Reincarnated as both God and The Devil

Chapter 230: Rain - Sidestory (Skip to your liking)

Chapter 230: Rain - Sidestory (Skip to your liking)

***Author Notes***

This is a 1-chapter side story about Rain. You may wish to read it if you like, or can also skip it entirely.

Cheers, nothing but cheers. It is as if the whole world itself is cheering. It is the sound that signals the end of a war that spans a century, and in front of it, the one who single-handedly ended it all-- the one they call the Super Man, Rain.

But behind all these cheers, lies a voice that overpowered all of the noise of the world.

"I am... so sorry *huk*. We had to keep you in check--"

A woman was crying, begging the man who was in front of her.

"- and this was the only way we knew how... I am so sorry. Please forgive me, I truly do love you!"

The man's eyes were closed as if trying to hold back the tears that he tried to repress as he blew countless innocent lives on the battlefield. But no, the subject of his sadness is not that, but a realization.

That what he had was nothing but an illusion, an illusion to keep him grounded, to keep him human. But he knew, he always knew. This is not betrayal, but a realization.

His life, his wife, was all but a strategy for the war. A purpose, solely created, birthed for him.

"Goodbye, Cassandra."

"No! Please don't leave me, Rain! I... I am pr-"

"I am not leaving because of you... This world does not need me anymore. If I stay, only danger will follow me... and you, my love"

The man's body started to float, and he looked at the woman with sorrow one last time, before he suddenly vanished into thin air.



[Mission Complete! Successfully defeated the Kurovian Army and saved your home planet, Earth!

Completion Time: 124 years, 46 days, and 11 hours!


+1000 to all status

+100,000 years of life

Mythical Job Obtained: Universal Traveller

Universal Traveller: Gifted to ones who have saved their home planet from total destruction. Gives the player all the abilities they need to traverse the galaxies.

Accept Rewards?]

"Hmm, is this another one of your so-called "coincidence"? Lousy system."

Rain smirked as he placed his finger into the empty air. A bright light enveloped his whole body as he shouted so loud, the whole world heard him- "The last cry of the Super Man"

[Reward Accepted! Congratulations, now go out there and experience a whole new world! Teehee~]


'My name is Rain Ordo, I am... was a human from Earth, born during the Kurovian War, a war between my world and another. I was born with a gift.

The "System". It turned my whole life into a game, it gave me missions that were almost impossible to complete. But I did, I completed all of it. Until they started to call me "The Super Man".

I have met countless people, I have also ended them. I married, I had a life. But at the end of my journey, I realized that that life was nothing but a lie.

After 124 years of my birth, I left the planet that I once called home, in search of others.

I have seen so much life in the universe. My home was but a grain of sand in an endless desert. Creatures as big as mountains, and a fully sustainable planet that can fit in my hand. There was so much, and yet, I still long for home.'

Thousands of years ago, before Viel's birth, in another time, in another universe There was Rain.

[13,577,101,452.23 Kilometers Away from Destination]

In the vast open galaxy filled with faraway stars, a humanoid figure can be seen flying through space at an unbelievable speed.

[8,342,895,209.02 Kilometers Away from Destination]

[200,000,000.02 Kilometers Away from Destination]

"Let's stop here, any farther and the Anti-Alien Division satellites will detect us."

"System, scan for any inorganic and meths within 50,000,000 km."

The man suddenly stopped his flight and pointed his fingers in the air, as if touching an invisible screen.

[There are no inorganic, meths, or even organic life within 50,000,000 km, Rain]

"Hmm, that's weird. The planet should've advanced its technology to reach this point. System, what about-"

[There are no inorganic, meths, or organic life outside the planet Earth within 152.5 billion km except us, Rain]

"Hmm, have they migrated to another planet? No use deliberating, let's check it out."


[You have arrived at your destination, Sol System]

"Aah, finally. Some warmth. But I don't remember our sun being this small."

[Negative. The sun is 12.69% larger than when you left the Sol System. You are just used to seeing bigger stars, Rain]

"Hmmm, maybe. At least it still keeps everything warm"

Rain rubbed his hands together, as he floats near to the colossal fireball, trying to warm himself up as much as possible.

"Anyway, where's my home?"

[It is-]

Rain raised and wiggled his finger in the air.

"Tut tut tut! That was a rhetorical question. I will find it myself."


Rain's eyes suddenly glowed as he searched on the vast open space.

"Aha! Found it!"

[That's not a planet.]

"I... I knew that... There it is!"

Rain flew in the direction he pointed at before he suddenly disappeared into thin air.

[Cloak Activated]

As Rain got nearer to the planet, his expression grew serious.

"This is really weird. Even if my race migrated after 10,000 years, they should have left at least communication satellites. Why do I not see any sign of it?"

[Positive. There are no traces of intergalactic advancement technology detected in the planet Earth]

"What!? Impossible... C-Could it be... extinction?"

[Negative. I detect organic life]

"Hmm... Anyway, shall we enter the planet?"


"Come! Come! My apples are thick and juicy!"

"Arrows! Arrows for sale!"

"Ppsst. Hey, missy. Want a scholarship at Libion?"

In a town filled with luscious greeneries and stone houses, all sorts of humanoids could be seen conversing with each other.

Humanoids with cat ears and lizard-like skin can also be seen laughing and chatting with one another.

Suddenly, all of them stopped what they were doing when they heard a loud noise the sounded like an explosion.

"W-What in ancestor's tits was that!?"

"Is the caravan here!? Why is it so early!"

"Fool! It's obviously rogue mages! Rrrruunn!"

All sorts of theories were thrown out by the people as they started panicking. One was even kneeling down and praying.

"Mommy! Mommy! Look at that! There's a naked Sapien floating in the air!"

"Shush girl! It's only your imagi---"

The mother's eyes suddenly grew bigger as she looked in the direction her daughter was pointing at.


All the people looked at the mother and daughter pair as soon as they heard the shout. A big burly man in armor approached them.

"Dearies! What is wr--... Kyaaaa! So big!"

However, as soon as he tried to calm down the pair, he caught a glance of a naked man floating in the air. Rain could be seen naked with serious expression mid-air.

"Hmm, interesting. There are other species on my planet. Anyway, System, you said my previous house was located here... but is this really my home planet?"

Rain rubbed his chin as he looked at the confused populace beneath him.

Rain slowly dropped down to the ground and walked to the big burly man that was seemingly looking at his crotch with his mouth open.

"Greetings, guard. Are we on planet Earth right now?"

Hearing this, the big burly man suddenly closed his mouth and pointed his spear towards Rain.

"M-mage! Y-you are under arrest for public indecency!"


As soon as Rain approached the big burly guard, the mother hurriedly covered her daughter's eyes and ran away shouting while still looking at Rain's package.


Rain raised both his hands with a confused expression.


[Welcome home, Rain]

"Well Sys, it seems we're in a bind"

[Negative, eliminating all life forms within the vicinity will solve the current predicament]

"That's kinda harsh isn't... hm, what's that smell!?"

[It's fecal matter, human origin]

In a dark and damp cellar, a naked man can be seen floating around. After his nude fiasco in the middle of the town, Rain was escorted "gracefully" towards the village's jail.

[To clarify, it is your fault that we are stuck here. I advise eradicating the whole village]

"Hush, Sys. It is common knowledge to follow the native habitant's rules in the first conta--"

"Great, just what we need, anothah cuckoo in this shit town. I knew this raid ain't worth it"

Suddenly, a hoarse voice can be heard in another cellar, accompanied by what seems to be the noise of someone spitting.

"Oh hello there, earthling scum. May I ask you some questions?"

"W-what do you mean s-scum!? You have some guts there e' boy?", the rough man kicked the metal bar of his cell so Rain can hear his anger

"You are locked up in this village's punishment hall, a scum are you not?"

[Positive. And so are you]


"I am here on purpose ye boy. hehe"

"Interesting, then may I ask you some questions then?"

"Go ahead ye boy, stuck here 'til the moon rises anyway"

Rain nodded, even though they couldn't actually see each other.

"Am I on a planet called Earth?"

"Hee? What kinda stupid question is that? You really are a cuckoo e'boy"

"Maybe I am.", Rain said with a serious tone.

"*Ptoo* Hehe. We're in a country called Luzviminda, and yes boy, we are on Earth"

"Luzviminda... There isn't a country like that when I left Earth."

"Hahaha. It seems to be the only thing that left is your brain, boy"

[Positive. The earthling is right]


"My second question, since when did Earth had such a wide variety of human sub-species?"

"Eh? What're you talking about, boy? What sub-spacious are you talking about?"

".... I mean when did the humans with animal ears appear?"

"Eh? The beastmen? Who knows, boy. They have been here before my ancestor's tits started to sag. Are you going to ask me how the status menu works next, eh boy!?"

When Rain heard the word status menu, his ears perked up and a bewildered expression can be seen on his face.

"Status menu? You mean... you can see... letters floating in front of you!?"

"Huh? I don't know about you, boy. But you need to get your head checked. Everyone has a status menu, boy. They say even animals have them"

"Interesting. I wonder how this is possible... Any idea, Sys?"

[Not enough information to reach a solid conclusion]

"*Ptoo* ,Ye talking to yourself again eh boy? hehe. I'm going to sleep, the guys will be here soon."

"I have another question."

The rough man grunted as if he was annoyed.

"Last question boy"

"You said you were here voluntarily, why?"

"Hehe. Come closer to the bars, boy. Can't let them guards hear me."

Rain dropped down from floating and started to walk towards the cell bar.

"I'm here to rob this village. My guys will be here once it gets dark. How about it, eh boy. Wanna join us?"

"Hmm, no. Thank you for the offer"

"Tch. Suit yourself, eh boy. Just don't do anything stupid or I will kill you meself, eh"

"What are you lot talking about there!? Keep quiet or I will make you!"

The guard on duty, that was previously sleeping on the job woke up and saw the two prisoners talking to each other.

After spitting again for the nth time, the rough sounding man laid down in the hay and started to snore.

"Interesting. Very interesting. Status menu, beastmen... Cross-species experimentation?"

Rain sat down and placed his hand on his chin.

[That is a possibility]

"What about this Status Menu? Is it the same as what I have? Did they study my genes when I left?"

[That is a possibility]

The surrounding jail cell started to dim as Rain pondered on the options of how his homeworld, one of the most ordinary planets, exhibited such a diverse evolution.

And now, it was night time.

While Rain was still lost in thought, a loud clanging sound suddenly erupted somewhere in the village.

[Warning. 14 Hostile targets detected. Threat level, 0]

"Oho? Finally, my guys are here. Ye hear that boy? This village is mine. Hehe. Fireblade!"

As soon as the rough sounding man said that, a screeching sound of what seems to be metal hitting each other could be heard.

A beam of light in a shape of a blade can be seen coming from the rough sounding man's hands as he melted through the cell's metal bars.

"Y-you! Halt! Stay in your cell!"

The guard on duty immediately pointed his spear towards the man as soon as he heard the noise. To his surprise, the rough sounding man was already outside of his cell.

"Hehe. Too late, boy"

The rough sounding man waved his hand and the beam of light shot towards the guard, slicing him in the neck.


The guard kneeled down as he covered his bleeding neck. He also held his head, as if trying his best not to let his neck separate from his body.

"Aaah, I missed that sound. Isn't it wonderful, eh bo-"

"Wh.. why are you naked!?"

The rough sounding man was deliberately surprised when he saw that the man that he was talking to earlier was actually stark naked.

"I wore the wrong suit while entering the planet's atmosphere"


Rain said with a nonchalant expression on his face.

"I still can't understand what yer saying, boy. Anyway, let the party begin. Huahua."

The rough sounding man laughed disgustingly as he kicked the struggling guard's head, finally separating it from his body.

The man continued to laugh as he left the village jail.

Soon, screams can be heard, penetrating the halls of the cell Rain was in.

[Are we not going to help?]

"Interesting, did you see that, Sys? That was one of my spells, Fire blade."


"Interesting... very interesting."

Rain continued to ponder as he walked in circles inside his jail cell. The commotion outside continued as the screams of the villagers grew more desperate, begging for help as the bandits laugh disgustingly.

[Are we not going to help, Rain?"]

"Hm? Oh, you mean the happenings outside?"


"Why? It is not my place to intervene with the native's natural state, Sys"


Rain continued to walk in circles and was once again lost in thought. The screaming of the villagers was weakening and was soon drowned by the bandits' laughter.

"Don't let anyone escape! Kill those who are trying to escape! Huahuahua!"

[Reporting. The village population is now only at 50% compared to when we arrived]

Rain still continued to walk in circles as if he didn't hear the system's voice in his head.

Suddenly, a banging sound can be heard as the jail's door opened.

A woman and a young child could be seen rolling on the ground.

"Please... please no! Please spare at least my child!"

"He...he... Hehehe."

A bald skinny man entered through the door while licking his knife.

[Rain! Are we still not going to help!?]

Rain looked at the new visitors in his humble abode. He quickly recognized the pair of villagers that entered the jail cell. It was the mother and daughter pair that first saw him in the village.

"Oh, someone is locked up in here, ey? W-why are you naked!?"

The bald man was surprised to see a naked man looking at them. Rain just continued to stare at them.

"Hehe.. Anyway, it seems you're in for a show. Hehehe!"

The bald man started to walk towards the mother and daughter pair while playing with his knife.

[Are we not going to help, Rain!?]

"I told you, it is not our place to intervene"


Soon, a loud scream can be heard.

"N-no! M..m..mommy!"

A knife could be seen stabbed on the mother's leg.

"Hehehe! That's right. Scream! Scream! Your daughter is next. hehehe!"

The mother once again screamed in pain as the bald man slowly pulled the knife away from her leg. A disgusting sound of flesh being torn apart can be heard echoing in the room.

[Rain... Are we not going to help?]



Rain said as he looked on. The mother was crawling towards his jail cell while still covering her daughter.

"P-please... no.. not my daughter"

The mother saw Rain calmly looking at them.

"Please... save my daughter"

Even though the mother clearly knew that Rain was locked up, she desperately begged for Rain to help them, even though it was futile.

"Hehehe! That's right, woman. Beg! Beg! Beg as is tear your daughter's head in front of you!"

The bald man slowly approached the mother and daughter pair as he made disgusting gestures with his knife.

" Please! Not my daughter! You can do anything to me but not my daughter!"

The mother hugged her daughter tight with her whole body as the both of them continued to weep. The daughter was weeping so hard but then she suddenly stopped when she recognized the naked man looking at them in the cell.

"Huk... P-please... m-mister mage, p-please help us!"

[Rain... please, help them]


Rain coldly said as he finally turned his back and sat down on the corner of his cell. When the child realized that the "mage" was not going to help them, she once again cried loudly.

"Huahuahua! That guy!? A m-mage!? Hahaha!"

The bald man laughed as he once again stabbed the mother with his knife. A loud disgusting scream echoed throughout the halls of the small room.

" m..mother!"

When the mother heard her daughter shouting again, she finally stopped screaming.

"I...I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I love you... mother.. ugh.. loves you..."

The bald man once again stabbed the woman in her legs, but this time she didn't cry or screamed, she just hugged her daughter and comforted her.

"Eeeh. This is boring... you finally gave up eh!? Guess it's time to end this"

The bald man pulled the mother's hair as he slowly pointed the tip of his dagger towards her neck.

"Mommy loves you... Mommy loves you..."

The woman continued to comfort her daughter while covering her eyes.

[Rain..please... help them]

"For the last time, Sys, it is not my place to intervene with the native's actions."

"Mommy... mommy loves you", the woman continued to comfort her daughter, blood slowly started to appear on her neck.

Suddenly, Rain heard a clinging sound in his head.

"What is it now, Sys?"

[Rain... you are also a native of this planet, are you not?]

As soon as the System said this, a fountain of blood showered the room.

This abrupt change in atmosphere surprised the mother as she felt the pressure on her neck fading away. She slightly opened her eyes and when she saw what happened to the bald man, she once again held her daughter and started to cry, but this time... it was a cry of hope.

Yes, the bald man's head and the hand he held his knife with, like a bubble, burst into pieces.

The naked man, who was nonchalantly looking at the suffering of the mother and daughter pair stood up and started to walk towards his cell's metal bars. And without resistance, the metal bars pried open as he continued to walk through them like they were only rolls of tissue paper.

[Remaining Hostile targets, 11]

"I guess you're right, Sys."

The naked man said as he slowly walked towards the exit. His butt was exposed for the mother and daughter pair to see.

"Well then, shall we?"

[Extermination of remaining hostile targets, commenced...Thank you, Rain]

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