Reincarnated as the Demon King's Son

Chapter 746 746 Long Range Battle

Chapter 746 Chapter 746 Long Range Battle

?On the battlefield, amidst the chaos of war, Francus stood like a bastion of calm. He hoisted a massive sniper, more akin to an artillery cannon, onto his shoulder with surprising ease. A high-tech screen floated before his eyes, displaying zoomed-in views of his targets along with crucial data like speeds, weak points, and trajectories.

Whistling a tune, Francus peered through the screen, his eyes calculating and focused. He aimed the gigantic sniper, which had more in common with a high-accuracy cannon, and pulled the trigger. The recoil was immense, shaking the ground beneath him and kicking up clouds of dust around him.

The shell, propelled at a staggering Mach 6, hurtled through the air and struck a demonic ship with pinpoint accuracy. On impact, the ship's hull ruptured, and a moment later, it exploded spectacularly from within.

Francus chuckled to himself, "4399 kills and counting." His eyes then caught sight of Grigor and Rael, jetting towards the demonic flagship. A grin spread across his face. "Time to focus on the big game."

With a renewed sense of purpose, Francus adjusted the settings on his sniper, targeting the massive flagship. He fired round after round, each shot thundering through the air, aimed at weakening the flagship's defenses and creating an opening for Grigor and Rael.

The shells from Francus's cannon struck the flagship with ferocious power, each impact sending small shockwaves through the demonic vessel. The vessel barely detect his attack because there were so many other ships distracting it.

"Come on, you two," Francus muttered under his breath, his eyes tracking the progress of Grigor and Rael as they neared the flagship. "Just a little closer…"

Grigor and Rael, moving with the agility of seasoned warriors, navigated the debris and chaos of the space battle. They dodged incoming fire and debris, their sights set on the flagship that Francus was relentlessly bombarding.

Rael, glancing back at the explosions Francus was creating, shouted over the comms, "Nice shooting, Francus! We're going in!"

Grigor, his blades ready, added, "Keep them busy, we're about to board that beast!"

Francus, hearing their voices over the comm, nodded to himself. "You got it. Covering your approach."

With a final, well-placed shot, Francus blasted a large section of the flagship's hull, creating an opening. He watched as Grigor and Rael seized the opportunity, diving into the breach amidst a shower of sparks and debris.

"Good luck, you two," Francus said quietly, his gaze still fixed on the flagship. "Make it count."

As he reloaded his cannon, he couldn't help but feel a surge of pride. Together, they were more than just soldiers; they were the vanguard of hope against the demonic onslaught.

Francus, his focus unwavering, shifted his strategy as he targeted the demonic flagship's weapons. The monstrous vessel bristled with armaments, each a threat that needed neutralizing. He squeezed the trigger of his massive sniper, the shots thundering out with the intention of disabling the ship's offensive capabilities. However, each shot was met with the frustration of encountering formidable energy barriers and thick shields.

"Stubborn demons," he muttered, his brow furrowing in concentration. The shields were proving to be a significant obstacle, absorbing the impacts with an infuriating resilience.

In a moment of tactical ingenuity, Francus decided to amplify his offensive. He deployed seven additional giant snipers, each mounted on sturdy tripods and positioned strategically around him. He connected to them remotely, his high-tech screen now a complex control panel for coordinating a symphony of firepower.

"Let's see how they like this," he said with a determined grit. His fingers danced over the controls, synchronizing the aim of all the snipers towards a singular target on the flagship. The air reverberated with the synchronized blasts, as each cannon fired in unison, sending a concentrated barrage towards the flagship.

The combined firepower was overwhelming. The energy barriers flickered and strained under the relentless assault, the thick shields beginning to show signs of wear. Bit by bit, Francus chiseled away at the ship's defenses, his determination mirrored in the relentless volley of his cannons.

As he continued his assault, Francus kept a vigilant eye on the progress of Grigor and Rael. Through his screen, he could see their figures darting through the chaos, moving ever closer to the heart of the flagship.

"Almost there," he whispered, his hands steady as he coordinated the next volley. "Just hold on a little longer."

His concentration was absolute, every fiber of his being focused on the task at hand. The sounds of battle around him faded into the background, all that mattered was the target in his sights and the lives of his comrades relying on his support.

With each successful hit, the flagship's defenses waned, creating opportunities for further attacks. Francus knew that this battle was far from over, but with each passing moment, their victory became more than just a distant hope - it became a tangible possibility.

The battlefield was a maelstrom of chaos and destruction, but Francus stood as a pillar of focused determination. With each pull of the trigger, his massive sniper cannon roared, its shots tearing through space toward the demonic flagship. Finally, a triumphant grin spread across Francus's face as he watched one of the ship's formidable weapons explode into a fireball, disabled by his precise shot.

"Got one," he murmured, a sense of satisfaction in his voice. He quickly shifted his aim, targeting other weapons on the flagship. Each successful hit reduced the enemy's firepower, tipping the scales of the battle in their favor. Francus could see the immediate effect; fewer of his comrades were falling, their counterattacks growing more effective.

The screen in front of him provided a live feed of Grigor and Rael's progress inside the ship. They moved with lethal efficiency, but suddenly, they encountered a massive demon, its size and power posing a significant threat. Francus frowned, his mind racing for a solution.

"Time to even the odds," he said resolutely. He redirected three of the remote snipers, adjusting their aim to penetrate the ship's hull near the location of the demon. The cannons fired in unison, the shells punching through the less protected walls of the flagship and detonating with devastating effect.

Inside the ship, Grigor and Rael felt the sudden shockwave as the massive demon was obliterated by Francus's intervention. Over the comms, Grigor's voice came through, "Nice shot, Francus! That was a close one."

Francus chuckled, his eyes still scanning the battlefield. "Just doing my part. Keep moving and stay safe in there."

He returned his focus to the flagship, his fingers dancing over the control panel. The ship's hull and interior walls were clearly not as heavily fortified as the areas around its weapons. It was a strategic vulnerability that Francus intended to exploit fully.

With renewed vigor, he unleashed another barrage, targeting the weaker sections of the ship. Each hit caused further damage, crippling the flagship's ability to retaliate effectively. The demonic vessel was beginning to lose its menacing edge, now riddled with explosions and breaches from Francus's relentless assault.

Watching the screen, Francus saw Grigor and Rael making their way deeper into the flagship. He knew the battle was far from over, but every disabled weapon, every breached wall, brought them one step closer to victory.

With a steady hand and an unyielding spirit, Francus continued his assault, the giant sniper cannons roaring in a symphony of destruction, each note a harbinger of doom for the demonic flagship.

As the battle raged on, Francus's position became the epicenter of destruction. His determination was as unwavering as the giant snipers he controlled. One by one, he methodically disabled the weapons of the demonic flagship. With every direct hit, the enemy's firepower diminished, and the tide of the battle shifted ever so slightly in their favor.

With a keen eye on his screen, Francus watched as Grigor and Rael advanced deeper into the bowels of the flagship. The live feed showed them moving with lethal precision, cutting down demons in their path. However, as they progressed, they stumbled upon a heavily fortified chamber, teeming with elite demon guards. Francus clenched his teeth, knowing the danger his comrades faced.

"Time to up the ante," he muttered, redirecting the aim of his remote snipers. He targeted the walls surrounding the chamber, intending to breach it and give Grigor and Rael the upper hand. The cannons fired in unison, the explosive shells ripping through the metal and creating a gaping hole. The shockwave from the blasts echoed through the ship, causing a momentary disruption among the demon ranks.

Grigor and Rael seized the opportunity, diving into the chamber through the breach. The demons inside were momentarily stunned, but they quickly regrouped, launching a ferocious counterattack. The battle within the flagship was brutal and unforgiving.

Meanwhile, Francus continued his relentless assault on the flagship's defenses. He noticed a pattern in the ship's shield regeneration and adjusted his strategy accordingly. With a series of rapid, targeted strikes, he created a window of vulnerability in the ship's defenses.

"Here's your chance," he communicated to the ground forces. "Focus all firepower on this point!"

The ground forces, understanding the opportunity, unleashed a barrage of artillery and missiles at the weakened spot. The combined firepower hit the flagship with a deafening roar, causing significant damage to its structure. The ship listed to one side, its movements becoming erratic as it struggled to maintain altitude.

Francus watched the chaos unfold, a grim satisfaction on his face. But his triumph was short-lived. A sudden alert on his screen caught his attention – a new threat was emerging on the battlefield.

The demonic forces, sensing their flagship's peril, deployed a massive reinforcement wave. Dozens of smaller, but highly agile, demonic ships appeared, swarming towards the flagship in a desperate attempt to protect it. Their weapons blazed, unleashing a torrent of fire upon the city's defenses.

"Damn it," Francus cursed, his eyes narrowing. He adjusted his snipers, preparing to engage the new wave of enemies. The battle was far from over, and the stakes had just been raised.

As he fired upon the incoming ships, a chilling realization dawned upon him. Among the swarm of demonic vessels, a massive shadow loomed. An enormous ship, unlike any he had seen before, emerged from the chaos. Its hull was adorned with dark runes, and it radiated an aura of malevolence.

Francus's blood ran cold as he recognized the ship – it was the legendary Dreadnaught of the Abyss, a ship thought to be a myth, a vessel of untold power and destruction. Its arrival turned the battle into a nightmare, its massive cannons targeting the city's defenses with devastating accuracy.

As the Dreadnaught unleashed its fury, Francus knew they were facing an enemy that could change the course of the war.

He braced himself, preparing for the battle of his life.

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