Reincarnated as the Demon King's Son

Chapter 667 667 Investigation

Chapter 667 667 Investigation

The gas planet's atmosphere still echoed with the remnants of Aldred and Celestial Schemata's intense battle. As the celestial dust settled, a group of Super Soldiers clad in imposing armor, reminiscent of giant warriors, descended from their armada of space warships. The ominous hum of their landing craft reverberated across the charred landscape, creating an eerie symphony of metal against metal. 

Unaware of the recent clash between Aldred and the Celestial Schemata, the Super Soldiers stepped onto the scarred terrain. Their leader, Commander Haelstrom, surveyed the aftermath of the battle with a keen eye. The air was thick with a mixture of awe and anticipation as they beheld the destruction before them. 

"Report, Sergeant Korr," Commander Haelstrom ordered, his voice modulated by the armor's communication system.

"Sensors indicate abnormal levels of psychic and magical energy," replied Sergeant Korr, analyzing the readings on his visor. "The source appears to be concentrated in the vicinity of the recent battle."

Commander Haelstrom's eyes narrowed within the confines of his helmet. "What could have caused such a disturbance? Prepare the squad for investigation. We proceed with caution."

The Super Soldiers moved with disciplined precision, their boots clanging against the metallic debris scattered across the battlefield. The impact craters, the holes torn through the gas planet's atmosphere, and the remnants of destroyed robots told a silent tale of cosmic conflict.

As they ventured deeper into the battlefield, the psychic resonance in the air became palpable. The Super Soldiers, trained to resist psychic interference, felt the energy tingle against their senses. Magical residue clung to the air like an ethereal mist.

Lieutenant Nira, a seasoned member of the squad, examined the scorched ground. "Commander, the level of magical energy here is unprecedented. It's as if titans clashed."

Commander Haelstrom nodded, acknowledging the gravity of the situation. "Keep your guard up. We may be dealing with forces beyond our understanding."

They reached the epicenter of the battle, where the remnants of Quantum Sentinel lay. The robotic champion, now reduced to a shattered hulk, emitted a faint glow. The Super Soldiers exchanged glances, recognizing the advanced technology that far surpassed their own.

Sergeant Korr pointed to the various patterns on Quantum's body. "These designs… they're unlike anything we've encountered. It's as if this machine harnessed the fabric of the cosmos itself."

The investigation continued, leading them to the spot where Aldred and Vortimer clashed. The residual magical flames still flickered, casting an otherworldly glow. Commander Haelstrom examined the damage to the landscape, the rocks and debris displaced by the godly confrontation.

"Whatever transpired here wasn't a mere skirmish," he muttered, his awe hidden beneath the stoic exterior of his armored visage.

The Super Soldiers meticulously combed through the battlefield, their advanced sensors and keen eyes dissecting the remnants of the cosmic clash. They discovered torn metallic scraps, shards of advanced weaponry, and even shreds of what seemed to be celestial fabric, charred and floating in the aftermath.

Sergeant Korr examined a piece of torn clothing caught on a metallic fragment. "Commander, this doesn't match any known uniform or material in our database. It's as if they were clad in armor woven from the very essence of the cosmos."

Commander Haelstrom surveyed the charred ground, where specific patterns were etched into the fabric of the gas planet itself. "Lieutenant Nira, any insights?"

Lieutenant Nira knelt to inspect the markings. "Commander, these symbols resonate with both psychic and magical energies. It's as if they were trying to manipulate the very elements of this planet."

A sense of anticipation hung in the air as the Super Soldiers continued their investigation. They speculated on the nature of the battle that had taken place, exchanging theories amid the charred remnants of Quantum Sentinel and the celestial battleground.

"Could it be a conflict between extraterrestrial beings?" suggested Private Talon, eyeing the mysterious scraps with intrigue.

"No," replied Commander Haelstrom. "This goes beyond conventional warfare. Look at these scorched patterns. It's as if reality itself was manipulated. We might be dealing with entities that transcend our understanding."

What the commander talked about was the after effect of the Stone of Time. Its energy and presence could still be felt far after it was used.

However, they did not know that the Time Stone was here.

As they followed the trail of destruction, the Super Soldiers encountered a particularly charred section of the gas planet's surface. The ground seemed to bear the imprint of an otherworldly force, as if the very fabric of space and time had been distorted.

Sergeant Korr analyzed the ground. "Commander, this specific charred area suggests a massive release of energy. Almost like a focal point of the battle."

Commander Haelstrom's gaze narrowed. "A release of energy capable of altering the fabric of reality. Whatever transpired here, it wasn't just a skirmish. It was a clash of cosmic forces." 

"Could it possibly the elves?"

"No. Their technology are advanced, but not like this."

As the Super Soldiers continued their investigation, one of them, Private Talon, discovered a peculiar object buried amidst the debris. It emitted a faint, pulsating glow, its surface adorned with intricate runes that seemed to dance with otherworldly energy.

"Commander Haelstrom, you might want to take a look at this," Private Talon called out, holding the mysterious object in his hands.

Commander Haelstrom approached, his eyes narrowing as he inspected the object. "What is it, Private?"

"I'm not entirely sure, sir. It seems to resonate with the residual energy from the battle. Almost like a relic of the conflict," Private Talon explained.

The other Super Soldiers gathered around as Commander Haelstrom examined the object. The pulsating glow seemed to respond to the commander's presence, fluctuating in intensity.

"This is unlike anything we've encountered before," Lieutenant Nira remarked, her visor analyzing the object's energy signature. "It's as if it's connected to the very fabric of the gas planet itself."

Commander Haelstrom frowned, deep in thought. "We need to run a thorough analysis. This could be a key to understanding the nature of the clash that occurred here."

As the Super Soldiers began their analysis, the mysterious object revealed its secrets. It was a fragment of the Time Stone, resonating with the echoes of Aldred's use of the powerful artifact. The Time Stone, imbued with the ability to manipulate time itself, held within it the remnants of the cosmic battle.

The fragment was extremely small. Almost as small as an atom. If not for their advanced technology, they wouldn't be able to detect it.

"Time manipulation?" Sergeant Korr muttered, his stoic demeanor wavering for a moment. 

Commander Haelstrom nodded, a sense of urgency in his voice. "We need to report this to High Command immediately. The presence of a Time Stone fragment suggests a level of power that goes beyond anything in our arsenal." 

The Super Soldiers secured the Time Stone fragment, its pulsating glow contained within a protective case. As they prepared to transmit their findings, the gas planet's atmosphere seemed to echo with the lingering echoes of a battle that had, in some way, altered the very fabric of reality. 

Commander Haelstrom led his team back to their space warships, carrying the mysterious Time Stone fragment with utmost care. Once aboard their command vessel, the Black Nebula, he entered the communication center, where holographic displays flickered with data from the recent investigation.

"Commander Haelstrom to High Command," he spoke into the secure channel.

A holographic projection of a stern-looking military official appeared before him. "Report, Commander. What did you find on the gas planet?"

Haelstrom saluted. "Sir, we've encountered an unprecedented situation. The battle that took place on the gas planet involved forces beyond our understanding. We discovered remnants of celestial fabric, advanced technology, and, most significantly, a fragment of the Time Stone."

The official's expression turned serious. "The Time Stone? Are you certain, Commander?"

Haelstrom nodded. "Affirmative, sir. Our sensors indicate that it resonates with the energy signatures of a cosmic clash. Time manipulation seems to have played a pivotal role in the events that unfolded."

The official's gaze intensified. "This is highly concerning, Commander. The Time Stone is an artifact of immeasurable power. We must proceed with caution. Secure the fragment and await further instructions. A specialized team will be dispatched to your location for retrieval."

"Understood, sir," Haelstrom replied, his mind already processing the implications of their discovery. "We'll maintain a high alert status and await the arrival of the specialized team."

As the communication ended, Commander Haelstrom addressed his team. "Secure the Time Stone fragment in the containment chamber. We're on standby until the specialized team arrives."

The Super Soldiers moved efficiently, sealing the fragment in a specially designed chamber that nullified its energy emissions. The Black Nebula resumed its orbit around the gas planet, awaiting the arrival of the specialized team from High Command.

Meanwhile, in the far reaches of space, the news of the cosmic clash and the presence of the Time Stone fragment had sent ripples across the interstellar community. 

Factions and organizations, each with their own motives, monitored the developments closely. 

The cosmic balance had been disrupted, and the implications of such a disturbance were unknown.

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