Reincarnated as both God and The Devil

Chapter 251: Poison

Chapter 251: Poison

"Run Run for your lives!"

"It's going to eat all of us!"


With the shrilling sound of screams and cries filling the air like some kind of orchestra humming in the air, Viel could not help open his blind eyes just to squint them.

These Iras'an people are quite rude, he thought. He wasn't even finished with his speech and they all started running like monkeys. Some of them were even starting to push each other; those who had their vehicles nearby were mobbed as some of the people wanted to get in-- causing it to crash on land.

Seeing all of this, the only thing that Viel could do was let out a sigh as his wings lightly fluttered.

"What did I expect from an inferior civilization," he then muttered; his head shaking a couple of times as he landed on the ground, "This is your fault, Jack. I told you diplomacy doesn't work with savages."

[...These people have a higher level of civilization than Xanthus's world, Viel. Even Lu Yi's world pales in comparison to its technologies.]

"Pfft, yeah right. You call this an advanced life form? Even Xanthus seems more evolved."

[W why do I feel like that's an insult?]

[You are giving the demon too much credit, baby Viel.]

[What did--]

"Are are you truly going to devour us, Viel!?"

N'eeuq, who had been waiting for Viel to land on the ground after his horrifying statement, could not help but point her gun towards him. The other soldiers of the Space Force that were behind her also did the same.

Judging by the power levels they have detected from Viel, it was more than likely that their blasters wouldn't do any good; but they just could not stand by and watch as this monster kills their people.

"Everyone, else Go," N'eeuq then ordered her man to leave, "I I am the one who brought Viel to this planet. I will shoulder this sin alone."

"G General--"

"Go! I will not let you and your families pay for my mistakes!" N'euuq waved her other hand as she gestured to her men to leave, "You still have time to evacuate--"

And before N'euuq could continue her words, her men suddenly let out gasps of shock as Viel started to approach them. Their legs were trembling; their eyes, however, were filled with a certain fire that almost engulfed their entire body.

"We will not leave you here, General!"

"We will fight to the death to protect our people!"

"Y you guys," N'eeuq could not help but take in a short but deep breath as she heard her men's words. But after a few seconds, she saluted, "It was an honor serving with you guys."

"Likewise, General."

"Men! Defend--"

"I see the lack of intelligence in your people is truly at a level that should not be known to men."

And before N'euuq could say another word, Viel's loud and almost unending sigh that was filled with disappointment traveled through the air.

"I just said I wanted to eat some Iras'an cuisine," Viel then once again let out a sigh as he took N'eeuq's blaster away from her before he proceeded to put it in his [Item Box], 

"What are you telling me the food here is so good that you're willing to die before you let someone from another world eat it?"


"Racist!" Viel then pointed at N'euuq, "Even blind, I see the giant entity that hides beneath that thick blue skin of yours

...and that is racism!"


"I do not need your explanation!" Viel once again interrupted N'eeuq before she could speak, "Disappointing. I thought the first world I will be visiting will be filled with kind people but alas, it would seem that life has other plans for me."

"We" But finally, after Viel was done with his one-sided speech, N'eeuq found a chance to open her mouth, "We

...are not racist!"




After the chaos that almost turned the whole city upside down, there was now only silence, with Viel's laughter the only sound lingering in the air. Viel and General N'eeuq were now inside some sort of restaurant, and judging by the empty tables around them, the establishment was closed down just for them.

There were also other people surrounding them, no doubt the staff of the restaurant. The expressions on their faces, a mix of curiosity and anxiety.

"You thought I was going to eat you?" Viel then continued to laugh as he looked at N'uueq, "That's like, ew. Your skin is blue guys could be poisonous for all I know."

"..." If the being in front of her was not capable of destroying their planet, then she would have surely tried to hit him in the head once. He just called them racist, but his statement just now was probably one of the most racist things he has heard in her entire life.

The mass hysteria that filled the entire city has more than calmed down since they made a statement that everything was a misunderstanding due to the obvious language barrier; the people were still a bit on edge, but seeing Viel waving and smiling at the cameras, a part of them were starting to believe that he could actually be friendly.

N'eeuq had already contacted the leaders of Keman, but even the President of the country they were currently residing in was a bit on edge in meeting the unknown alien that suddenly showed itself to them.

And so, N'eeuq was tasked to talk to Viel alone; try her best to gauge and see why something like him suddenly appeared on their radar.

"Oh, this is actually not bad at all."

She could not find the right timing to ask him, however, as Viel continued to indulge himself with the food the restaurant had prepared for him. He had already cleared a full table of food, but it would seem his appetite was still capable of devouring more.

"What kind of meat is this?"

"Oh, that's" N'eeuq's thoughts were then disrupted as Viel called her attention, "...that's Pirig. This restaurant has them roaming in the wild, so the meat is actually purer than those you can buy from other shops."

"Pirig sounds weird," Viel shrugged his shoulders as he continued to take a bite, "You guys are weird though, eating something this potent. I was only joking with what I said earlier maybe it was actually true."

"Excuse me?" N'eeuq squinted her eyes as she heard Viel's words.

"This meat," Viel waved the now clean bone in his hand, "It's poisonous, adds to the flavor though. Nice, nice."



And as soon as Viel's words reached the other people in the room, one of them suddenly started running away.

"..." N'eeuq could only widen her eyes from what just happened. But after a few seconds, she turned to look at Viel.

Did did someone actually just try to poison him!?

"Men! We have a fugitive on the run! We have to get you out of here, Viel!"

"Pft. You should take something to calm yourself down," Viel, however, only waved his hand as he gestured to N'eeuq to sit down, "Have some of this Pirig, it might help with your menopause or something."


[Baby Viel, that's rude!]

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