Reincarnated as the Demon King's Son

Chapter 673 673 Demonic Tide (part 1)

Chapter 673 673 Demonic Tide (part 1)

The crew of the Stardust Voyager and the Celestial Schemata quickly moved into action. The communication relay broadcasted Zarael's message across Nexus Rings, rallying every able inhabitant to prepare for the incoming demonic fleet. As the crew and the mechas of the Celestial Schemata geared up for battle, the massive demonic fleet drew nearer. The Destroyer-Class ships emanated an eerie crimson glow, and the ominous shadow of the Battlecruiser-Class ship loomed in the cosmic distance. "For the Emperor's wrath, they have a Battlecruiser-Class ship with them!" A man exclaimed.

Aldred, Vortimer and the rest of the crew were called to the headquarter.

There they met with the Ringmaster, Zarael.

Zarael, standing beside Aldred and Vortimer, addressed the assembled forces. "This is a threat unlike any we've faced before. We must coordinate our efforts and stand united. Together, we can repel this malevolent force." Zarael did not expect that she would ask these two for help. The Nexus Ring had been able to survive this long because nobody had any reason to attack it.

Except for demons. Those soul-devouring creatures would destroy anything in their path.

The Battlecruiser emerges from the stygian depths of the cosmos, a colossal behemoth of gothic design and dark might. Its hull, adorned with towering spires and ominous gargoyles, casts a foreboding silhouette against the cold expanse of space. The ship's grim color scheme of deep blacks and gunmetal grays, punctuated by blood-red accents, enhances its menacing aura, while countless glowing portholes and weapon ports emit an eerie light that hints at the destructive power held within. The once noble Retribution-class Battlecruiser, now corrupted and ensnared by the malevolent forces of Chaos, bears an appearance that reflects the abyssal taint that has consumed it for centuries. The Imperium's technology had always been the demon's favorites. Humans were far easier to corrupt and devour than other races after all.

he ship's gothic architecture, once a testament to Imperial grandeur, has twisted into grotesque and macabre forms. Jagged spires now resemble the gnarled claws of daemonic entities, and what were once religious symbols have transformed into blasphemous sigils that pulse with unholy energy. The hull, once a symbol of imperial might, is now a canvas of dark corruption. Sickly hues of purple, sickly green, and blood red cascade across the ship, giving it an eerie, ethereal glow that hints at the warp-spawned horrors lurking within. The portholes and weapon ports, once orderly and disciplined, now flicker with the chaotic energies of the Immaterium, casting irregular shadows that dance like demonic apparitions. The people on the Nexus Rings trembled at the sight of such calamity.

"Can we even defeat that thing?"

"That thing seems too powerful for us to handle."

"Shouldn't we flee? If all of us run, maybe they won't be able to catch us. It's so much better than throwing our lives at that killing machine."

Doubt crept among the warriors. Despite the mounting fear and uncertainty, Zarael stood resolute. "Retreating is not an option. This battle is upon us, and the Nexus Rings must stand united. We have faced challenges before, and we shall overcome this one as well." Aldred, with a determined expression, addressed the worried crowd. "I've been in situations far worse than this. We may be outnumbered, but we have something they don't—unity. Every one of you has a stake in the survival of Nexus Rings. We fight not just for ourselves but for the future of this celestial entity." Aldred could not believe those words came out of his mouth. In actuality, he could care less if the Nexus Rings was destroyed or not.

The only reason he was willing to fight was because he wanted to destroy Malgorth's demonic forces.

Vortimer, his metallic face betraying no emotion, added, "The enemy may have a powerful ship, but power alone does not guarantee victory. Strategy, coordination, and unity are our greatest assets. Stand your ground, and we shall prevail!"

Aldred raised an eyebrow. "Nice script."

"I would say the same to you," Vortimer complimented him back.

The crew of the Stardust Voyager, the mechas of the Celestial Schemata, and the inhabitants of Nexus Rings took a collective breath. The enormity of the demonic Battlecruiser loomed before them, but the spark of determination ignited within their hearts. Zarael, utilizing the Nexus Core's gravitational magic, reinforced the protective barriers of Nexus Rings. The celestial entity itself seemed to respond to the call of its defenders, empowering them with its cosmic energy. The Destroyer-Class ships continued their advance, flanking the imposing Battlecruiser. Without warning, they began to attack.

Beams of dark energy emanated from their hulls, targeting the defensive barriers of Nexus Rings. The celestial entity trembled under the onslaught, but Zarael's mastery over gravitational forces held strong. "To your battle station!"

Everyone entered their ships and prepare to be deployed.

With the order from the Nexus Rings, the warships were sent out of the barrier and charged towards the enemy.

The Celestial Schemata were also deployed.

"Shouldn't we fight as well?" Salamander asked.

"No. It's better if you stay here," Zarael said.

"But the enemy is over there. Why are we staying over here?"

Vortimer glanced at Zarael and nodded. "I understand. We all should stay in the Nexus Rings. My army can decimate their numbers."

"I still don't get it. Our allies are going out to fight, and yet we stay here in safety."

Vortimer looked at him. "You do not understand. The best cards are left to be used last. Deploying you and the others will be a waste if the timing is not right. You're a warrior, a soldier, so it's normal if you only know how to fight a battle, but don't know how to win a war."

Vortimer approached the screens, depicting the battlefield. Both of his hands behind his back. "Ringmaster, would you mind if I tell you my strategy?"

Zarael stood beside him. "I am listening."

Aldred comforted Salamander as he watched Vortimer and Zarael making a plan.

"It's okay. You will get your chance to fight."

"Say, Aldred. You are a noble with a mighty army in your home world. Does this situation familiar to you?"

"It's far too familiar. I do this all the time. We all play different roles in the battlefield. We are like chess pieces. Some can only be used in certain situations at certain times, while some could simply charge forward at any time."

Salamander nodded. "Alright."

Aldred chuckled. "Don't be so serious. It's not the first time we're fighting a demon army."

Salamander smiled, remembering the first time he fought against the demon with Aldred. 

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