Did you just say Tina is below average!? But she's the best in the class!"

"I want Mr. Jacobs! Where is Mr. Jacobs!?"

The students once again clamored as they heard Viel's words. Pointing at him and pulling their hair out in frustration. The one who those words belonged to, on the other hand, only slightly squinted her eyes as she stared at their new teacher.

She could detect that Viel had lower cultivation than her, only at the Initial Stage of the Earthen Core Realm. But since the school allowed him to teach this class Surely, he was hiding his true strength?

And so, with that thought, Tina sat back down before thanking Viel with his assessment.

"I'm next!"

And as soon as she was seated, a male student stood up, his bald head and baby face made him look like a toddler.

"My name is Andrew Franklyn the Third! Initial stage of the Earthen Core Realm, also 14 years old!"

[Above average]

"Above average."


"How is he above average when Tina was just below average!? What kind of mockery is this, teacher!?"

"Quiet down, children." Viel raised his hand, giving out a warm smile.

The children who were voicing their complaints quickly shut their mouths. Even though Viel was smiling, they felt a slight pressure coming from him.

"I am just telling you where you are right now in terms of potential and talent. But in truth, none of that matters. You're all trash."

"W what?"

The children could not help but look at each other. The new teacher in front of them looked so calm and beautiful, but his words were thorns.

In truth, Viel was also feeling a bit uncomfortable. The words that were coming out of his mouth were from Lu Yi's. He had already asked her so many times if it was alright to treat the children like that. But her only response was

[To impart wisdom is never gentle. It needs to be like a wave, crashing their minds and honing it until they are strong enough.]

"Your potential doesn't matter. With me as your teacher, all of you will be able to reach the same heights, I will make sure of that."


Hearing the tone of sincerity in their new teacher's voice, the students could not help but stay quiet. But after a few seconds, another female student stood up.

"My my name is Lillia. I am at the Initial Stages of the Earthen Core Realm, 12 years old." She introduced herself, whispering. The huge spectacles on her face almost covered it entirely.

"Tch Edward. Same, same." Another one quickly followed her, it was the male student who had been complaining a lot since the start. For some reason, he had bandages all over his arms.

And soon, the last two also introduced themselves. They both have black hair, and looked almost identical to each other, except for the fact that one of them seemed to be taller than even Viel if he was able to stand up.

"My name is Gary, and my brother's name is Barry." The taller one said, "He's not able to speak, but we're both 13 years old and at the Tempered stages of the Earthen Core Realm!"

With everyone finally introduced, Viel clapped his hand and once again let out a warm smile.

"And now I would have all of you destroy your cultivation."




"So, how did your first day go, Vi?"

"Oh, you know. They all went home. I'm sure they'll come back tomorrow though."


Hearing Viel's words, Sofia could not help but let out a tiny chuckle, assisting Viel and pushing his chair to get through the street.

"How about you, how did your first day go?"

"Well, thankfully, none of them walked out of class."

In truth, most of Sofia's students wanted to leave as soon as she forced them to use all of their qi, ordering them to use all the magic arts they know of. But alas, not one of them managed to escape as she encased the whole room in ice.

She also told them that they would only be able to get home if they manage to summon a flame to get themselves out before leaving all of them there to fend for themselves.

For all she knows, they might still be there. But it should be alright, most of her students were older than Viel's students.

"That's good. At least your students are willing to learn." Viel could not help but let out a sigh, "I only wished my students were the same."

"You need to show them you need to be respected, Vi. They'll surely warm up to you soon."

"You think so?" Viel once again sighed, "By the way, I have also been meaning to ask, Sofie but how were you able to also get me a job in the school? I didn't even need to take a test, I just met with the Headmaster and shook my hand."

"I bought the school."

"Oh I see."


"But is it really alright for me to be around people? What if what if my powers suddenly lose control?"

"You don't have to worry about that. I also set up the classes so we would always be close to each other. And if there was anyone who has more control with his powers than me in this world, it would be you."


"Yes, even right now you're controlling your strength, aren't you? The fact that you don't even notice it is already testament enough of your control. What you need to be controlling are your emotions, but we'll get to that one step at a time."

"My emotions. Then are you saying I should control my feelings for you, Sofie?"

"W... what are you saying all of a sudden!? Why have you been saying those things lately!?"

Sofia could not help but let go of Viel's wheelchair as she stuttered.

"Well, you are my wife, aren't you?"

"T...that's only our set up, haven't I already told you that? I am here to help you discover whatever it is that's happening to you. It's just more convenient to tell--"

"So you do not love me?"

"I am much older than you, Vi."

"But do you love me?"

"I" Sofia could not help but gulp. It was a good thing that Viel was unable to see her right now, if he could, then the answer would have already been right in front of him.

But still, she too was also aware of her feelings. Spending all this time with Viel, being close to him, and not leaving his side, it was impossible not to develop certain... feelings. But according to her knowledge and the books that Sofia has read, Viel was now at the age that he would be starting to feel the urges of romance.

Maybe he was only infatuated with her because she was the only woman in her life right now? But at her age, she was old enough to be his mother.

Sofia could not help but shake her head. No, she was overthinking this. She was here to take care of Viel, that is all there is to it.

Right? Right!?

"Sofie, you know I could hear your heart beating, right?"

"T that Stop it with these meaningless talks! Push yourself home!"

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