Reincarnated as the Demon King's Son

Chapter 660 660 Celestial Schemata

Chapter 660 660 Celestial Schemata

As the crew gathered in the Stardust Voyager's meeting area, Aldred initiated a discussion about their next steps.

"We've entered the Veil, and the encounter with Kawabaka made it clear that the challenges here are more intricate than we anticipated."

Shuzib nodded. "Indeed. The Veil is not to be underestimated. It seems we'll need more than our wits to navigate through it."

"The question is. What do we need to look for? We are going after the Chronicles of Ascendria, but there is no clear guide towards it. The Eye if Clairvoyance seems to only help us finding the Veil." Aldred held the Eye on his hand.

Just as they contemplated their situation, the Eye of Clairvoyance emitted a soft glow, and a holographic projection of the Elder appeared before them. Her presence commanded immediate attention.

"Congratulations on entering The Veil of Shadows," the Elder's voice echoed through the ship. "Your perilous journey has come to fruition, however, you are still far from your destination. To reach the Chronicles of Ascendria, you must overcome the Veil's chaos. There, you'll find the key to order – three stones that govern Time, Space, and Soul."

Aldred leaned forward, intrigued. "What are these stones, and how do we find them?"

The Elder explained, "The Stone of Time, buried in the temporal anomalies of the Veil; the Stone of Space, hidden within the ever-shifting dimensions; and the Stone of Soul, veiled in the essence of sentient thought. These stones will bring stability to the chaos. And it is the only way you can access Ascendria."

Cleome, curious as always, chimed in. "How will we locate these stones?"

The Elder's eyes glowed with wisdom. "The Eye of Clairvoyance will be your guide. Its connection to the cosmic energies will lead you to the stones. However, remember this – even the All-Seeing eyes can go blind in the Veil of Shadows, so don't always trust everything you see."

A hushed silence fell over the crew as they absorbed the gravity of their mission.

"Succeeding in this mission will bring you to a higher level up greatness, young warriors. Achieve this, and your name will be carved in the history of the entire galaxy."

Aldred, determined, spoke, "We have our path. We must find these stones to bring order to the Veil and reach the Chronicles of Ascendria. Cleome, keep a close eye on the Eye of Clairvoyance. Shuzib, prepare the navigation systems. We embark on this quest, together."

The Elder's holographic image faded with a smile.

Aldred activated the Eye of Clairvoyance. As he did, the very essence of the ship seemed to dance with newfound energy. Glowing wisps of magic spiraled around, creating a mesmerizing display that left the crew in awe.

Cleome grinned. "Well, that's a showstopper. Never thought mystic artifacts could be so flashy."

The Eye, once activated, projected a series of ancient symbols into the air. Each symbol shimmered with an otherworldly light, forming an intricate pattern that seemed to respond to the cosmic energies within the Veil.

Aldred turned to Shuzib. "Can you translate these symbols, Shuzib? We need to know the path to the Stones."

Shuzib, with his extensive knowledge of ancient languages, began to transcribe the symbols. As he worked, the crew observed the magical dance of symbols. The Stardust Voyager sailed smoothly through the Veil, guided by the newfound clarity bestowed upon them by the Eye of Clairvoyance.

After a moment of intense concentration, Shuzib looked up. "These symbols are a celestial map, guiding us through the ever-shifting dimensions of the Veil. They lead us to the Stone of Time, the first key to Ascendria."

Aldred nodded. "Let's follow this celestial map carefully. We can't afford any mistakes in the Veil."

With the translated symbols guiding their path, the crew navigated through the chaotic twists and turns of the Veil of Shadows. Unseen forces tugged at the ship, and illusions attempted to divert them, but the Eye of Clairvoyance, now a beacon of clarity, shielded them from the Veil's deceptive nature.


In other parts of the Veil, Aldred and his crew wasn't the only group that search Ascendria.

Ascendria's legend had been known for millenniums, and its story was spread to almost every corner of the galaxy. People may thought of them as hearsay, but those in power knew that every myth held some truth.

Ascendria meant to ascend, climbing higher than they were now. A lot of people translated its meaning as becoming a higher existence all together, possibly becoming an immortal themselves.

This possibility enticed a lot of factions to go through the most dangerous journey.

One of the faction was called: The Celestial Schemata

The Celestial Schemata, a colossal force within the Veil of Shadows, sailed through the cosmic turbulence with an air of silent arrogance. The very fabric of space seemed to acknowledge their presence as their fleet moved with an intimidating grace. Countless ships, sleek and metallic, adorned with luminescent patterns, formed an armada that painted the darkness with an ethereal glow.

Their flagship, the Astral Sovereign, towered above the fleet like a celestial monarch. It wielded devastating weapons capable of rending space itself. Arrayed beside it were numerous Destroyer-Class ships, each bristling with advanced armaments that could obliterate lesser vessels with a single volley.

The Celestial Schemata's forces comprised not only sentient robots but also powerful mechanical constructs, resembling armored titans. These mechanical behemoths could unleash torrents of energy, and their defenses were practically impervious.

Archon Stratos Vortimer, the master tactician and leader of the Celestial Schemata, stood tall and imposing in the control room of their flagship, the Astral Sovereign. His figure, adorned in regal, metallic armor, exuded an aura of otherworldly authority. The armor, etched with celestial patterns, seemed to absorb and reflect the ambient light, giving Vortimer an almost ethereal appearance.

Vortimer's eyes, cold and calculating, gleamed with an intelligence that surpassed the comprehension of those around him. His gaze penetrated the vastness of the Veil, foreseeing the intricate dance of cosmic forces. The leader's presence alone demanded respect, and an air of silent arrogance clung to him, as if he considered himself a force unchallenged by the chaotic nature of the Veil.

At his side, the guardian of the Celestial Schemata, a powerful undying sentient mechanical, stood as a silent sentinel. This guardian, known as the Quantum Sentinel, radiated an aura of deathly calmness. Its metallic form, sleek and imposing, reflected the same luminescent patterns that adorned the faction's ships.

The Archon and the Quantum Sentinel, a formidable duo, surveyed the cosmic tapestry displayed on the control room's holographic interface. Vortimer's fingers glided effortlessly over the controls, orchestrating the movements of the fleet with an innate understanding of the Veil's unpredictability.

As the Celestial Schemata sailed through the Veil, their terrifying air of arrogance manifested in the precision of their formations and the calculated maneuvers of their ships. The crew, silent and cold, executed their tasks with unwavering efficiency, following the lead of their enigmatic leader. The Veil of Shadows, a realm known for its chaos, seemed to bend to the will of the Celestial Schemata, acknowledging their dominance with each silent glide through its cosmic currents.

There were not a single word spoken until the leader decided to speak.

"There are many factions trying to pry for the ascension. I will not destroy them for trying, but it seems like some flies dare to set their eyes upon us."

Quantum who stood behind him only snuffled before a central communication device inside his head activated and gave order to the entire fleet.

In the tense silence of the Veil, a sudden revelation unfolded. A multitude of ships, more than ten times the number of the Celestial Schemata, materialized into view. The ships, a chaotic amalgamation of mismatched parts, formed an armada that contrasted starkly with the sleek precision of the Celestial Schemata.

Calling themselves "The Poor United," the leader of this unexpected coalition transmitted a message to the Celestial Schemata. Their transmission was riddled with interference, and the voice that emanated from the communication device sounded ragged and defiant.

"Cease your journey, Celestial Schemata," the leader of The Poor United declared, their tone a mixture of bravado and desperation. "We might not have the fanciest ships or the grandest technologies, but we outnumber you. Surrender now, and your precious life will be spared from ruin."

"Did they pick you as their leader because you know how to say things in a slightly fancier way?" Vortimer said.

"What in the itchy ball-sack did you just say?"

"I refuse to waste time with primitives."

Vortimer's metallic hand, raised with a commanding gesture, marked the onset of a ruthless engagement.

Without uttering another word, the Celestial Schemata fleet, under his calculated direction, unleashed a devastating barrage of advanced weaponry upon The Poor United. The Veil of Shadows trembled as energy projectiles and luminescent beams pierced the cosmic darkness, converging upon the unsuspecting coalition.

In a single, merciless volley, the Celestial Schemata obliterated thousands of ships within The Poor United, leaving little chance for retaliation. The chaotic armada, comprised of cheap and low-grade equipment, disintegrated under the overwhelming onslaught of the superior Celestial Schemata technology.

The very fabric of space echoed with the resounding destruction, and the silence that followed was haunting. The remnants of The Poor United's fleet drifted aimlessly in the Veil, a somber testament to the vast power imbalance between the two factions.

Vortimer's cold gaze surveyed the aftermath on the holographic interface. Quantum, the undying sentinel, remained impassive by his side, and the crew of the Astral Sovereign continued their duties with mechanical efficiency. The Veil of Shadows seemed to absorb the echoes of the conflict, indifferent to the cosmic tragedy that unfolded within its chaotic expanse.

Just like that, an entire warband of a faction who had lived through hundreds of years were erased out of existence in a single battle.

The dreams and ambition of more than millions of men scattered and absorbed by the Veil.

Meanwhile, the Celestial Schemata, continued its journey into the Veil, unobstructed.

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