Reincarnated as the Demon King's Son

Chapter 717 717 Power Armor Development

Chapter 717 717 Power Armor Development

Eclipsea, concealed in the shadows of Aldred's private chamber, observed the crew's reactions to the bestowed blessing. As the crew delved into discussions about leveraging their newfound abilities, Eclipsea couldn't help but find their enthusiasm intriguing. Mortals, driven by the desire for power and improvement, were always a fascinating spectacle to her.

The meeting concluded, and Eclipsea decided to follow the crew to Salamander's ship. With a thought, she traversed the cosmic realms and materialized on the sleek vessel. Her form, wrapped in celestial patterns, blended seamlessly with the ambient shadows of the ship.

Inside, Salamander, driven by curiosity, initiated a test of his new abilities. Opening a communication channel, he accessed a digital library containing a vast array of technological knowledge. Eclipsea, perched in the corner of the room, observed with keen interest.

"Quantum Realms: Navigating the Subatomic Frontiers" by Dr. Aria Nova

Dive into the intricacies of quantum mechanics and explore the possibilities of manipulating the very fabric of reality.

"Warp Drive Mastery: Beyond the Speed of Light" by Professor Orion Stratos

Unravel the mysteries of faster-than-light travel and delve into the theoretical foundations of warp drives, bending space-time for interstellar journeys.

"Gravity's Enigma: Unraveling the Force that Shapes the Cosmos" by Dr. Celeste Nebula

Explore the depths of gravitational theory, from the nature of black holes to the influence of gravity on cosmic structures.

"The Art of Nanotech: Engineering at the Atomic Scale" by Dr. Maxwell Nano

Delve into the world of nanotechnology, where manipulation at the atomic level opens new frontiers in materials science, medicine, and beyond.

As Salamander navigated the digital bookshelves, he selected a book on advanced quantum mechanics and nanotechnology. Eclipsea, her eyes gleaming with amusement, anticipated the unfolding experiment.

Quantum Realms: Navigating the Subatomic Frontiers" by Dr. Aria Nova

The Art of Nanotech: Engineering at the Atomic Scale" by Dr. Maxwell Nano

"Let's try these two," Salamander said to himself.

The holographic status panel appeared before Salamander, presenting the option to acquire the knowledge.

[Would you like to learn "Quantum Realms: Navigating the Subatomic Frontiers" by Dr. Aria Nova"?]

[Would you like to learn "The Art of Nanotech: Engineering at the Atomic Scale" by Dr. Maxwell Nano"?]

Salamander, without hesitation, replied affirmatively. In that instant, a surge of information flowed from the digital repository into his consciousness. It wasn't just memorization; Salamander comprehended the intricacies, nuances, and even identified potential improvements and flaws within the content.

"This… this is incredible!"

Driven by an insatiable hunger for wisdom, Salamander continued his exploration of the digital tomes. Book after book, the sea of information flowed into him, expanding his intellectual horizons. Eclipsea, observing the mortal's journey, couldn't help but appreciate the beauty of a mind transcending its limits.

After absorbing the knowledge from about a hundred books or so, a subtle transformation occurred. The holographic status panel, shimmering with ethereal light, announced a significant development.

[Level Up: Level 119 -> 120]

[Congratulations. You have break through the barrier and transcend into another realm of concsiousness]


Salamander, initially bewildered, soon felt the tangible effects of this transcendence. A surge of newfound power coursed through his veins, and his physicality underwent a metamorphosis. His muscles felt more powerful, his movements became incredibly flexible, and an indescribable strength pulsed within him.

As Salamander flexed his fingers, he marveled at the enhanced dexterity. It was as if he could feel the cosmic energies that flowed through the universe, granting him an unprecedented connection to the fabric of reality. His vision, once confined to the limitations of the mortal realm, now allowed him to perceive reality with an astonishing level of detail and sharpness.

Colors seemed more vibrant, textures more pronounced, and the intricate dance of particles in the air became a mesmerizing spectacle. Salamander could discern nuances in the cosmic tapestry that were previously hidden, a testament to the profound transformation that had taken place within him.

"Is this how Aldred see reality?"

As Salamander marveled at the confirmation of his leveled-up status, another prompt appeared on the holographic display.

[Increased Intelligence: Your intellectual capacity has grown, enhancing your ability to learn and comprehend new knowledge.]

Eclipsea, who had been silently observing, revealed herself from the shadows. "Ah, the dance of enlightenment. Your mind now transcends its previous limitations, mortal. Still, I cannot understand how Aldred gave them this blessing."

She smiled, recalling the powerful vampire that threatened to kill her. "It must be because of that woman."

Salamander, fueled by the surge of newfound intelligence and the desire to push the boundaries of his technological prowess, wasted no time putting his enhanced abilities to the test. Opening his communications interface, he navigated to a secured folder containing all his blueprints—years of innovation and technological marvels neatly organized within the digital confines.

Among the numerous options, Salamander chose a blueprint for nanotech armor. He thought for a moment, considering the potential improvements he could bring to this cutting-edge piece of technology. The holographic display projected the intricate design before him, a lattice of nanobots interwoven to create a formidable shield.

As Salamander studied the blueprint, his mind effortlessly grasped the complexities of the nanotech armor. It was as if he could see beyond the lines and codes, understanding the very essence of its design. Within seconds, ideas for improvement flooded his consciousness.

With a determined nod, Salamander decided to make the nanotech armor both lighter and stronger. However, he also set an ambitious challenge for himself—to integrate a feature that would create a small quantum tunnel in emergencies, a mechanism capable of whisking the wearer to safety in the blink of an eye.

"The mercenaries set out to one dangerous missions to the next. If I can make this power armor work, a lot of lives will be saved."

Leaving his quarters, Salamander headed to the research chamber within his ship. The moment he entered, the room's high-tech devices hummed to life. Robotic arms whirred into action, and the supercomputer, a marvel of artificial intelligence, awaited his commands.

Salamander laid out the nanotech armor blueprint on a holographic table, surrounded by holographic displays that projected intricate details of the design. With a swift motion, he summoned the nanobots from the ship's storage, each one pulsating with potential.

Step by step, Salamander meticulously worked on enhancing the armor. He started by optimizing the nanobot composition, making them stronger while reducing their overall weight. The robotic arms deftly assembled the improved nanobots, creating a more efficient and resilient lattice.

As he progressed, Salamander's mind seamlessly connected with the ship's supercomputer. Complex algorithms and simulations ran in the background, predicting the performance of the enhanced nanotech armor in various scenarios. The nanobots responded to his mental commands, reshaping and adapting in real-time.

Salamander smiled. "We are getting a good start."

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