Reincarnated as the Demon King's Son

Chapter 723 Confusing Situation

723  Chapter 723 Confusing Situation

In Shuzib's bedroom aboard the Celestial Platoon spaceship, he awoke with a disoriented sense of confusion. Amnesia clouded his mind, and as he looked around, he noticed the room bore signs of chaos. Broken objects lay scattered, a testament to an inexplicable burst of strength.

A mysterious woman's voice echoed in his head, a haunting melody that whispered ancient secrets. "Embrace the gift, Shuzib. Your true nature awaits."

As he tried to comprehend the cryptic message, an intense thirst overcame him, accompanied by a surge of uncontrollable strength. Shuzib clutched his head, grappling with the unfamiliar sensations coursing through his veins.

In a sudden twist of fate, Shuzib's appearance transformed before his eyes. His once ordinary frame became more athletic, his features taking on a mysterious and vampire-like allure. He examined himself in awe, realizing that something extraordinary had happened.

A hunger gnawed at him, a thirst for something he couldn't quite comprehend. Guided by newfound senses, he detected the rhythmic pulse of hearts around him. The soldiers that were assigned by Aldred to guard him. Shuzib's vision shifted, revealing a spectrum that highlighted the life force within living beings.

"What is this? What happened to me?"

In a moment of struggle, Shuzib's wife entered the room, concern etched on her face. Unaware of the transformation, she tried to soothe him. Shuzib, wrestling with the predatory instincts within, managed to maintain composure and assure her that all was well.

"I am fine, honey. Just need a little time for myself."

"If you say so. Don't forget to eat your breakfast."

Shuzib nodded and his wife closed the door with a click.

He took in a deep breath. "I need to start experimenting. Based on my knowledge, all the traits that I experienced meant that I somehow transform into vampire."

There are many tales about vampire and their possible weaknesses, so Shuzib would like to know more about that.

As Shuzib delved into understanding his new existence, he experimented with perceived weaknesses. To his surprise, garlic and sunlight proved inconsequential. A realization struck him – he might be something more than just an enhanced human.

As Shuzib's wife called him for breakfast, the enticing aroma of freshly cooked food filled the spaceship's air. His daughter, a bright-eyed child, eagerly awaited her father's company. Despite the unsettling revelations about his transformed state, Shuzib couldn't deny the warmth he felt for his family.

"Breakfast is ready, dear," his wife called, her voice carrying a soothing melody.

Because Aldred now basically a cosmic lord that ruled over a region in the galaxy, Shuzib decided to bring his wife with him. Before, their journey was perilous and filled with incredible danger so Shuzib did not bring his wife.

"I am still holding a grudge that you didn't look for me after the Xenos invasion," his wife said.

"I already know you survived. I don't fully trust Aldred at that time. What if he plan to enslave me by threatening you two? It's okay if I die, but I cannot let you two suffer."

His wife had a look of regret on her face. "Sorry. I didn't know. I shouldn't have assumed and judged badly of you."

"It's fine. I should have explained myself."

"Morning, Daddy!" his daughter chirped, her eyes gleaming with innocence.

Shuzib returned their smiles, his heart heavy with conflicting emotions. The love he felt for his family was undeniable, but an unsettling realization lurked beneath the surface of his new existence.

They sat down at the table, a scene of familial bliss, yet Shuzib's thoughts were a tempest of uncertainty. He picked up the utensils, his fingers more agile than before, and brought a morsel of food to his lips.

As he bit into the meal, an overwhelming wave of disgust crashed over him. The flavors, once familiar and comforting, now felt foreign and repulsive. He spat the food into a napkin, trying to hide his discomfort.

His wife, concerned, looked at him. "What's wrong, Shuzib? Are you feeling okay?"

Shuzib, struggling to find the words, managed to force a smile. "I think I'm coming down with something. Maybe I should skip breakfast."

His daughter pouted, her innocent eyes filled with concern. "But Daddy, you need to eat to get better."

Shuzib ruffled her hair, his heart aching. "I promise, sweetheart, I'll eat later. Go on and enjoy your meal."

As they continued to eat, Shuzib observed his family with a mix of adoration and sorrow. The joyous chatter at the table seemed distant to him, a reminder of the humanity slipping away. He longed to share his burden with them, to explain the inexplicable changes coursing through his veins, but the fear of causing them distress silenced him.

His wife, noticing his distant gaze, reached out and touched his hand. "Shuzib, you're not yourself today. Is there something you're not telling us?"

He met her eyes, searching for the right words, but the weight of his secret pressed heavily on his chest. "It's just work stress, dear. I didn't sleep well last night."

She nodded understandingly, but a hint of worry lingered in her expression. The bond they shared, once built on trust and transparency, now faced an unspoken barrier.

After the meal, Shuzib excused himself, feigning exhaustion. In the solitude of his room, he grappled with the conflicting emotions swirling within. The thirst for blood, the aversion to human food — these were traits of a creature he couldn't fully comprehend.

"I recalled Aldred gave me some sort of blessing. Is this part of it? I need to ask him."

Shuzib, growing increasingly restless, attempted to contact Aldred through the communication system on the spaceship. However, to his dismay, the connection failed to establish. Each attempt only deepened his confusion, for Aldred was known to respond swiftly.

"I must be very busy because of the war," Shuzib thought, trying to rationalize the situation. Despite his attempts to calm himself, an unsettling feeling lingered in the pit of his stomach.

As the hours passed, Shuzib's mind raced with speculation. The newfound thirst for blood, enhanced senses, and the cryptic message from the mysterious woman weighed heavily on him. In his solitude, he grappled with the unknown, searching for answers that remained elusive.

"Who else can I talk to about this? Cleome? No. Salamander? No, he probably know nothing about vampire. What about Shinari?"

Shuzib thought for a moment before he came to a decision. "Let's try her."


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