Reincarnated as the Demon King's Son

Chapter 699 699 New Tech

Chapter 699 699 New Tech

"How dare you! Are you so incompetent that you couldn't even gather the resources and manpower yourself? Your ruled in Xantis Expanse is not yet official. If you want to keep your territory in the future, then you need to show the Emperor your utmost loyalty. I will not hear about this matter no more. The next time we speak, I demand significant progress."

The screen vanished.

Aldred slammed the table with his fist, creating a dent. "Fucking bastard! Think you can order me around?"

He was about to destroy something before he calm himself down. "I need to calm down. The people with great power in the Imperium naturally cannot be tricked with simple words. I need to think of something."

After a few minutes, Aldred quickly thought of a plan. "If I can't get those resources, then I will get them myself."

Aldred pressed on a button on his command panel. "Zarael."

Zarael's projection popped out. "You called?"

"Yes. I want you to help me with something."

"What is it?"

Francus Hendry was sitting inside a spacecraft holding a plastic spoon as he blankly stared at his food.

"Nervous?" Grigor asked.

Grigor was the old man that Francus met the first time he arrived in the Xantis Expanse. The both of them had entered the Celestial Platoon and stayed every since.

"I've been doing this for over two years. Why are you still asking that question?"

Grigor laughed. "No matter how many times we do this. There is always a chance that this will be our last."

"Don't make it dramatic, old man." Francus put his food down and stood up.

"I am not dramatic." The old man stood up as well and wore his battle suit. 

The door in front of them opened, revealing the sky full of winged beasts attacking the air forces.

A sea of gigantic land monsters marched and surrounded a city as fast projectiles and laser beams were fired in every single direction.

"I was just being realistic." 

Everyone threw themselves out of the spacecraft and pulled out their weapons and began firing towards the monsters. Francus activated the rapid-fire mode and started blasting towards the flying monsters that came at them.

"Release the wings! We need to reach the high ground!"

Francus pulled a lever located on his knee and a pair of wings appeared on his back. 

There were small wings coming out of his legs too, and the team glide through the air as they shot down monsters.

They were flying towards a hill where they would get a safe space and great position to fire the monsters.

A winged-beast dived from above.

The HUD on Francus' helmet blared with alarm as it warn him of danger. Quickly, he set his attention above and fired towards the beast.

Two energy beams struck at the beast's wings, making it losing its balance in the air.

"I got you!" 

The team quickly arrived atop the hill and made a safe landing.

Then all of them grabbed a coin out of their pocket and threw it on the ground.

When the coin was about to land on the ground, they transformed into a massive double-barreled cannon.

"I still can't get used to this technology," Grigor said. "Whoever the engineer behind this is a fucking genius!"

Francus smiled. He agreed with every word Grigor said.

Wasting no time, they manned the turret and started firing powerful explosive beams towards the land and sky.

They were firing their cannons like a rapid machine guns, drawing the sky and land with lines of blue and explosions.

After hours of firing endlessly, the cannons finally ran out of energy. 

However, they already took our a large chunk of the monsters.

Francus stepped out of the cannon and it transformed into a coin that fell to his palm.

The coin looked burnt and it actually felt really hot. If it wasn't for his extreme-temperature glove, his palm would be burned. 

"Man, that cannon is awesome! If only we can use it more often."

Francus nodded. "Sadly, it's a one-time-use."

"Learn to be grateful, young man. Two years ago, we don't have something like this. It's thanks to the Celestial Platoon always innovating their tech that we can enjoy this kind of stuff. It might be one-time-use, but it's extremely cheap and portable."

"I wonder who make all of these?"

"I don't know. Anyway, why don't we enter the city and get some drinks?"

"That's a good idea, old man!" Zonass said. He was Francus' crewmate and was extremely good with close-range weapons.

He was always sad that he couldn't show his talent most of the time however. "Today, I didn't have the chance to use my sword so I really need the drink."

"I don't think you will ever get the chance to use a sword. Like ever," Zhulgap commented while putting a massive sniper on his back. "This era is the era of ranged-weapons. Fighting face to face is no longer the hype."

Zonass was down after hearing that. "I don't want to hear it. No matter what, I still believe my sword will be of use."

Zhulgap approached him and patted his back. "Sooner or later you will embrace the truth."

"Anyway, I also agree with the old man. Let's get some drinks as we wait to be picked up," Francus said.

Everyone agreed. Then they walked off the cliff before their feet were planted on the wall. Then they simply walked down vertically.

Their armor had gravity-defying ability to some extent, allowing them to walk on vertical wall. 

It also helped them when lifting heavy-objects, or jumping great distances.

There were many type of armor offered by the Celestial Platoon. There were the Nanite Infused Armor which was able to adapt to different threats and threats, providing better armor for all kinds of situations.

There were the Stealth Mirage, great for infiltration and other missions.

However, they chose the Gravity Defiance Exoskeleton which they believed to best suited for them. 

"I hope they got some good drinks."

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