Reincarnated as the Demon King's Son

Chapter 703 703 The Messenger 2

Chapter 703 703 The Messenger 2

Admiral Voss clenched her jaw, her gaze shifting from the crowd outside to the unwavering determination in Salamander's eyes. 

The other council members, too, were grappling with the undeniable reality that the public sentiment had swayed dramatically against them. 

The head of the planetary council, the stern-faced politician, sighed heavily. "It seems we have no choice. The will of the people cannot be ignored. We will comply with the Imperium's demands and provide the necessary resources for the war effort." 

Salamander nodded in acknowledgment. "Wise decision. The Imperium thanks you for your cooperation. Lives depend on the unity of our worlds."

As the planetary council reluctantly began the process of allocating resources and preparing for their contribution to the war effort, the crowd outside erupted in cheers. The signs declaring love for the Celestial Platoon were waved more fervently, and the atmosphere shifted from uncertainty to a collective determination to face the impending threat.

Salamander left the government building and waved to the people before he entered the aircraft and left the area.

"That was a major success, sir."

"That's only one of the many planet we need to talk with. I don't think our challenges will become easier."

After the successful resolution on the first planet, Salamander embarked on a journey that would take him to various corners of the Imperium. Each planet presented a unique set of challenges, and Salamander knew that the success he achieved on the first world might not be easily replicated. 

As his spacecraft traversed the vastness of space, Salamander took the opportunity to reflect on the gravity of the task at hand. 

The montage unfolded as Salamander visited planets of different landscapes, atmospheres, and cultures. On each world, he met with planetary leaders, addressing their concerns, facing their defiance, and seeking their commitment to the Imperium's cause. 

On a verdant planet covered in lush forests, the leaders were reluctant to part with their resources, arguing that their ecosystem was delicate and any disruption could have catastrophic consequences. Salamander, with a mix of diplomacy and stern warnings, managed to secure their cooperation, emphasizing that the demonic forces threatened not only their world but the very essence of life across the galaxy. 

Another planet, desolate and arid, presented a different set of challenges. The leaders there, grappling with scarce water resources, questioned the practicality of diverting essential supplies for a war they felt might be distant and abstract. Salamander, ever the strategist, outlined the interconnectedness of the Imperium and how the demonic forces, if left unchecked, could find their way to any corner of the galaxy. 

"Besides, we don't need your water. You can keep it for yourself."

"Still, our water resources are scarce and can barely sustain our population."

"I am telling you. We are not taking your water."

In each negotiation, Salamander faced moments of tension, defiance, and, at times, subtle cooperation. The leaders, aware of their responsibilities to their own people, struggled to reconcile the immediate needs of their worlds with the looming threat that Salamander vividly portrayed. 

A lot of times, there were people that tried to play dumb, trying to tire him from negotiating.

Thankfully he was not stupid enough to fall for their tricks.

Amidst these intense diplomatic encounters, Salamander recognized the importance of taking breaks to rejuvenate his mind and maintain his focus. His spacecraft became a sanctuary during these moments of respite. The vessel, equipped with advanced amenities, provided a temporary escape from the weighty responsibilities he carried 

Salamander would immerse himself in a virtual reality simulation, a tranquil space that mimicked the landscapes of his homeworld. The soothing sounds of nature, whether it was the gentle rustling of leaves or the calming flow of water, helped him momentarily detach from the political complexities of his mission. 

In these breaks, Salamander found solace in meditation, a practice ingrained in the training of the Celestial Platoon. The rhythmic breaths and moments of quiet introspection allowed him to recalibrate his thoughts and steel himself for the challenges that awaited on the next planet. 

As the montage progressed, Salamander's determination remained unwavering. The success of each negotiation brought him one step closer to the unity required to combat the demonic forces. The Imperium, a coalition of diverse worlds, faced a common enemy, and Salamander, as the emissary of the Celestial Platoon, navigated the intricate web of politics, ideologies, and survival instincts that defined each planetary leader. 

To be honest, he was satisfied with his current job.

"But fucking hell I am really tired."

"You did a good job," Cleome said through a holographic screen. "Thank you for your hard work."

"How is the progress on your side?"

"We are not doing so well, either. One planet take us weeks of delay. I have to resort to extreme measure before they stop delaying any further."

"Sometimes you really have to do that. Don't forget to mention the Inquisitor, Imperium, Emperor, and Humanity. Put these key words in all of your statements. They won't have much to say if you keep repeating these words over and over again."

"Thanks for the tip," Cleome replied. "Anyway, why did you accept this task anyway? Aren't you working under Vortimer in Research and Development team? I heard your portable dispensable cannon is a big hit."

"I like my job there, however, I got bored from staring at empty walls for two years. I figure a change of environment and job desc will give me more inspiration and open my mind space."

"At least you're not planning to stop inventing forever. The people in R&D have been begging me to tell you to come back."

Salamander laughed. "Those nerds. They rarely talk to me, but they truly care about me, huh?"

"Uhh, nope. They said ever since you left their workload have been increased, so they need you to return to help them."

Salamander smiled bitterly. "You could've just agree with me."

Cleome chuckled. "I still can't believe we could become some big shots. I was happy with our little squad before, but we can do so much more right now."

Salamander scoffed with a smile. "It's all because of some random guy from another universe looking for a way to get back to his wives."

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