Reincarnated as the Demon King's Son

Chapter 712 712 Blood For Blood

Chapter 712 712 Blood For Blood

The remaining mercenaries, fueled by a potent mix of grief and anger, rallied against the demonic onslaught.

Their spacecraft surged forward, a symphony of celestial steel determined to defy the forces that had taken so much from them. The void of space became an arena of vengeance, illuminated by the fiery trails of their propulsion systems.

As the mercenaries engaged the demons, their collective roar echoed through the cosmic battleground. They fought with a ferocity born from loss, each maneuver a testament to their dedication to the Celestial Platoon. Energy beams crisscrossed the expanse, creating a dazzling display of celestial fireworks as the two forces clashed in the cold vastness of space.

The celestial ballet of combat unfolded with a mix of precision and chaos. The remaining mercenaries, despite the overwhelming odds, displayed a remarkable coordination honed through battles fought side by side. They moved with purpose, retaliating against the demons with a fervor that spoke of their resolve.

Amidst the wreckage of the fallen cargo ship, Francus and Grigor crawled out of the rubble, their bodies battered and broken. The air was thick with acrid smoke, and the groans of stressed metal provided a haunting backdrop to their struggle for survival. Francus, grimacing in pain, clutched his severed leg stump, while Grigor, with his left shoulder mangled, struggled to crawl out.

"Old man, you manage to survive, huh?" Francus asked. One of his eyes burnt.

Grigor saw one of Francus' leg was gone. "Hm, we got lucky." He pointed at the sky. "Look. Our comrades are avenging us."

The celestial battlefield continued to unfold before them. The dazzling display of combat in the cosmic expanse painted an otherworldly scene, a stark contrast to the grim reality on the remnants of the cargo ship. Despite their injuries, Francus and Grigor couldn't tear their eyes away from the celestial ballet of vengeance.

The pain that surged through their bodies was matched only by the pain in their hearts as they watched their comrades fight against the demonic forces. Every breath became a struggle, but their spirits remained unbroken. Their eyes reflected a mix of agony and determination, a silent vow to stand by their fellow mercenaries even in the face of devastating loss

The void of space bore witness to their struggle, and amidst the chaos, the remaining Celestial Platoon members moved with a unity that defied the odds. Energy beams flashed, and spacecraft maneuvered with a grace that spoke of a shared purpose. The celestial steel symphony continued, an anthem of defiance echoing through the cosmic expanse.

Despite the excruciating pain, Francus and Grigor couldn't tear their eyes away from the celestial ballet. Every explosion, every clash of energy beams, was a testament to the indomitable spirit of their comrades. Each moment fueled their determination to endure the pain and witness the outcome of this cosmic struggle.

As they watched, a sense of pride welled within them. The Celestial Platoon, despite the devastating blow, stood resilient. Their comrades fought not just against the demons but against the despair that threatened to engulf them.

Francus gritted his teeth and clenched his fist before he roared to the sky. "Everyone! Show them! Show those demons that we are strong!"

Grigor watched Francus' action with widened eyes. And then he chuckled and roared to the sky too.

The remaining mercenaries, their spacecraft a symphony of celestial steel, engaged the demonic forces with strategic brilliance. They moved with a unified purpose, each maneuver calculated to outsmart the enemy. Energy beams lanced through the void, finding their targets with deadly precision. The celestial ballet of combat unfolded, a dance of vengeance against the forces that had dared to strike at the heart of the Celestial Platoon.

Their tactics were not just a display of firepower but a strategic ballet, each ship complementing the movements of others. They exploited the vulnerabilities of the demonic spacecraft, destroying them one by one in a dazzling display of celestial fireworks.

The void of space echoed with the roars of victory as the Celestial Platoon seemed to gain the upper hand. The demons, caught off guard by the resilience and tactical prowess of their adversaries, faltered in the face of the vengeful onslaught.

However, just when victory appeared within grasp, the cosmic arena witnessed the sudden emergence of a colossal battlecruiser. Its dark hull loomed ominously against the backdrop of stars, a harbinger of impending doom. The mercenaries, in the midst of their triumph, now faced a new and overwhelming threat.

Francus and Grigor, observing the celestial dance from their vantage point on the wreckage, exchanged shocked glances. The remnants of their battle-worn bodies felt a chill as the massive warship unleashed a barrage of devastating firepower. The once-triumphant mercenaries found themselves outmatched and outgunned.

"No! This cannot be! What is that thing doing here?" Francus was in disbelief.

The tide turned swiftly as the demonic battlecruiser's onslaught decimated the celestial forces. Explosions blossomed like deadly flowers in the vastness of space, each bloom representing the demise of a once-proud spacecraft. The surviving mercenaries, along with local planetary forces monitoring the battle, watched in horror as their comrades were obliterated.

Francus clenched his fists, his eyes wide with shock. Grigor, usually stoic, muttered in disbelief, "By the stars, we thought they only wanted the cargo ship. Why bring a weapon of such magnitude? Do they seek to annihilate the planet as well?"

"What do we do now?" Francus asked. "Hey, old man. What the hell do we do now?"

The massive battlecruise loomed over the planet as Grigor replied with clenched jaw. "How the hell should I know."

They were too weak to handle this situation.

The massive battlecruiser, its ominous presence casting a shadow over the planet, began charging its main cannon with an eerie hum that reverberated through space. A sickly green glow emanated from the colossal weapon, and tendrils of dark energy snaked around it, creating an otherworldly spectacle.

As the cannon charged, the very fabric of space seemed to ripple and distort.

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